The God of Wonders Delights in You

The God of Wonders

The God of Wonders delights in us and gives us a way to walk out of shame.We can claim our child-of-God identity and live in the fullness of His love and grace.

It’s good to be back here in this place with you. My time away was well spent with my family, sitting courtside for a whole lot of basketball, completing a book proposal for what I hope to be my second book, writing articles and posts for some other upcoming projects, and working towards getting healthier.

Healthier physically, emotionally, and spiritually. It’s easy for me to get lost in this ministry of words then find myself forgetting some of the very important aspects of life – like proper sleep, diet, and exercise. And because I know God calls us to steward well what He has given us; I also know the words will not flow where the well is dry.

While I was away God reminded me again and again that He alone is the God of Wonders.

Whether it was in the little moments or the great big life-changing ones, He reminded me He is incomparable to all others.

I discovered I am undeniably a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP). Who ever knew that’s a real thing? I merely thought I was way too sensitive—ruminating over every complicated situation for far too long and feeling emotionally and physically drained afterward. I spent years beating myself up for my perceived “shortcomings”. Now we know there’s some science behind this and I’m not all that strange! I just needed some coping mechanisms!

Have you heard of HSP? You aren't strange - you are a Highly Sensitive Person! Learn more! Click To Tweet

But as I found myself in new situations that triggered those emotions, I saw our God of Wonders show up. When we use the tools given to us through education and advancement—then combine them with faith and trust enough to surrender that which is threatening to steal our joy, we gain a front-row seat to His wonders. I know I write it often, but there truly is freedom in surrendering.

When we use the tools given to us through education and advancement—then combine them with faith and trust enough to surrender that which is threatening to steal our joy, we gain a front-row seat to God's wonders. Click To Tweet

But before I get too carried away, I want to share with you the cool things that happened while I was away!

1. The Brilliantly Brave Parenting Podcast

I had the honor of being interviewed by Robert Beeson and Pastor Brad Mathias of the Brilliantly Brave Parenting Podcast. We talked surrendering as a parent and what living a life of surrender looks like. We also talked adoption, parenting a child with special needs, and my book Surrendered Hearts. If you are a parent and don’t already listen to their podcast, I promise you it will be one of your favorites! They share tips and encouragement for raising up your children to love the Lord. And that is every mama’s greatest hope … can I get an Amen? (You can find them on iTunes, Google Play, Sound Cloud, YouTube, and all other major platforms.) 

Talking surrender to the God of Wonders — both as a parent and what in general living a life of surrender looks like. We also talked adoption, parenting a child with special needs, and my book Surrendered Hearts. If you are a parent and don't already listen to the Brilliantly Brave Parenting podcast, I promise you it will be one of your favorites! They share tips and encouragement for raising up your children to love the Lord. #podcast #parentingpodcast #christianparenting #interview #authorinterview #surrenderedheartsbook #godslove #hope #specialneedsparenting

The Be Audacious Podcast

In this podcast with the beautiful Cassandra Gay of the Be Audacious Podcast, I talked a multitude of topics including my abortion story and the years of heartache and shame I carried with me. But even more importantly, we talked of the power of God's love, redemption, and healing. #abortionstory #healing #redemption #hope #grace #abortion #shame

Then, with the beautiful Cassandra Gay of the Be Audacious Podcast, I talked a multitude of topics including my abortion story and the years of heartache and shame I carried with me. But even more importantly, we talked of the power of God’s love, redemption, and healing.

The Be Audacious Podcast empowers women through our testimonies, letting the Word of God be the foundation of what we stand on. Thanks to Jesus, these testimonies can be used to give people a future, letting them know that we have made mistakes, however it is where we found ourselves and our identity is in God. So, if extra inspiration to push you toward living out your best self and your God-given purpose, this is another podcast you will want to add to your library!

In this podcast with the beautiful Cassandra Gay of the Be Audacious Podcast, I talked a multitude of topics including my abortion story and the years of heartache and shame I carried with me. But even more importantly, we talked of the power of God's love, redemption, and healing. #abortionstory #healing #redemption #hope #grace #abortion #shame

The Devotable Website and App

Finally, my first devotion released with the brilliant Landen Melton and his heart filled ministry called Devotable. Devotable encourages believers and spreads God’s Word through daily devotionals on their app and website, as well as scripture-based apparel. I am thrilled and honored to have joined their community of writers!

