Are You Compelled to Follow Him? {#ComeWithMe Review and Giveaway}

Heal my heart and make it clean

Open up my eyes to the things unseen

Show me how to love like you have loved me


Break my heart for what breaks Yours

Everything I am for Your kingdom’s cause

As I walk from earth into eternity

ย -Lyrics from โ€œHosannaโ€ by Brooke Fraser of Hillsong


Those lyrics. Those moments.


A stirring that I couldnโ€™t turn from even if I wanted.

But I didnโ€™t want.

It drew me in. Compelled me. Called me.

โ€œCome with Meโ€

Has your faith become shallow? Are you afraid of what following Jesus could mean for your life? What you will find in the deepness is brand new. Grace. Hope. Redemption. Take the chance. Throw your nets over one more time. Are You Compelled to Follow Him? A book review for "Come With Me" by Suzanne Eller - Lori Schumaker


It was a season in which every morsel of my heart and spirit felt the presence of Jesus. A season that remainsย embedded inย my memory and in my heart.

We had beenย praying about adoption. ย I already knew what I wanted, however my husband remainedย unsure. It wasn’t aย decisionย to push or force. It needed to be oneย He made not by the twist of the arm, but rather, by a Heavenly conviction inย his heart.

Those words, Break my heart for what breaks Yours, were not only my prayer for my husbandโ€™s heart, but a prayer for mine. A prayer that while I waited, took hold and lead me into the world of those who felt they had been forgotten. It lead me to serving the broken, the abused, the poverty ridden, and the homeless. Every step infused with the kind of passion that can only come from the overflowing power of Jesus.

I was compelled.


But if we are honest, there are places where Jesus might lead where we donโ€™t want to linger. โ€“Suzie Eller fromย Come With Me

As much as Iโ€™d love to tell you I held onto that passion every moment of my journey, I cannot.

You see, God moved me into a season of action based on that outpouring of His presence. Action that eventually brought my beautiful daughter home to us.

That action meant digging deep to learn how to parent her. To learn how to help her. It also meant digging deep to deal with some other pain that was inflicted in that same season. Together, it was a digging deep unlike any other I had ever experienced.

So in the digging I became a do-er. Not only did I have spans of time where the doing consumed me, but spans of time where the presence of God eluded me. I felt alone. I was grief stricken. And I was angry because I couldnโ€™t understand why He sent me and then seemingly left me.

I had times of doubting a reason to follow Him. Not the picture of compelled.

A restrained faith. Simple faith. Reserved faith. In all honesty, that is where I wanted to run.

In her book, Come With Me, Suzie Eller shares a portion of Simon Peterโ€™s story that I hadn’tย noticed before. In Mark 1:14-20 and Matthew 4:18-22 Simon is introduced to Jesus. Upon meeting Him, Simon Peter drops his nets immediately and follows after Jesus. But later, in Luke 5:1-11 we see him once again dropping everything to follow Him.

Friends, at some point, even though he walked alongside Jesus watching Him heal the sick and drive out demons,ย he had gone back to fishing.

Why? Is it possible he witnessed the challenges of a life lived following Jesus? Was it difficult? Did the familiarity of the life he had known before beckon with the lureย of simplicity?

If I’m really honest right here … thatโ€™s how I felt.

I was left unable toย sing and worship to the words ofย Hosanna. My love for writing had disappeared. I had to back out of previous writing commitments because I could not find any of those words that previously overflowed. It was as though God had taken them.

Loving Him All Over Again

God sees into the depths of our struggles. He knows our humanness brings with it the fight or flight response. He knows that when our hearts are raw and exposed, they long to run forย cover.

But He is a God of ย love,ย redemption, andย healing.

A God who repairs the broken.

He doesnโ€™t give up on us. He lets us tag along even when itโ€™s just a shuffle. He finds us in our hiding place and as Suzie so beautifully phrases in her book, He perches there. Waiting.

Waiting to show us the miracle of Him and waiting to refill the empty places in our hearts.

Just like He did with Simon Peter.

There sat Jesus. Awaiting Simon’s return in his boat. Jesus told him to go out one more time for the needed fish. In an attempt to save himself the struggle of a useless trip, Simon explained heโ€™d been out the whole night before and caught nothing. But, out of respect, he obeyed Jesus. I don’t know if he forgot the miracles he’d witnessed or if he was simply exhausted. But I think he obeyed only because it was the next right thing to do. And in that moment of obedience, Jesus overflowed that boat with fish.

Friends, Simon had not been compelled when he chose to go back to fishing. He crept into what appeared as the safety of reserved faith. And he almost missed the power of a life lived compelled.

But Jesus didn’t hold that against him. He waited for Simon and called yet again,

โ€œCome with Meโ€

And Simon threw down those nets for the last time and followed Jesus.

You know, I think it’s the same for us. When we do the next right thing for Him, He pours His mercy and love over us. And it gives us all we need to throw aside our safety nets and follow Him. Loving Him for the first time, all over again.

