Search Results for: hope

Hope for the Mom Who Doesn’t Measure Up
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Hope for the Mom Who Doesn’t Measure Up

I was racing toward the basketball court to catch my son’s game, when out of the corner of my eye, I caught sight of the t-shirt that summed up my very chaotic morning. “Mommin’ ain’t easy” The grammar is terrible! But, friends, truth isn’t reliant upon grammar! I could almost sense God smiling, winking gently…

Hope for the Girl Pursuing Her Passion {Part 2}
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Hope for the Girl Pursuing Her Passion {Part 2}

Last week I began a 2-part series to offer hope to the girl pursuing her passion. If you haven’t read that yet, you will want to start there first! You can do that by clicking here!  “A passionate follower of Jesus choosing to live in alignment with the God of the Universe – willing to…

Hope for the Girl Pursuing Her Passion {Part 1}
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Hope for the Girl Pursuing Her Passion {Part 1}

Pursuing our passion isn’t for the weak minded. It is not for the one looking for the easy way out. But it is for the one desiring life lived in the reflection of the God who created Heaven and Earth. God places in each of us something special. Something that energizes us. From a calling to…

Hope for When You Feel Invisible
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Hope for When You Feel Invisible

When we feel invisible the hope within us begins to fade. Our family is not unfamiliar with doctor’s appointments. Over the years it has become a way of life for us. But I remember when it was new,  both for us and for those in our circle of family and friends. I remember feeling lonely and…