80 Years and 80 Secrets to Living Life Well

Living life well is something we all want to do, right? Any tidbits of wisdom to weave into our daily lives make a difference. Well, this amazing lady has gotten much of it right! And she has some wisdom we can all take away!

80 Years and 80 Secrets to Living Life Well- My mother is my hero. Her smile is contagious and her love is great big. Here are her secrets to living well!

Living Life Well

Not too long ago, my mom turned 80 years old. She is a spunky lady who can still can be found kicking a ball around the greenbelt or shooting a hoop or two with her grandchildren! She is living life well, filled with much joy and love. One would never know the hardships her story contains.  A life story not simple by any means.

As a young child, my mom experienced life as a refugee after World War II. With only her mother, 6 siblings, and the clothes on her back, their father was presumed dead and their home destroyed.

Eventually, she married an American and immigrated to the United States where learning a whole new language and culture challenged her everyday life.

Then, as a young mother of 3 all alone while her husband served in the Korean War for 18 months, she struggled to keep the days positive and on-track.

But life still didn’t get any easier after that.

The next several years were compounded with loss and grief.  Her mother. Her sister. And at 4½-years old, the ugly disease of leukemia took her beautiful son away from her.

It was enough pain to steal her joy and plummet her into a pit of depression. But she didn’t. She kept going …

So, how did she do it? How did she weather it all while holding onto her joy. How did she step into God’s path and allow Him to create beauty from ashes?

How do you step aside to make room for God to make beauty from your ashes? #wordsofwisdom #livinglifewell #godslove #hope Share on X

Friends, today, she is likely to be one of the first in a room to smile.

She laughs,

lives fully,

and loves deeply.

All at 80.

Because I know she has so much wisdom tucked within her life, I decided to talk with Mom and my siblings. I asked her what she would tell a young person today about living life well. And I bugged my siblings for memories and lessons we’ve learned along the way. Since she is turning 80, I thought 80 would be the perfect number of secrets! The following is a list of what we came up with.

Want in on the 80 secrets Mom taught us about living life well? #livingwell #wisdom #livinglifewell Share on X