When we do the next right thing for Him, Jesus pours His mercy and love over us #comewithme #compelled #followHim Share on X

Come With Me - Suzanne Eller

Jesus did wait for me. He knew I was grieving. He knew that in that moment holding on by a thread was all I had to give. But step by step. One act of obedience in front of the other brought me to my boat where Jesus was perched.

And there He poured His mercy and love on me and reignited flames of passion for the call to follow Him wherever He leads.

Are You Compelled?

Friends, I know you are all in different places. Some have never followed Jesus and havenโ€™t felt the moment of a forever changed heart. Some have but have wandered. And some are feeling compelled with passionย right this very moment. The thing about Jesus, though, is that Heโ€™s right there perched for each of you. Ready for you to meet Him for the first time, to welcome you back after wandering, or to lead you along an incredibleย journey. For each of you, I want to recommend a book. A book that has meant so much to me. One that has reassured, comforted, and challenged me.

It is Come With Me: Discovering the Beauty of Where He Leads by Suzanne Eller. You can buy it here at Amazon and not onlyย read more here on her website, but get some incredible freebies, too!

Are You Compelled to Follow Him: Book Review for "Come With Me" by Suzanne Eller

Through this book, God has given me the precious opportunity of meeting Suzie in person. From my time of laughing and praying with her, I can guarantee this sweet Jesus-loving lady is a treasure. Sheโ€™s authentic. She’s honest about being in the trenches with us along this journey while at the same time loving big and giving her all. She writes for one reason. ย And that is to share the Hope of the world with us. She prays that Come With Me will not only be a book, but rather a movement that will compel women throughout the world to follow Jesus.

Iโ€™d love to see you get a copy of this book soย Iโ€™m hosting a 2-book giveaway! At least I can know that two of you beautiful readers can begin blazing your path along the movement Suzie is creating! Simply comment below for your chance to win one of these two copies ofย Come With Me: Discovering the Beauty of Where He Leads.

Stop by to win your copy of #ComeWithMe by Suzanne Eller! Read the book. Join the movement! Share on X

And don’t forget to come back Monday for #MomentsofHope! My heart skips a little beat when I open that page and see the hope of Jesus splattered everywhere! โ™ฅ

Plus, if you are new here or just havenโ€™t gotten around to subscribing to Searching for Moments, would you consider it? Iโ€™d love to get to know you better!!! And when you do, you will receive some free goodies from me!

Looking for more encouragement? I regularly link up with theseย fabulous bloggers!

Has your faith become shallow? Are you afraid of what following Jesus could mean for your life? What you will find in the deepness is brand new. Grace. Hope. Redemption. Take the chance. Throw your nets over one more time. Are You Compelled to Follow Him? A book review for "Come With Me" by Suzanne Eller - Lori Schumaker

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  1. “But He is a God of love, redemption, and healing.
    A God who repairs the broken.
    He doesnโ€™t give up on us. He lets us tag along even when itโ€™s just a shuffle.”
    I love this imagery you invoke, Lori. Sometimes all I can do is shuffle along, but if I’m behind our Lord, that shuffle is redeemed! Thanks for sharing these words and about “Come with Me.”

    1. Thank you, Lisa! An oh, yes! If behind Him, that shuffle is surely redeemed!!!

  2. Wow. Thank you, friend. I’m blown away by this beautiful review, your story, and what God can do.

    1. Thank you, Suzie. Your words mean so much to me and I am so thankful for you! God is so good โ™ฅ

  3. Lori, this touched my heart so personally. Sometimes in the struggles of raising a child with special needs, especially now as a single parent, makes it easy to fall into comfortable situations. Being a follower of Jesus is not meant to be comfortable. It means we do sacrifice some things for the greater good. It means we do face challenges that non followers will never understand. It is easy to fall back into fishing, even with little to no return. That is what we know. Until we follow Jesus with no restraints, no reservations, no pauses we will continue to be unfulfilled. We are here to serve Him, even when that path is much harder than our comfortable lives. Thank you for a beautifully written post.

    1. Hi Laura,
      It was such a treat to see your comment here today! And you so beautifully shared a portion of your story that many other women and Mamas can identify with! I’m cheering you on as you keep putting those nets out there again and again, surrendering, and following Jesus with abandon! Thanks, friend, for your kind words!
      Much love,

  4. Thank you for sharing your story–your journey to Jesus and to healing. Jesus pursues us and is with us. He is patiently waiting for us to respond to Him. Beautiful imagery Lori!

    1. Thank you so much, Angela! I appreciate you โ™ฅ

  5. This is so hope-filled, Lori. Thank you. I love that God never gives up on us and He delights to repair our brokenness. I love the picture Suzie describes of Jesus finding us in our hiding place and perching right next to us waiting to show us the miracle of Him. Her book sounds so encouraging. Blessings and hugs to you both!

    1. Isn’t that the best word picture ever? I loved it, too! You would love her book! Thank you, Trudy, for your kind words.

  6. I love how you have woven your story into your review of Suzie’s book! It’s been fun getting to know you better here in this space.

