The Lord’s Prayer Made Simple! A New, Easy, and FREE Resource!
A few months ago, as a part of the The Way We Pray series, one of my favorite bloggers joined us and gave us a deeper look into the Lord’s Prayer. She dug deeply into Matthew 6:9-13 breaking it down line by line so that we could understand why the Lord’s Prayer is so powerful and why Jesus would teach us to pray in this way. You can check out Natalie’s post on the Lord’s Prayer right here. And if you want to know more about Natalie, you can find her at Milk and Honey Faith! It’s a stop you won’t regret!
Why is the Lord's Prayer so powerful? And why did Jesus teach us to pray this way? #prayerresource #prayer Share on XBut that post did some remarkable things. Thousands of readers have come to my site for that post alone which tells me that many of us are longing to understand prayer more. Something brings us back to it time and again. We feel the power in it, but don’t understand it.
We wonder – is it nostalgia? Or is there more?
The answer is yes. There is more.
The Meaning of the Lord’s Prayer
Imagine the 12 Disciples, having given up everything to follow Jesus, they spent day and night with Him. They lived alongside Him witnessing His miracles, watching His prayer life and witnessing His relationship with His Father.
Next, take your imagination to the crowds of people drawn to Jesus. Listening and watching, they knew there was something different about Him. They, too, witnessed and experienced His healings and miracles. They gathered around Him longing for more. Often, they simply wanted to touch Him.
They chose Him and followed Him, yet all still wondered, “How do we pray?”
Imagine the 12 Disciples. They chose Jesus over the lives they already were living and followed Him, yet all still wondered, “How do we pray?” #prayer #prayerresource Share on XJesus gives the answer to the 12 disciples when they ask Him as written in the book of Luke. Then again, he answers the question in Matthew 6:9-13. But this time, it’s not to just the disciples. It is to the crowds during the Sermon on the Mount.
In each scenario, He provides a framework for prayer. Not merely words to utter by memory. But a framework for connecting heart and soul to our Father.
He knew it wouldn’t only be the disciples or those crowds having this very same question — it would be a question that would stand for all time and all believers.
Jesus knew the questions surrounding prayer would stand for all time. #prayer #newresource #printableresource Share on XHe knew you and I would wonder. And as always, He planned well in advance to give us all we need to walk in relationship with Him. To grow deeper in our faith and to boldly approach the throne in prayer.
“So let us come boldly to the throne of our gracious God. There we will receive his mercy, and we will find grace to help us when we need it most.” -Hebrews 4:16 NLT
After I witnessed the sheer volume of people coming to my site in search of answers to the Lord’s Prayer, I began to pray about a way to feed that hunger. A way to educate and equip. Our church hosted a 24-hour prayer event where I was in charge of one of the prayer stations. Since our theme was prayer and the book of Matthew, I jumped on the opportunity to bring my written and live ministries together.
So, today, I offer you the result of those two worlds.
A free prayer resource perfect for individuals, small groups, or ministry events.
It is designed to help us grasp the full meaning of the Lord’s Prayer, rather than as merely a set of memorized words. It teaches us the framework Jesus provided and helps us apply the Lord’s Prayer to the prayers of our daily life.
God wants us to approach Him with confidence – boldness! And although He loves us to come to Him in prayer as a pouring out of our heart, He knows our confidence grows when we have both knowledge and practice.
A new free prayer resource perfect for individuals, small groups, or ministry events. Dig below the surface of the Lord's Prayer and discover the power behind the words. #prayer Share on XThe Lord’s Prayer is broken down into 5 elements:
- Praising
- Yielding
- Requesting
- Confessing
- Protection
We will dig into each of these elements and give you an opportunity to reflect and journal on this area in your own life. At the completion of all 5 elements, you will have a powerful prayer that will transfer over to the words you may have long ago memorized. And I promise you that you will never again recite the Lord’s Prayer in quite the same way. They will never again be just words — they will resonate deeply in your heart and soul.
For Small Groups and Ministry Events
Everything you need to understand the meaning of the Lord’s Prayer is included.
- Detailed worksheets for each element with Biblical background and commentary.
- A journal page to jot down personal reflections and prayers.
- 6 printable event station posters with easy set-up instructions
My subscribers don’t just get my updates. They also don’t get bombarded with emails and sales pitches. They get access to all the resources in my Library of Hope and are the first ones to know about any deals or giveaways happening in my world. My hope is to someday get you some extra content via a regular newsletter of sorts, but honestly, I just can’t find enough hours in the day! So for now, access to the Library of Hope, post updates, deals, and giveaways ♥
I pray this prayer resource kit will help you understand the meaning of the Lord’s Prayer. That it will serve to draw you and those you share it with closer to Christ. And, friends, I pray it gives you courage and boldness as you go before Him in prayer.
I pray this prayer resource kit will help you understand the meaning of the Lord's Prayer. That it will serve to draw you and those you share it with closer to Christ. And, friends, I pray it gives you courage and boldness as you go… Share on X***This prayer resource is live right now in the Library of Hope!
If you have already subscribed to our community, jump on over to the Library of Hope and download your copy! (It’s the first thing in the Library – you can’t miss it!) If you haven’t subscribed, what are you waiting for? Just click HERE or use the sign-up form below the video to sign up!
I’ll be sharing some images on my Instagram and Facebook pages of how I used the resource in our 24-hour prayer event. So stop on over there to see what I’m sharing!
Looking for more prayer resources? Check out these posts!
13 Things That Hinder an Effective Prayer Life
A Prayer for Hope When Life Is Difficult
Praying for Your Children to Love Each Other Well
A Prayer for When You Need to Get Back Up Again
Sign Up Here to Get Your Prayer Resource Kit!
Have You Read Our Story of Surrender?
Our story was one holding lots of confusion. Amid the tears and frustration, I found the power of living surrendered. I discovered the peace of knowing I was walking in God’s will and could trust wherever He took me. Finding that doesn’t usually come along the golden paved roads. It comes along the broken ones.
Read our story of hope - our story of learning to surrender ... because we all need the help in letting go of what isn't ours to hold. #surrenderedheartsbook #hope Share on XPurchase the Surrendered Hearts book on Amazon, Barnes and Noble,, and Redemption Press.
How do I get the Lord’s Prayer free resources? Thank you!
We can’t ever have too much prayer resources since we’re too be praying so often it’s like breathing. Thanks for doing this. Of course I’m steeped in what I read in Philip Yancey’s book on prayer. Praying makes a big difference to God and to us. I could say more but I’ll stop for now.
Your site just goes on and on about signing up. There was no place to put the password to get the prayer kit resource!
Hi Wayne,
Thanks for your feedback. After you signed up, you would have received an email with the password for the page titled, “Library of Hope.” It can be found under the “Resources” tab. Once you click on the Library of Hope, you will be asked to use the password. Once in the library, you will find all the promised resources. I hope this helps and you are able to discover the peace available in the Lord’s Prayer.
In Christ,