
Now more than ever we need a little more happiness. That happiness starts with some searching. Some searching for the good in our lives. it starts with gratitude. Why Gratitude Matters { #MomentsofHope LInk-Up} - Lori Schumaker

Why Gratitude Matters

This week our post isย centeredย around a heart of gratitude. In them,ย Iย sensed our communities’ need for joy. Happiness. Hope. The world is full of turmoil, tragedy, and pain right now. That turmoil inundates our senses because there is little reprieve. Television, radio, and every social media platform give report throughout every second of the day. Do…

Sparkle-Shine- GEMS

Keeping Priorities Straight

Mondays always seem to come quickly, but I must admit, these summer months of family time with the kiddos off from school and summer basketball in full swing have made them seem to arrive even more quickly! I have to admit, I too easily find myself feeling the stress of not getting much accomplishedย on my…