Today, I’m sharing a portion of that devotion with you here and then would love if you follow me over to Devotable. Then, make sure to download the app. Just maybe it will find its place in your daily time with Jesus.

The God of Wonders delights in us and gives us a way to walk out of shame.We can claim our child-of-God identity and live in the fullness of His love and grace. #devotions #hope #godslove #grace #godofwonders #shame #labels #identityinchrist #truth

The God of Wonders Delights in You

Never again will you be called “The Forsaken City” or “The Desolate Land.” Your new name will be “The City of God’s Delight” and “The Bride of God,” for the Lord delights in you and will claim you as his bride.  -Isaiah 62:4 NLT

Has life left you with labels that leave you empty? Hopeless? Without meaning? Unworthy?

Maybe it was life or the people in it that dealt the blows leading to those labels. Or maybe it was your own choices that gave you cause to place the labels upon yourself.

  • Maybe it was the betrayal of someone you trusted
  • The loss of a job
  • When you followed the world and its ways instead of God and His ways

For each of us the story is different. The logistics all unique. But the shame that finds its way into the crevices of our soul is quite similar.

It grows insidiously and leads us to behave in ways that do not bring out our best. Sometimes we hide from the world or other times we come out swinging aggressively to protect ourselves.

Either way, it’s a survival strategy that doesn’t lead us to the fullness of God’s love and grace.

But there is a way to walk out of that shame. A way to claim the identity as a child of God and live in the fullness of His love and grace. I don’t just say that because it sounds good, either. I say that because it’s right there in the Word of God and because I’ve lived it. I’ve lived labels and shame and then I lived the redemption provided by God with His love and grace. It’s the reason for my hope.

I am “The City of God’s Delight.”

You see, I once lived feeling as though I were “The Forsaken City”. But today I recognize the truth and know I am “The City of God’s Delight.” It didn’t happen overnight and every day I must intentionally stay in my spiritually defensive stance. A stance that protects me when the temptation to go back to old habits arises. But God’s spirit is alive in me and my life is changed. I understand now that the Lord delights in me and wants me to delight in Him each day.

With each sunrise we have a fresh start. A day to start believing truth. To start capturing lies and replacing them with what God says to be Truth – real Truth. A day to start seeing ourselves as the “City of God’s Delight.”

The God of Wonders delights in us and gives us a way to walk out of shame.We can claim our child-of-God identity and live in the fullness of His love and grace. #devotions #hope #godslove #grace #godofwonders #shame #labels #identityinchrist #truth

With each sunrise we have a fresh start. A day to start believing truth. Click To Tweet

So, where do we start? How do we embrace the name given to us by the God of Wonders? Friends, it comes down to one right step at a time.

Click here to follow me over to Devotable as I share those next right steps with you. There, not only can you read the devotion, but you can listen to it!

If you are new here or just haven’t gotten around to subscribing to, now may just be the best time!

To make changes in our life, we have to make intentional choices to move from where we are to where we want to be. Consistently filling our lives with positive life-giving content is one such step in the right direction. I’d like to help you with those steps and lead you toward the life you were designed to live! After subscribing, you’ll receive an email giving you the password to the resource-filled Library of Hope!


I love connecting with these fabulous bloggers!

Have You Read Our Story of Surrender?

Through our adoption journey, God brilliantly showed us the power of living surrendered. We discovered the peace that comes when we walk in God’s will and trust wherever He takes us. Finding that doesn’t usually come along golden paved roads, though. It comes along the broken ones. But along those roads we discover our purpose in life – what God had in mind for us all along.

Surrendered Hearts: An Adoption S
Click here to get your copy for the special Amazon sale price now!
Summer Sale!! Surrendered Hearts! Our story of hope - of learning to surrender ... because we all need the help in letting go of what isn't ours to hold. #surrenderedheartsbook #hope Click To Tweet

Purchase the Surrendered Hearts book on Amazon, Barnes and Noble,, and Redemption Press.

***Disclosure: Some of the links in this post are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, I will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase.

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  1. Our ministry of words and wells running dry resonates. Learning that he is my well which never runs dry.

    1. It’s so good to be back and even better to hear from you! I’ve missed my community here ♥ Yes … us word girls with a heart for ministry can get lost and lose focus on Him and His living water!