
We serve a Father who knows the depths ofour capabilities even when we are unaware - Lori Schumaker for Suzie Eller #Livefree

Am I Strong Enough?

I distinctly remember the book. Filled with the necessary information to prepare an adoptive family. One section stands out in particular, though. In the quiet of our home, our boys tucked safely in bed, I read aloud pages and pages of scenarios as we discussed our answers. HIV? Family history of depression? Mental illness? Developmental…

Just Beachin', vacation, rest

Rest and Beachin’

That’s right! On vacation!! Just Beachin’! Woot! Woot! Most of you know my love for the beach, so yup, it’s spring break and we are taking a much needed rest! I’m praying it will be a time of re-connection,recovery, and rejuvenation. If you find me on social media, I’ll be posting highlight pics! Facebook  …