Looking Forward Not Back

Do you feel as though you do not live out of the fullness of God’s love? Does your past hold you back from your future? God only wants us to glance at the past so that we grow, sharpen our strengths, and be intentional about living and loving well. He already conquered sin for you, now it’s your turn to embrace His grace and move forward in your God-given purpose.

Finding Hope in Failure: 7 Uplifting Bible Verses to Find Strength in Failure

Finding Hope in Failure: 7 Uplifting Bible Verses to Find Strength in Failure

Have you ever felt like a failure and wondered how to move forward without self-condemnation? If so, you’re not alone. Many people in the Bible struggled with failure, including Moses, who was called by God to lead the Israelites out of slavery in Egypt. In fact, God gives us many grace-filled and power-packed Bible verses…

How to Love Yourself God’s Way: Biblical Affirmations Inspired by Jesus

How to Love Yourself God’s Way: Biblical Affirmations Inspired by Jesus

Biblical affirmations are different than positive affirmations. Biblical affirmations hold the key to loving yourself in a way that lasts and withstands life’s challenges but also in a way that honors God. In this new series that explores what it looks like to self-affirm in a Godly way, we will learn to love ourselves despite…