Surrendered Hearts

An Adoption Story of Love, Loss, and Learning to Trust

A lifetime of knowing. Decades of praying. Years of paperwork, research, and planning. Lots of tears. And the growing of faith in the waiting.

One look into a pair of sparkling brown eyes, and Lori and Bryan Schumaker fell head-over-heels in love with a beautiful young girl in Bulgaria. Certain this was the child God intended for them, they stepped confidently into the adoption process they’d been preparing for. They thought they knew what to expect, and they did – but there was so much more.

The application process moved smoothly ahead, and they began making plans for their daughter – only to be informed she’d been adopted by a family in Italy.

Heartbroken, they struggled to move on, until, through a series of incredible events, they learned their daughter still languished in her Bulgarian orphanage. Turning heaven and earth, the Schumakers started over. Mix-ups, red tape, inexplicable delays, and a difficult judge threatened the adoption, but they were determined to bring their child home.

In an award-winning true story of learning that trust means surrendering your version of how the story should unfold, Lori and Bryan finally let go – of their dream, of their daughter, of their fears and frustrations. And in that relinquishment, God began to move.

What Others are Saying About Surrendered Hearts

Surrendered Hearts is a captivating book that will encourage, inspire, and enlarge your faith and trust in God, no matter what life experience you are facing! Lori Shumaker’s authentic and heartfelt sharing combined with her practical suggestions and biblical truth is a must-read book for anyone who is adopting or struggling with surrendering their expectations of how life should be. Thank you, Lori, for touching my adoptive-mom heart, my grieving-a-child heart, and my heart that longs to live life trusting God, surrendered.”

— Kathe Wunnenberg, President/Founder of Hopelifters Unlimited, speaker, creator, leader, and author of several books including Grieving the Child I Never Knew

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“This book is riveting! I couldn’t put it down. Lori skillfully draws the curtain on international adoption and gives us a peek into the joy, sorrow and unknowns that every adoptive family faces. She captivated me with her family’s story while candidly sharing the faith lessons God taught her along the way. A must-read for everyone!”

— Stefani Stoltzfus, Founder/Creator of the Truthbytes for Moms Bible study app, blogger at Walls of Home, author of Mom on a Mission, adoptive mother and adoption advocate.

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“Adoption is a surrendering. Giving to God what we cannot control. Trusting that God is working even when we cannot see; weaving together a family, many times, against all odds. Lori Schumacher’s new book, Surrendered Hearts, is a hope-filled story of adoption, and so much more. Lori’s words remind us of the transformation found when we surrender our hearts to the loving Christ, trusting Him to move within the broken parts of our stories, and letting Him make us new.”

— Michelle Madrid-Branch, Author, speaker, international adoptee, global advocate for women and children, and host of the Greater Than Podcast

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“Wow! I loved this book! What an amazing journey that brought back many memories. I was inspired by Lori’s unwavering commitment and faith throughout her journey to her daughter. With the many ups and downs in international adoption, the Schumaker’s story shows how faith can overcome anything!”

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“I have had the privilege of walking with the Schumaker’s through this roller coaster of a journey as a pastor and a friend. Getting to see their story unfold through the pages of this book gives me an even greater appreciation of this family’s faithfulness and God’s goodness. I have been challenged not simply to endure the journey, but to embrace the joy that comes with learning to trust Jesus. Their story will inspire others to step confidently into a calling, whether it be adopting a child or changing a career path.”

— Corey Bullock, former Gilbert and Ahwatukee Campus Pastor for Central Christian Church in Arizona, Teaching and Next Generation Pastor for Trace Church of Colorado Springs


For Sharing

Surrendered Hearts: Next Step in Teaching Me #SurrenderedHearts
Surrendered Hearts: Our adoption story is a story of love. #SurrenderedHearts
Surrendered Hearts: A Longing Within Me For Someone More #SurrenderedHearts
Surrendered Hearts: Patient, Endurance, Steadfast Faith #SurrenderedHearts
Surrendered Hearts: When we only know about God, we can't fully understand who we are in Him. #SurrenderedHearts
Surrendered Hearts: I have found peace is a by-product of surrender and trust. #SurrenderedHearts

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How do you know if adoption is right for you? Will I be able to love a child as though he or she were born from me?This book which is a true adoption story will encourage you to believe in the miracles the Lord will work in your heart and in your lives. | Love of Christ #SurrenderedHeartsBook #Godslove #ChristianAuthor #Adoption #NationalAdoptionMonth
In my new book I share our journey through adoption and how it taught us about surrender, God's faithfulness, and that adoption makes a family. #adoption #SurrenderedHeartsBook #Godslove #adoptionstories
Are you in a difficult season of waiting? This book will encourage you to live surrendered and trust that on the other side of what is difficult, with God it will all somehow be okay. #SurrenderedHeartsBook #Godslove #ChristianAuthor #Adoption #NationalAdoptionMonth

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For Tweeting

Adoption isn’t just about growing families, rescuing children, or picking out a child to call our own. It’s about surrender and trust. And it's about miracles, love, and relentless pursuit. @lori_schumaker #SurrenderedHeartsBook Share on X Control and trust do not exist simultaneously. Life is a series of taking control of the situations we can and letting go of what we cannot. @lori_schumaker #SurrenderedHeartsBook Share on X Even when evil intervenes, God’s work is stronger. @lori_schumaker #SurrenderedHeartsBook Share on X When God is the author of our story, nothing can separate us from Him. Not any kind of red tape or evil that walks this world. Nothing. Nothing is bigger than our God. @lori_schumaker #SurrenderedHeartsBook Share on X Hoping for the impossible feels a lot like letting go. It’s giving your heart a chance to hurt again. But it’s also giving your faith a chance to point to a God who is bigger than your mountains. @lori_schumaker… Share on X