Whisper Yes and Stop Fear Now

Have you ever thought,

“Not me!”
“I’m not qualified.”
“That’s too intimidating!”
“What would others think?”

But, as those whispers intently pursued your spirit, there was another one more adamant than the rest.

The one repeating,“Yes, you!”

When the fear of the unknown creeps in. When it causes your passion to fade ... Whisper Yes and Stop Fear Now! -Lori Schumaker for Suzie Eller

This past spring, I had the opportunity to join Suzanne Eller’s launch team for her newest book, “Come With Me“. I was already quite a fan of Suzie’s work. Her authenticity and love for Jesus had immediately drawn me in. Her heart was to share with others the Jesus who had transformed her life. No other agenda. Just love and just Jesus.

The book arrived and as I opened to the first few pages, I knew Jesus was using it to make me aware. Aware of the slow fade happening within me. Of my hesitancy in following Him. And of the fear I’d allowed to take root.

It was something I couldn’t hide from or avoid. It was something I needed to address. Right there in Chapter 1 was a quote that stuck.

“Whisper yes where no wants to take root” -Suzanne Eller

You see, once upon a time I had wholeheartedly dropped everything to follow Him. I was on fire for Jesus. I felt His call and there wasn’t a mountain big enough to stop me from following. But somewhere along the way, amid the messiness of life, I shrunk back. The mountains appeared too big and the climb too arduous. I wanted to stay in the safety of the flat shadowed land, not realizing I was missing the incomparable view that could only be found at the top.

But in those pages, God began to awaken my spirit once again. He reminded me that even though following Him hadn’t been easy, it was worth it. It had hurt, but it had changed me.

I had been holding back because I feared following God would lead to a difficult destination. A destination that may hold failure, hurt, or rejection. One that wouldn’t work out as I intended or hoped.

But holding back wasn’t the answer. That answer had only lead to frustration and unmet dreams and goals. A better answer awaited me.

Have you ever been there with me? Holding back and missing out on a life lived free because of fear? Wondering if there is something more than the safety zone in which you have been hiding? If so, would you walk with me over to Suzie Eller’s blog where I will share more about the better answer that awaited me?

I’m honored to be guest posting over there as Suzie launches the Come With Me Online Bible Study! And guess what! It’s not too late to sign up! My small group is full now, but you can still do one of two things. I will find you another small group or you can join the large group setting if that is preferable.

Whisper yes where no wants to take root-Suzie Eller It's not too late to join the #ComeWithMe Bible Study! @suzanneeller Share on X

I would love it so much if you would join me in my dream to share hope with others. When you join me here at Searching for Moments, you get the latest updates and all the freebies I have to offer! Things like scriptures cards to give you hope in the tough times, a companion journal for my Betrayal Series, and even some printable Thank You cards that I designed! Just join below and I promise to honor your in boxes!

Looking for more encouragement? I regularly link up with these fabulous bloggers!

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  1. Lori, so happy to hear about this brave yes — and this new opportunity to trust!

    1. Thanks, Michele! Today was Day 1 and it went so well! I’m so excited to see God move!

    1. It was a great first day!!!! Love that you are there with me!

  2. Yes, I always do!
    I do feel inadequate. Only by God’s grace I’m able to face the challenges.

    1. Amen, Lux! We are all inadequate, but when we step out in faith of God’s ability to do all things, we can live a game-changing life!

  3. Lori,
    I LOVE this book! You had recommended it to me, and I have so enjoyed it!
    It’s challenged me, and I’ve so enjoyed Susie’s stories!
    Hope you have a wonderful Monday~

    1. I’m so glad you were blessed and challenged, Melanie! We just launched the study today! It was a wonderful first day and am so excited for all that God will do through it:-)
      Thank you for being encouraging you! I am so appreciative of you!
      Blessings and smiles,

  4. Thanks for sharing. It is easy to allow fear to take root and passion to fade. It’s great to hear how God is using the book in your life. I have just started reading the book/ following along with the study and it has come at a good time for me as God is challenging me to step out of my comfort zone in an area where I feel very scared and inadequate. Visiting from #LiveFreeThursday.

  5. RebeccaLynn says:

    I’m still reading Suzie’s book – and with every page, it brings such a renewed passion to follow Jesus wherever He leads me! He never said it would be easy. Quite the opposite. But there is nothing more satisfying to the soul than discovering the purpose God has called us to. Thank you for sharing this. I’m joining you from the #LiveFreeThursday community ~ where I am taking a step of faith and saying no to fear and YES to Jesus!