80 Secrets Mom Taught Us About Living Life Well

  1. Love deeply, lavishly, and relentlessly.
  2. Your husband,
  3. Your children,
  4. And your family.
  5. Believe in God and hold onto that faith.
  6. Pray often
  7. But never go to sleep without saying those prayers.
  8. Honor your husband.
  9. Enjoy your husband.
  10. Take time to connect with him each day.
  11. Be his advocate
  12. And your children’s advocate.
  13. Be persistent in getting your children to talk to you when they are hurt or struggling.
  14. Give them consistency and routine,
  15. Creating and honoring special family traditions
  16. While letting love be the ultimate guiding factor rather than rigidity, rules, or stress.
  17. Stay involved in their lives, yet not impede their independence.
  18. Give them space to be different than yourself.
  19. Encourage their unique gifting
  20. And remind them how wonderful and loved they are each day.
  21. As they grow, support their marriages.
  22. And encourage them in their parenting.
  23. Reminding them that it is okay to fail and get back up again
  24. Because perfection is not necessary or possible.
  25. Always say, “I love you”.
  26. Especially when you leave
  27. Or go to sleep.
  28. Don’t waste extra moments on anger.
  29. Forgiving as quickly as possible.
  30. Cry when you need to, then move onto the next moment.
  31. Find things you enjoy then do them.
  32. Give lots of hugs.
  33. Dance
  34. Play
  35. Smile often
  36. Laugh a lot
  37. Listen to music
  38. Sing
  39. Soak in every purchase nolvadex online moment to its fullest.
  40. Remembering that simple joys have a lasting impact.
  41. Fill your heart with thankfulness
  42. Not wasting anything God has given you.
  43. Or forgetting to take the utmost care of them all.
  44. Be a good steward of your finances.
  45. So, whatever you do, do it with diligence
  46. And do it with excellence.
  47. Including caring for yourself mentally, physically, and spiritually.
  48. Eat healthy.
  49. Stay active.
  50. Exercise regularly,
  51. Skipping the car and walking whenever and wherever you can
  52. Squeezing in stretches and fitness into the random moments you are given.
  53. Enjoy the beautiful gift of nature, incorporating walks, hikes, and jogs.
  54. Never stop learning.
  55. Read often
  56. Staying informed of current events.
  57. Put the calculator away and use your head to keep it sharp.
  58. Take a little time to be alone when possible
  59. Treating yourself with a few of your favorite little things
  60. But don’t overindulge in anything.
  61. Never break the trust of another.
  62. Live life right, taking the right road, not the shortcuts.
  63. Face life with bravery
  64. Learn from the past
  65. Do not let it define you.
  66. Let your life experiences make you stronger
  67. And let them be a testimony of faith
  68. And stories from which others can learn.
  69. Because there is always hope, we need never give up.
  70. Live truth, acting and speaking in one accord.
  71. Being yourself rather than someone else.
  72. Knowing that honesty is always necessary.
  73. Be direct in your communication
  74. However, hold your tongue in anger
  75. Refraining from profanity or hurtful words.
  76. Instead, encourage others with a kind word or compliment.
  77. Give them the gift of time
  78. Being emotionally present
  79. And sacrificing for those you love.
  80. Help them in times of need.
We pray that you’ll live well for the Master, making him proud of you as you work hard in his orchard. As you learn more and more how God works, you will learn how to do your work. We pray that you’ll have the strength to stick it out over the long haul – not the grim strength of gritting your teeth but the glory-strength God gives. It is strength that endures the unendurable and spills over into joy, thanking the Father who makes us strong enough to take part in everything bright and beautiful that he has for us. -Colossians 1:10-12

How About You?

I know this is quite a long list, but are there other suggestions you would add to this list? I’d love to hear your thoughts!! Also, if you want to read more about Mom’s story, you can find it HERE and HERE.

You can find me regularly linking up with these encouraging sites.

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    1. She is quite an amazing lady. I know I am blessed beyond measure to have her as my mom! Thanks for visiting, Angela!!!

  1. Such good counsel — and fun, too! If only we could remember that God’s Word is the owner’s manual for our hearts and our bodies. If we follow it, “it will go well with you.”
    I’m so encouraged by this tribute to your mum.

    1. I’m so glad you were encouraged by this tribute, Michele! I am blessed beyond measure to have her for a Mom. God has sustained her well and she has taught us such wonderful things in life!!

  2. Your are so Blessed to have your mother and her wonderful thoughts. Thank you so much for sharing these 80 thoughts.

    1. Thank you for visiting! Any, yes … I am so blessed!:-)

  3. This is so beautiful Lori, what a gift to have a mom like your mom. What a blessing and such gems of wisdom!! These need to be on a poster or something! We all need guidance and reminders of the wise women before us!! Blessings to your dear mom!!!

    1. Thank you so much, Kathy! She is quite a remarkable lady! I am so thankful for her and the example she has given us. I was thinking about you yesterday and realizing I hadn’t gotten the chance to connect with you for quite a while! I just added you to my bloglovin feed so I don’t miss a post! I am always so encouraged by your words and heart!!
      Blessings and smiles,

  4. No wonder she lives into her eighties! So many wise tips and often I feel the ones who have the greatest strength through losses live the most happiest of lives. This is a great post and I absolutely love that you shared it on Tuesday Talk this week. Do share again on Thursday at Party at My Place link up. Wonderful mom you have!