    1. Thank you so much, Michele! Sometimes it is difficult to push the “publish” button so your words are truly an encouragement!

  7. Delores McPherson says:

    Thank you for sharing your heart and your story. It not only inspires us to follow Him but to tell our stories as well.

    1. Thank you, Delores! Those words are like a warm hug to my heart! I want nothing more than to point others to Jesus! Blessings to you!

  8. Wow… the openness and honesty here is inspiring Lori! I believe that makes you good at what you do. I so appreciate you sharing the journey that God has taken you on as he waited for you . I am thankful that He waited for me even though I think I needed a little push to throw my nets down and follow Him. In the end , my faith continues to grow as I seek Him for direction. I am truly “compelled” to follow Him and trust His will for my life going forward. I am thankful to serve such a patient and loving Savior. Thank you again for sharing your heart. Have a wonderful weekend and may God continue to richly bless you and yours!

    1. Horace, I am so thrilled you are compelled to follow Him! Hallelujah! And thank you so much for the kind and encouraging words.They were so good for my heart ๐Ÿ™‚
      Blessings and smiles, my friend!

  9. I know what it’s like to take a (reluctant) leap of faith, in obedience, only to lose everything. Itโ€™s been over 4 years and I STILL on a roller coaster of faith, emotions and lost hopes and dreams. Although I’ve been a Christian for 45+ years, I grew up with an angry, vengeful view of God. I’m trying to allow truth to change my mind, heart and life. But it hasn’t been easy. Only God can teach this old dog a new way to think, act and live! Just trying to trust Him to do it…..

    1. Friend, I am praying this scripture for you as you seek truth and freedom from the hurt of the past.

      โ€œI am leaving you with a gift โ€”peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give is a gift the world cannot give. So donโ€™t be troubled or afraid. -John 14:27 NLT

      I am trusting Him to do it, too!

  10. I am so thankful the Lord waits for me when I am digging my heels into the ground. I’m going over to look more at this books. Thanks for the beautiful review and for linking up with Thankful Thursdays.

    1. Oh, Lori, I think you would so enjoy this book!
      Blessings and smiles,

  11. I am sure this book is wonderful and it looked like you had a wonderful time at the retreat. Wow! How cool. So glad to see all of your pictures there. Thank you for sharing with us and thank you for the giveaway! Hope you are having a wonderful week!

    1. It was such a great time! Have a wonderful weekend, friend!

  12. Amen.
    I admit there are times I don’t feel like following. The struggle is real. Glad there’s a book like this. A good reminder.

  13. What a great review, Lori!
    I’ve just bought this book.
    I’m sharing your post today and linking to it from my book post this Wednesday!
    Sure do appreciate and love you!

  14. This sounds like an amazing read and one that I must add to my list. Thank you for sharing!

  15. This book sounds so powerful, Lori! Thank you for sharing so much about how the book has effected you. All of the points you share about following mean so much to me right now. Those steps, those little steps, of following. Please Lord! Thank you!

  16. Thanks for sharing your story. Following Jesus is certainly not easy but i love that he doesn’t give up on us when we waver. I’ve heard a lot about this book and look forward to reading it.

  17. Lori, I long to be compelled for a lifetime. My reality though, is that I waver. I get side-tracked. I lose hope. Yet Jesus is so patient with me. As you said, he’s right there perched waiting to welcome me. Thank you for this image, sweet friend! <3

  18. Thank you for sharing the review of this God-Glorifying and profoundly edifying book!

    I am coming out of a season of dryness – distracted too much by the worries in my life. But there is this craving, as I read this, it does feel like a compelling, to return to Him. As I read His Word, I soak it up like a sponge now and many verses speak to me in new and profound ways.

    He truly delights to show us great and wonderful things, when we search for Him with all our hearts, souls and minds.

  19. I love that hidden nugget about Peter. I’d missed that too, Lori. Love that Jesus continues to call us. Thank you for sharing, friend. : )

    1. Thanks, Crystal! Wasn’t that a neat little bit. It was a great big “aha” moment for me when I read it in Suzie’s book and then searched scripture! Thank you so much for your sweet visit!

  20. Lori, you know the best part about being me? That I’m a child of God. You know the worst part? I’m human. I have a human understanding of my Father in Heaven. It’s so hard sometimes to struggle through the hard parts, cause I can only comprehend what I as a human can do. Grasping the fact that nothing is impossible, NOTHING, is so hard for me to understand. And when it happens, those BIG, impossible things, it’s as if my breath is lost, stolen. Once again I get a glimpse into who God really is. In those moments I can be more than human. I can be a child of God. I wish that my human brain could remember and hold onto that longer. xoxo

    1. Hi Nikki,
      You are not alone! We lose those moments – forgetting the miraculous. I think it is one of the reasons we write, to try to hold onto it a little longer. To keep it in the forefronts of our minds and help others to intentionally remember their moments, too. I know you are holding onto those moments tightly, though, and allowing God to sustain you through so much.
      Much love,