Am I Strong Enough?

We serve a Father who knows the depths of our capabilities even when we are unaware. Am I strong enough? - Lori Schumaker for Suzie Eller #Livefree

I distinctly remember the book. Filled with the necessary information to prepare an adoptive family. One section stands out in particular, though. In the quiet of our home, our boys tucked safely in bed, I read aloud pages and pages of scenarios as we discussed our answers.

HIV? Family history of depression? Mental illness? Developmental delay? Autism? Facial abnormalities? Heart defect?

Were we willing to consider a child with special conditions and if so, to what degree?

With each question, I could feel the knots mounting in my stomach. How does one rationalize these kinds of choices? These are the children that need a family most. As the counsel of our social workers echoed in my mind, the guilt pierced my heart.

“Be truthful. Recognize your limits. Know what you can handle.”

As my husband and I looked into the depths of what life looked like as parents of a child with significant special needs, we chose what we thought was our child.

Follow me over to Suzie Eller’s blog as I share the rest of my story about wondering …

Am I Strong Enough?

And when you leave, I pray you feel a little braver, a little stronger, and a little more capable than you ever knew you were!  

Suzie has encouraged me for a long time through her books and ministry. Her beautiful heart desires to share Jesus with the brokenhearted and watch as He gently transforms lives with His hope and healing. Friends, take some time to browse around her blog. It will encourage you and give you hope!

Am I strong enough to be her mama? Join me @suzanneeller #livefree Share on X

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  1. I wish I could have read your words ten years ago when all my kidlets were little and I SOOOO doubted my ability to build into them what they would need. Thankful for your testimony of faith in the God who enables.

    1. Hi Michele,
      I so agree! I wish every Mama could hear those words and grasp that they are stronger than they know and God equipped them uniquely for the children He gave them. By the way, I LOVE the term “kidlets”! So Cute!!!
      Blessings and smiles,

  2. What a good word, Lori!
    Thanks for the reminder to “Be truthful. Recognize your limits. Know what you can handle.”
    I’m sharing your post today!

    1. Hi Melanie,
      Thanks so much for sharing! You are a blessing!!!

  3. Simply beautiful, Lori! When we don’t know, God knows that we can be strong in Him. I’m so glad that you can share your story so bravely, and in doing so, you give others hope. It’s all to His glory!

    1. I pray my story gives hope to others. Sometimes it is so difficult to put both the words to my story and the words in my heart together to tell it accurately. Then the Holy Spirit steps in and makes sense of it all, showing me that when I am in obedience to Him, He will fill my gaps! (Hmmm… that seems to be a current theme in my life 😉 Giving up the reins and living out my belief that He will fill my gaps!) Thank you so much for visiting and for your kind words. Your encouragement puts an extra smile in my heart!

  4. Aw Lori … clearly you are strong enough!!! Oh, but “greater is He who is in you, then “whatever” who is of this world.” You can “do all things through Christ who gives you strength” and even in our weakness “His grace is sufficient and His power is made perfect. I am so glad that I came across you and your blog, however, I too, might have benefited more years ago (like Michele) when I adopted two. Not nearly like yours … yet we know each child is unique and brings certain challenges into our lives and also blessings. You think Matthew West composed the song “Strong Enough” for you and any of us when we wonder if we’re “strong enough”. I can’t even imagine how one can prepare their heart to deal with being strong enough for all this … but I thank God that He chose you and your husband and gave you the grace, wisdom, compassion, etc. equipping you for such a time and child as this with so much love in your hearts … “Being truthful. Recognize your limits.” … is not as easy as the words sound … and “Knowing what you can handle.” even less for me. It’s aMazing how God, our Father knew (knows) the depth of your capabilties (or mine) or anyone’s when He allows us to be tested and stretched beyond what we see as our limits. Profound insights and thoughts throughout all your writings. To me, you are more than qualified as a “She Speaks Grad” and featured writer (whether it’s at (in)courage or Suzie Eller’s or anywhere else), you definitely have a gift that I appreciate! Thank you for sharing your story (still in progress) with us. I am blessed by your strength with hopes that I too will be strong enough (God willing) … Que Dios les bendiga a todos siempre amiga y hermana en Cristo! ~Peggy

    1. Peggy,
      Your heart and your words bring such encouragement to my heart and smile to my face! Thank you so much for your support. I am so humbled that God is using my words to minister to your heart, as it seems to be you ministering to mine! God is so awesome that way, though! He gives us these special connections and divine appointments! Y muchas gracias por las bendigas de Dios!
      Blessings and smiles,

  5. Hopping on over to read the rest of your story. You are a strong woman of faith, filled with so much love for others. You are the perfect mom for your daughter, matched by God…He knew just what she needed. Praying for you, that God would give you all the strength you need.

    1. Thank you so much for your encouragement and kind words, Valerie ♥ I treasure your friendship and prayers!

  6. Thanks for this powerful testimony of how God met you and provided for you. Happy to visit today as your neighbor at Time Warp Wife.

  7. Lori, this is so beautiful! Praising God for His Mighty Strength and deep compassion for this hurting world. All life is a precious gift from God. Thank you for your powerful words.

    We adopted my brother when he was 15 months old from a Romanian orphanage. Back then my parents went in knowing little to nothing about the trauma my little brother carried within. It has been a difficult road, but God has walked beside my brother every step of his life and has gifted our family so much through it all.

    I think you may like to read the blog post I just posted: a guest post from a very dear friend, who was adopted as a baby talking about rejoicing in the truth that life is precious.

    1. You are right, Anna! It was a beautiful post and life is so very precious! You also definitely understand some of our story. The trauma of those early years has lasting impact. The love and grace of Christ is what fuels us forward and keeps hope alive. Thank you so much for visiting. I so enjoyed your comments today! I look forward to connecting more in the future!
      Blessings and smiles,

  8. Lori, you are an amazing woman, an amazing mother, and an amazing servant of Our Lord. I am honored to know you and call you friend. Hugs

    1. Thank you so much, Nikki.I feel the same about you! Love you! Lori

  9. So lovely written Lori. Thank you so much for linking up to Share With Me. I hope to see you again tomorrow for another great round. #sharewithme

    1. Thanks so much, Jenny, for stopping by to visit!!!

  10. Lori, God has created special people like you and your husband to care for these little special children and I’m thankful for that. I pray the Lord continues to give you both the strength you need for your precious daughter. Thank you for sharing with Thankful Thursdays.

    1. Hi Lori,
      Thank you so much for your kind words and prayers.
      Blessings and smiles,