    1. Thank you so much for visiting, Michelle! I will be sure to stop by Party at My Place, too! And thank you for the kind words 🙂 She is a pretty amazing lady!
      Blessings and smiles,

  5. WOW Lori … how awesome! Happy Birthday mom of Lori! What a legacy and beautiful tribute Lori! Such wisdom for all of us! Many triumphs and many difficulties but look at the beautiful ‘fruit’ of living her life fully and because of this, it’s evident in you {probably others in your family, too} and hers (and yours) wonderful list! Indeed this is a blessing to carry with us and remember to incorporate in our own life! Blessings on your mom’s special day and life! Thank you for sharing her love, laughter and her fully lived life! ~ Thanks, Peggy

    1. Oh, Peggy, she is such a gem! I know that I have been immensely blessed with the gift of her! I will share your birthday wishes with her! It will make her smile!!

      1. also Lori … I forgot to add this in my original comment … although your mom faced such truly traumatic times that occurred so long ago in her life, she taught you the strength I have seen in you … and even though you mentioned this as your mom’s son dying at 4-5 to leukemia … this would have been your brother also. Of course, I have no idea how old you were but I am sure it has impacted you as well … as the other losses, and although celebrating your mom’s 80 years should be a joyful time … I also wanted to tell you both how sorry I am for this devastating loss and offer my deepest sympathies. I clearly can see what gives you both strength … an incredible faith!!! Such a beautiful legacy! ~Peggy (again) – don’t worry about replying

  6. There is so much wisdom in this post! I loved reading it. Happy Birthday to your beautiful mother. <3

    1. Thank you, Dawn! I will share your birthday wishes with her! I am so glad you enjoyed her words of wisdom 🙂

  7. i absolutely LOVE this! thank you for sharing!! will be sharing with twitter, G+, fb and all!


    1. Thank you, Marie, for visiting and for sharing! I pray it is an encouragement and inspiration to many!

  8. Ohmygoodness, the legacy! What a gem you have in advice, stories, and LOVE. Thank you so much for sharing this today. What an inspiration!

    1. Hi Meg,
      I know…I have been given such a priceless gift in my mom! Thank you for visiting today and for your kind words!!
      Blessings and smiles,

  9. What lovely words of wisdom from your mum. She is very nearly twice the age my mum was when she died, she is blessed and you are blessed to have her by your side through your life journey for so many years. Thanks for sharing, brought a tear to my eye! #WAYWOW

    1. Haidee,
      I am so sorry for your loss. I cannot imagine losing my Mom at such a young age. You are leaving such a beautiful legacy of her through all that you are passing on to your boys. Thank you so much for visiting and for your kind words. My heart is with you and prayers as well.

  10. What an amazing woman and what incredible life lessons 🙂 Thank you for sharing

    1. Thank you! She really is an amazing lady!
      Blessings and smiles,

  11. What a treasure this list is to your family and others. You’ve a wise wonderful mother indeed!

    Please drop by and say hello!
    Harvest Lane Cottage
    …doing what I can with what I’ve got where I am
    on a short shoestring budget!

    1. Laura,
      Thank you for stopping by!
      Blessings and smiles,

  12. Lovely list. I really think the forgiving one is truly key. Holding on to old hurts and/or not forgiving yourself is a quick way to not enjoy life.

    1. Hi Brianna,
      Forgiving is essential. Unforgiveness is exhausting and eats away our joy. Thank you so much for stopping by!
      Blessings and smiles,

  13. You know what I love about your Mum’s list: her obvious priority given to prayer and family. It reminds me of my Mum: she was an avid prayer and invested heavily in both my Dad and us kids: time, love, support and many, many prayers (some weren’t answered till after her death..and probably many still to come: for God hears all our pleas and answers them according to His will and timing). Oh how I miss her. Give that Mum of yours an extra hug from me today.

    1. Oh, Anna, I will be sure to give her that extra hug! I agree with you. I believe those prayers do not die, but rather continue throughout our lives. Thank you so much for visiting today!
      Blessings and smiles,

  14. What beautiful lessons, not holding onto anger, being an advocate for your husband and children. Love each and everyone one of them. Lost my mom at 82 last year. Was blessed to have her in my life for 57 years! Great post!

