What Emotional Baggage Are You Bringing Up the Mountain?

Commitment is brutally difficult, but the end result is definitely worthwhile. ย After writing about that last week, I had the opportunity to have some pretty awesome conversations with some pretty amazing women. We talked about the climb up Camelback Mountain and how it compared to each of our journeys up our own individual mountains. ย Those conversations made me want to dig in deeper and talk about the struggles. To bring conversation around the difficulty.

What Emotional Baggage Are You Bringing Up the Mountain? - Trying to conquer the mountains in your life with the weight of extra baggage on your shoulders is exhausting...

Climbing any mountain is tough work.

Each of us have our own unique mountains. I donโ€™t know what your particular mountain is, sweet friend. However, I do know, in the depths of my soul that it isnโ€™t an easy one.

I see your tears along the road. The pain. The anger. And I see you grimacing as you push forward with all your might to reach that mountaintop.

It is definitely a struggle. It is brutally difficult.

But, letโ€™s be honest with each other.

We are guilty in making it more difficult for ourselves by dragging along too much emotional baggage.The enemy is adept at using our baggage as powerful ammunition as he whispers lies of defeat into our hearts and minds. (I wrote about that in depth here!) And we give him full reign as we insist upon dragging it along.

Here is the climb. The picture I used from last week. These folks are working hard to reach the top.

Steepest part of Camelback Mountain_edited


Now envision all those people trying to climb Camelback Mountain with all this in tow.

Mounds of Baggage_edited

Can you imagine it?

Doable? Maybe for those of herculean strength. However, most probably not.

But surely not optimal for anyone.

Surely reason for many to falter.

To maybe even give up and abandon the commitment.

Abandon their goal.

Their dream.

So, what does that look like in our lives? As we walk through our commitments in life, what do we have hanging onto us that is slowing us down and causing us to give up?

What emotional baggage are you bringing up the mountain? Are you trying to face the trials of life with the emotional baggage of your past weighing you down?

What is your yuck?

Is it a negative environment? Negative people? Your past โ€“ what was done against you, or what you have done? Over commitment? Unrealistically high expectations? Bad habits? Addictions?

Friends, our climb is tough! ย Our yuck makes it tougher. Itโ€™s time to ditch it, leaving us free to climb without all the dead weight.

All these many people who have had faith in God are around us like a cloud. Let us put everything out of our lives that keeps us from doing what we should. Let us keep running in the race that God has planned for us.

Hebrews 12:1 (NLT)

For me, my yuck symbolizes time, focus, energy, and effort. None of which is plentiful around here. So I get caught up in all my yuck. I lose myself in the midst of the demands of a hectic life and I function on autopilot, neglecting to even examine what I may even be carrying with me. Sometimes I feel so busy, the thought of facing or eliminatingย my emotional baggage feels beyond overwhelming. So I trudge ahead thinking I can carry the baggage along with me up the mountain. Iโ€™m pretty strong, for sure, but Iโ€™m no Hercules.

So, I stop.

I set it all down.

I look at it and determine what needs to go.

God reaches down and holds my hand as He assures me that I donโ€™t need any of it.

I can lay it down and turn to Him.

His Word speaks truth.

Then Jesus said, โ€œCome to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy to bear, and the burden I give you is light.โ€

Matthew 11:28-30 (NLT)

And, friends, guess what? I turn and I donโ€™t trudge up that mountain anymore. Nope. Instead?ย I run! Because the weight is gone!ย 

Heโ€™s taken it all fromย me โ€ฆ

So veryย long ago.

With all His love

At the cross.

So that I would not have theseย heavy burdens to bear as I lived out the life He called me to.

Or a lifeย weighted down that fell short of the hopes and dreams He sealed in my heart.

I want to humbly ask you to join me in this discussion by posting below or messaging me. ย What are you needingย to layย down? What weight are you needing to be free of to make the climb to the top ofย the hope-and-dream-filled life He sealed in your heart? I would be honoredย to intercede on your behalf so that you can stop, set down the emotional baggage, and turn to the God Who is waiting to take it all for you. I want you to know that you are not alone. We are all on a big oleโ€™ climb together.

We have held onto the baggage for far too long.

Will you set it down with me?

In case you missed part of the series, you can find all the Overcoming Emotional Baggage Posts HERE!

And, friends, if you are ready to commit to filling your mind with positive and encouraging content that will equip you to lead a stronger and more hope-filled life, subscribe below! You also get full access to the resource filled Library of Hope when you subscribe!

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  1. Wow, do these words challenge! I had a mountain top experience of hearing the Lord speak words of love into my life a couple of weeks ago, and the enemy has been relentless in his attack since then – trying to steal my joy, and reminding me of old lies that I have laid down before. I am sharing my story of healing from childhood abuse at incrementalhealing.wordpress.com – the journey has been difficult beyond words, but my loving, heavenly Father is faithful. Please pray for me, that no weapon forged against me will prevail. Thank you, sweet one. I would love it if you’d visit my blog, and share your thoughts.
    Blessings and hugs,

    1. Kamea,

      Oh, sweet sweet treasured daughter of the King! I spent some time on your blog. Beautiful. Heart wrenching. I am humbled by your courage and bravery and pursuit of healing and willingness to share it with others to bring Jesus to others who have been hurt in this way.

