God Loves You. Now and Forever. A New Bible Study to Start Today!

You are loved. Now and FOREVER.

A 7-week Bible study that will help you explore and deepen your relationship with God while uncomplicating His unconditional love for you.

You will never look at yourself, God, or others the same way again after this new 7-week Bible study by Lori Schumaker. Not only will you unravel the mystery of how God loves you, but also grow in your relationship with Him as you take time each day to meditate on what He has written about his own never-ending love for us. The Scriptures are beautiful and filled with truth that will set your heart free! This is a printable pdf ebook that works well on any digital device. Start experiencing the fullness of God's love today!
"God Loves You. Now and Forever: A 7-Week Bible Study About God's Unconditional Love" Uncomplicate God's love, grow in faith, and deepen your relationship with Christ. Share on X

Here’s what this Bible study includes:

7-Weeks of Study

This is referred to as a 7-week Bible study. However, it is designed with life’s interruptions in mind. If you miss a day or two, just pick back up where you started. I do want to help you develop healthy habits of reading the Word of God on a regular basis, but I know life is … well … LIFE! It’s messy and complicated. Because of that, feel no pressure. Rather feel the lure and calling of God through His Word. Feel His love reaching out to you and drawing you in.

Daily Bible Verse, But-God Moment, Journaling

Every day, you will find a Bible verse, a short “But God” moment of explanation, and journaling space to explore how God’s love has changed you. When we take the time to start and end the day with Scripture, we start and end the day resting in His love. It becomes our guide as we walk through the day and our peace as we close our eyes to sleep at night.

Prayer, Where Your Heart Is

Because prayer is powerful and it connects us to our Father, I’ve included an illustrated prayer each week. Not that only one prayer a week is sufficient! We need to be in communication with Jesus all the time. We pray with our short “arrow” prayers throughout our day and then each day we take time to really talk with Jesus. It’s our time to praise Him, thank Him, share our hearts, and ask Him for the things both us and others in our lives need. You will grow in faith and strengthen your relationship with God by praying. Because God loves you, He hears all our prayers even when we don’t know quite how to put words to our heart’s longings. I designed these prayers to be a start for you. They can serve as an example of praying Scripture-based prayers and inspire you to freely express YOUR prayers.

Next Step Resources: Uncomplicate God’s Love by Deepening Your Relationship with Him

I included additional resources for those who want to go deeper with their faith and unpack different aspects of God’s unconditional love for them. The links are live so you can click and go to all my favorite resources. Making a plan that fits YOU is important to healthy and lasting changes!

It was more than acceptance you longed for. There

was something missing. A part of your soul that longed

for more — to be wholly loved.

lori schumaker

Do you know how much God loves you? I’ll give you a hint … It’s more than you could ever imagine! This 7-week Bible study will help you discover that love and how it can change your life.

You will never look at yourself, God, or others the same way again after this new 7-week Bible study by Lori Schumaker. Not only will you unravel the mystery of how God loves you, but also grow in your relationship with Him as you take time each day to meditate on what He has written about his own never-ending love for us. The Scriptures are beautiful and filled with truth that will set your heart free! This is a printable pdf ebook that works well on any digital device. Start experiencing the fullness of God's love today!

I remember when I met Jesus. Like, really met Jesus. It was the day my eyes opened to the mystery of His all-encompassing love. It was when I began learning that faith wasn’t only about salvation. But that it was also about the here and now — this side of the cross. I learned that to know God and His love is to change your life.

lori schumaker

Discover the Power of God’s Love

Passages reminding us that we are unconditionally loved by God fill the Bible. Explore how this truth changes your life, impacts your relationships, and strengthens you against life’s challenges.

God’s love is not something to take for granted. You can’t earn it or deserve it, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t powerful. With this Bible study, you will learn how His love can change your life and help you understand what unconditional really means.

Experience Real Change With Every Chapter!

You will never look at yourself, God, or others the same way again after taking this 7-week Bible study. Not only will you be able to better understand God’s love for you, but also grow in your relationship with Him as you take time each day to meditate on what He has written about his own never-ending love for us. The Scriptures are beautiful and filled with truth that will set your heart free!

You will never look at yourself, God, or others the same way again after this new 7-week Bible study by Lori Schumaker. Not only will you unravel the mystery of how God loves you, but also grow in your relationship with Him as you take time each day to meditate on what He has written about his own never-ending love for us. The Scriptures are beautiful and filled with truth that will set your heart free! This is a printable pdf ebook that works well on any digital device. Start experiencing the fullness of God's love today!

When I know I am loved, I know that even when I make mistakes, I am given another chance. It propels me to courageously ask both God and those I have offended for forgiveness. I walk in freedom knowing that God separates my sin from me as far as the East is from the West. Shame then loses its power and can no longer define me.

lori schumaker

You Are Loved. Now and Forever

God unconditionally loves us and wants us to love ourselves the way He does. This Bible study will take you through His Word and teach you what it means to love yourself and others as He loves you and me.

This Is for YOU!

A bible study for everyone – no experience needed! It includes daily bible verses, reflective “But God Moment”, journaling space, beautifully illustrated weekly prayer, and supporting next step resources. Uncomplicate God’s love, deepen your relationship with Him, and discover how His love changes your life so you can love yourself God’s way.