    1. Hi Cathy,
      Thank you so much for your kind words! And thank you for letting me know about the click to tweet. It seems to be working. Maybe just a momentary glitch…
      Blessings and smiles,

  15. Lori – I just tried to do your click to tweet and it wouldn’t bring up anything on Twitter. Entirely possible that it is a problem on my end, but thought you should know so that you can check it out.

  16. What a great list, Lori!
    What a great mom! You are most blessed!
    I’m sharing this one all around.
    Hope you have a blessed evening~

  17. Your mom is a superwoman. Wow.
    I’ll follow these. Thanks for sharing and advanced happy birthday to your mom.

  18. Wow…such sage wisdom from your mother Lori! I don’t know where to begin but I love all 80. I see why you mother is preparing to celebrate 80 years on the earth:) Wishing her a blessed birthday. I can tell by your writing how her example of faith in God has filtered down to you as you share your faith so eloquently. God has truly blessed you both. I too am beyond thankful for my Godly mother and I prayer she is with us for years to come. Thanks for giving us a “peek” at those you love. May God continue to richly you all. Have a wonderful weekend!

  19. Lori, what a beautiful legacy and life. Although I don’t think I’m going to put the calculator away, I think your Mom offers wise words I will follow for marriage. : )

  20. I LOVE this! What a wonderful life story and what wonderful “secrets” for living life well. I will be pinning this for sure!

  21. Friend, I took time to read each line after line. It is so beautiful.
    Hugs for your mom please.
    Thank you for sharing these.
    God Bless

  22. Hi Lori. This is a wonderful collection of wise words to guide us through life’s often treacherous pathways. And a great personal tribute to your amazing mother. So much spoke to me, especially these words: “Face life with bravery. Learn from the past. Do not let it define you.” Thank you for sharing. Blessed to be your neighbour at the #WeekendWhispers link up! 🙂

  23. What beautiful wisdom from your precious mother, Lori. You should take these 80 secrets and work them into a book for your family’s future generations. Thank you for sharing these with Thankful Thursdays.

  24. Lori, your mama sounds like a fantastic woman, and she sure passed it on to her family. What a great tribute to her, she is going to love this list. I’m not sure which one’s I like the best, cause I like them all, we need to print this and either frame it or hang it on the bulletin board as a reminder to live life!

  25. What an awesome post Lori!!! Such a special post in honor of your mom! Please tell her I say hi and I hope she had a wonderful birthday! =)

    1. Hi Caryn,
      It was so awesome to see your comment here! I will for sure give her your message!!! Miss you!!
      Blessings and smiles,

  26. Wow what am inspiring mother and those 80 things I think I read three times just to be sure I got them down and can up hold them in my own life which I do. 🙂 Brilliant post lovely. I love the happiness, love and positiveness of your mother even after all she has been thru. I hope I am like this shooting hoops at 80! Thank you for linking up to Share With Me #sharewithme

  27. I am sitting with my Mom right now as she is close to leaving this earth. The peace that comes from knowing her eternal destiny and that I will see her again is incredible. Sweet post.

  28. I love this list. It is so encouraging and inspiring!

  29. What an amazing and strong woman of faith! This is such a wonderful idea for your Mom’s birthday, Lori! Thanks so much for sharing these 80 secrets with #SocialButterflySunday! Hope to see you link up again this week 🙂

  30. Hi Lori!

    I love what you’ve shared here! You have not belabored the point. I held onto every secret that you’ve shared because I wanted it to become a part of me. I love how you love your mom, and you have made me a believer – your mom was and is an amazing woman. I certainly hope that my kinds can say these kind things about me when they grow up. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Thanks, Tiffiney! She sure has taught all of us kids a lot. So much is simply by example. We often belabor ourselves trying to teach, but the power is in the example! I’m so glad you were blessed by your time here today!
      Blessings and smiles,