When You Feel It’s Too Late

Too late?

Too Old?

Too broken?

Too much?

I remember looking at the ladies around me. Beautiful. Joyful. They radiated a life lived with Jesus.

They knew Him so well.

And me?

I felt like I missed something

And I was just too late to find it.

Do you feel like you are just too late? Too late to turn away or turn back? Too much has been said or done? Can I convince you otherwise? When You Feel It's Too Late - Shannon Geurin - Lori Schumaker

Are you in that place? That place that feels too late?

Too late to put the past behind you and meet Jesus for the first time?

Too late to get your life back on track and embrace Him once again?

Too late to dig deeply into His Word to pursue a deeper relationship with Him?

Too late to ever find true peace?

If you are, will you give me just 5 minutes to share with you why it’s not true?

When you feel you're just too late. #proof #toolate #thatswhatGodcando #momentsofhope Share on X


The Spirit and the bride say, “Come.” Let anyone who hears this say, “Come.” Let anyone who is thirsty come. Let anyone who desires drink freely from the water of life. Revelation 22:17 NLT


Did you catch that?

Not, “Those who are in their 20s.”

Or even,

“Those with only some sin.”

Rather, He said,




But if from there you seek the LORD your God, you will find Him if you look for Him with all your heart and with all your soul.”Deuteronomy 4:29 NIV

 And again, in this verse there are no time frames and no parameters. Simply seek the Lord with all your heart and soul

and You will find Him.


Friends, I’ve got one more huge piece of proof as to why it’s not too late. And I’ve got the rest of my story, buy nolvadex online uk too. Would you follow me over to my friend, Shannon Geurin’s blog to finish reading? I don’t want you walking away unconvinced. I don’t want you entertaining for even one more moment that it might just be too late. (continue reading)

You will love Shannon’s corner of the blog world. I had the honor of meeting Shannon face-to-face at Suzie Eller’s #livefree book launch retreat (her book, Come With Me, launches May 3rd!) a couple weeks ago. I had already loved her blog, her story, her ministry. But meeting her was truly a gift. This girl is as authentic in real life as she is on her blog. She has a powerful story to share and she lived out this very truth. She believed it was not too late and she turned to God so He could work His miracles.

Do you feel like you are just too late? Too late to turn away or turn back? Too much has been said or done? Can I convince you otherwise? When You Feel It's Too Late - Shannon Geurin - Lori Schumaker

And don’t forget! Monday is my launch day for #MomentsofHope! I hope to see you there. And since Mondays will be #MomentsofHope day, I will change my traditional posting day to Thursdays. Would you pray for this new little adventure? I pray God floods this space with His never ending Hope!

I regularly link up with these encouraging bloggers!

If you are new here or just haven’t gotten around to subscribing to Searching for Moments, would you consider it? I’d love to get to know you better!!! And when you do, you will receive some free goodies from me!

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  1. Thanks, Lori, for this encouraging word via Shannon — blessed to be part of the “anyone.”

    1. Anyone and anytime 🙂 He’s so good to us! Thank you, Michele, for your encouragement!

  2. Lori … thanks for putting that TOO word on the table. Way too often we’re feeling like we’re too much … or not enough, too old … or too young, or it’s too little or too late.

    Thankfully we love an ‘on time’ God who welcomes us with open arms. Whenever.

    So good to connect with you today …

    1. Hi Linda,
      Isn’t He so good as to keep those arms open and welcome us no matter how long it took us to follow Him?

      Thank you so much for visiting today and for your kind words!

      Blessings and smiles,

  3. Dear Lori, Thanks for all the encouraging, warm blogs. I always feel touched by God’s grace while reading you. I’m looking forward to Moments of Hope! Blessings, Moira

    1. Moira,
      Those words were such an encouragement to me!Thank you so much! I am honored that God would use this little place to touch your heart. Truly, this is the heart behind this ministry.
      Big hugs,

  4. I’ve walked in those “too late” moments before wondering if I’ve missed what God really wanted for me. But He has proven to be a God of endless possibilities and perfect timing. He is never late and I’m setting my clock by Him. Thanks for he beautiful encouragement!