      I will, without a doubt be praying for you. I can only imagine the lies the enemy is whispering in your soul – the attacks he is making against you to make you sit quietly in pain. You are doing an amazing thing for the Kingdom of God and he wants to put an end to it.
      Lord, I come before You on behalf of my dear sister in Christ, Kamea. Lord, You know the pain she has endured and the healing she is pursuing. Only You can bring her complete freedom and victory. We believe in Your promises and believe in that truth and we thank You in advance for the healing that we know You will do. Lord, You also know the ploys of the enemy and how he is working overtime in his efforts to deter Kamea. So, I pray that him and all his minions be bound and rebuked in the Name of Jesus! I claim her freedom in You by the work You did on the cross so long ago! I pray, Lord, that no weapon formed against Kamea will succeed. That You will silence every voice raised to accuse her. (Isaiah 54:17) In Your precious and holy Name I pray. Amen.

      Thank you for allowing me to share a part of your journey! I am honored!

      Many hugs to you,

  2. Tears, sweet Lori.

    Thank you for listening, for taking the time to read my story, and for your words of compassion and understanding. It means so much to know that you cared enough to reach out to me, and more importantly to pray. I am so very thankful for the gift of your caring heart.

    You are a blessing,

  3. Lori,

    I’m so thankful that we are neighbors today on #LiveFreeThursday. Your post is perfect timing. I’m on the cusp of seeing God increase my faith. But I admit that in the past two days fear and frustration have come in. I’m clinging to 1 Peter 5:6-11 and I desire to rest in His peace.

    Thank you for praying.


    1. Stacey,

      Thank you for stopping by! I am beyond humble and thankful God used my words for His good! 1 Peter 5:6-11 … sooooooooo good! I love it! I am claiming that in the right time, He will lift you up in His honor! Hold tight – it is just around the corner, my friend!!! Praying for your peace and thanking God in advance for the mighty work He is about to do in you.

      Blessings and smiles,

  4. Thank you for these words of encouragement. We can make it as long as we allow the Lord to carry the load. Thank you for linking up with Frog’s Lilypad’s Thankful Thursdays.

    1. Hi Lori,

      Thanks for stopping back by and for hosting Thankful Thursdays! Being thankful makes the climb so much easier as well! Thank you for providing that reminder and encouragement each week!

      Blessings and smiles,

  5. Wonderful to visit your blog today! Great words of wisdom and encouragement! We are surely on a “climb” toggery and BETTER because of it! Blessings #lifeunstuck

    1. Pat,
      Thank you so much for stopping by and for your kind words! I love it when God touches someone’s life through the words He puts on my heart. They are some of the awesome moments in life!:-)

      Blessings and smiles,

  6. Such a great message here, and the visual of all that luggage hit home. I have luggage I tend to sneak on the trek every now and then without realizing it. Then I have to go back down the mountain and lay it at Jesus’ feet AGAIN.
    Thanks for sharing over at Dance with Jesus link up today!

    1. Ruthie,
      Thank you so much for visiting and for your kind words! You are so right about having to lay down that luggage again and again. Ugh! Our humanness is so annoying, isn’t it ๐Ÿ˜‰ Next week, I’m writing about just that, though!

      Blessings and smiles,

  7. So beautifully written! I love how you gave such a solid visual with the photos – someone climbing a mountain, followed by a truck load of baggage. So clever and powerful..

    1. Thanks so much, Rene! I hope you have a wonderful and blessed day!!

  8. This is incredibly beautiful and something I SO needed to hear. Thank you for writing this and reminding me to “let it go”. Lovely to meet you!

    1. Kristen,

      I am so happy that God used this post to touch your heart and remind you to let it go! (I bet you never hear that song around your home at all ;-)) Thank you very much for stopping by and connecting! I look forward to following your journey, as well!

      Blessings and smiles,

  9. Thank you Lori, for this heartfelt post. I totally understand what you are talking about here. I have dropped off so much baggage at the foot of the Cross. The more freedom I experience, the more I want! I am sharing your post on my blog round-up #9.

    1. Aimee,
      Thank you! Amen to freedom, right?! When finally felt, it is the most amazing thing … while living without it is suffocating. Sadly, I’ve done both. God has pulled me through the muck and mire and set me on His Rock! I am thrilled He is using my story for good and thankful you are posting His good in your round-up! I’m honored ๐Ÿ™‚

      Blessings and smiles,

  10. Lori, this is beautiful, and something we can all relate to! I love that we can leave our yuck at the foot of the cross and carry on, baggage-free! #livefreeThursday

    1. Thanks so much for visiting, Crystal! Isn’t it such a relief? Otherwise carrying that baggage would sure get exhausting!
      Blessings and smiles,