    1. We all need that same clock, Tiffany! And then we need to use it! 😉 Thank you so much for the kind words and for visiting today!!
      Blessings and smiles,

  5. Oh yes, many a time I have thought I’m too late to do anything useful for God. But, then I’m reminded of Abraham and Sarah and God’s timing for them. When we think it’s too late, that’s when his glory shines through.

    1. Hi Rachel,
      Amen! And shining His glory is what this is all about!

  6. Thank you for the words of hope and affirmation today, Lori and Shannon!
    I’ll be sharing this post over the next couple of days.
    Hope you both have a wonderful weekend~

    1. Thank you, Melanie, for your kind words and for visiting us! Praying God’s blessings today!

  7. Amen to the word, “anyone.” Anyone can come and drink the living water! Anyone at anytime! I love Shannon’s blog and the way she writes with such honesty and truth. Hopping on over to read the rest!

    1. Hi Valerie! Anyone and anytime!! God is so good to us, right? Even when we plug our ears and run the other way! He patiently waits and redeems our lost time! I love Shannon to pieces, too! She is a sweetie with a beautiful gift for words! Thank you so much for visiting!

  8. I’ve felt this way on many occasions, especially as I approach my 50th birthday this summer. But with God, each day is a new day and it’s never too late to do what He’s put in our heart to do. Thank you for sharing at Let Us Grow!

    1. Thank you so much, Barbie, for visiting and sharing your heart! I’m not far behind you on that 50th so I know what you mean! I’m so thankful you continue to be obedient to Him because you sure do bless me with your words!

  9. How beautiful and such a reminder that He loves us as we are. No matter what we were or are, have done or are doing, it is NEVER TOO LATE! I came to him when I was 45 and am now 68…it was not too late! Hallelujah!!

    1. Hi Linda,
      Amen! What a beautiful story you share! And now look at you, pointing the world to Him! I love it!
      Blessings and smiles,
      p.s. I’d love to have you come back on Mondays and join me for my new link-up, Moments of Hope!

  10. I’m so glad it’s not too late! And I’m thankful to be part of the anyone. Just thinking about ANYONE – it’s amazing! Thank you for linking up with Thankful Thursdays.

  11. A great post – I’ve felt that ‘too late, too late’ as well – and this is a great reminder that God is always on time in my life! thanks, lori. next to you this am on IT.

    1. Oh, yes, Sue! Even when it feels way too late, He is always on time! Thank you so much for visiting this week!!!

  12. I’ve felt this way and still sometimes do, Lori. Thanks so much for shedding light on those fears that keep us from pursuing God. It’s never too late! 🙂

    1. Amen, Beth! I, too, still sometimes do. But at least now we can recognize the untruth and stop them in their tracks! Thank you so much for visiting! I always love when you take time to chat!♥

  13. He is our never-too-late God. AMEN. Wonderful post. Your #41 neighbor at Jennifer’s.

    1. I like that, Susan 🙂 Our never-too-late God! Thanks so much for visiting today!!!

  14. Such a great post, friend. Thank you so much for sharing with us at Sitting Among Friends! I have left some comments at Shannon’s place. I hope they went through. My site has done some funny, not haha, things. So I am not sure if it is cooperating. Love this post! Have a wonderful week!

    1. Thank you so much, Jaime! Isn’t it a pain when our sites act up? I get so frustrated because I do not have a gift for techy things at all! Praying it shapes up for you! Thank you so much for visiting, friend! Blessings and smiles,

  15. Such a freeing message, full of hope and redemption! And one I needed to hear today! I’d love for you to share this over at Fresh Market Friday Link-up:)

    1. Hi Crystal,
      I am so thankful this message touched your heart and encouraged you! I will stop by Fresh Market Friday right now and check it out! I just began hosting a link up, Moments of Hope, on Mondays and would love to have you share some hope alongside me there, as well!
      Blessings and smiles,

  16. Welcome to Fresh Market Friday! I know I already added a comment on another link-up, but just wanted to give you a warm welcome:)