When Your Commitment Feels Too Difficult

Why is Commitment So Difficult?

It, for sure, looks incredibly exciting at first glance. Even glamorous. An answer to prayer. A dream come true.

As I stood at the bottom of Camelback Mountain, I was excited! It was a beautiful day. The view was spectacular. I was thinking of the goal โ€“ a panoramic view of the entire city of Phoenix. It would be such a great experience for my little guy and me on our Mommyโ€“Son date!

The incline began quickly and sharply for unseasoned hikers like ourselves. I would need to adjust. Even though I am a runner and my son a basketball player, hiking uses a different kind of strength. ย Right off the bat, I found myself working diligently to control my breathing. I had to dig a little deeper into my efforts, but climbed ahead still filled with excitement.

As we progressed up the side of the mountain, I noticed the progressive shift of my emotional state of mind toward my commitment.

I went from bubbling-over excitement to โ€œReally? This kinda stinks!โ€ in mere minutes!

When we start out on the trek, commitment can seem exciting! Exhilarating even! But soon the hard work kicks in. Then what? Why Is Commitment So Difficult? Lori Schumaker

And as I uttered those words in my head, I could almost hearย God chuckling. Saying, โ€œRemind you of anything?โ€ Thankfully my son was ahead of me, or he would have seen my rolling eyes! I knew God was right, but as I was huffing and puffing, it just seemed like a terribleย moment toย hear truth! That truth, though, is that He and I have walked through many a commitment struggle together. Commitment that gets tough. Gets frustrating. And becomes hard work. Really hard work.

Do you feel that way somewhere in your life right now?

A business venture?


A relationship with

  • A friend?
  • A family member?
  • A spouse or significant other?
  • Church?
  • Your children?
  • Jesus

Your health?

Your weight?

Did your commitment seem exciting in the beginning? Did you start off focused on your goal? Was the energy and passion there in abundance?

But now itโ€™s not?

It got tough? Frustrating? It became really really hard work?

I wish I had the answer for you. All tied up nicely in with a bow. But I donโ€™t. No one can give you just the one right strategy to make it up that mountain to the glorious view.

But I can tell you this. ย The view is worth it.

It is a prize. It is a treasure. We must push through the struggle of commitment. ย Push through to win.

Donโ€™t you realize buy nolvadex cheap uk that in a race everyone runs, but only one person gets the prize? So run to win! 1 Corinthians 9:24

Without the struggle, we, with our self-indulgent human nature, would never recognize the treasure. We must feel the adversity and the pain, to fully feel the joy.

All good things worth achieving will have the struggle.

And if you dig deep setting your eyes upon Him and the obedience to His Word, you will have the tools to win the race.

Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up. And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us. We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus, the champion who initiates and perfects our faith. Because of the joy awaiting him, he endured the cross, disregarding its shame. Now he is seated in the place of honor beside Godโ€™s throne. Think of all the hostility he endured from sinful people; then you wonโ€™t become weary and give up. Hebrews 12:1-3


Father, You are the author and finisher of our faith. You alone are our strength and endurance when the commitment to climb becomes difficult. You know each of our stories and where each of us and aching to turn around and run the other way, allowing defeat to win. I ask You to stop us in our tracks as we move to run away. Change the direction of our steps and of our thoughts. Put them firmly back on You as You take each step with us through the finish line. We thank You for loving us more than any of our failed attempts โ€ฆ loving us when we are weak โ€ฆ and loving us when we have stepped away from You. Your unfailing love is the strength in our step and the wind beneath our wings. In Your Precious and Holy Name I pray. Amen.

In case you missed part of the series, you can find all the Overcoming Emotional Baggage Posts HERE!

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Looking for more encouragement? I regularly link up with theseย fabulous bloggers!

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    1. loriandbryan says:

      Thanks for stopping by, Mari-Anna!

  1. I love this! This is very encouraging! As you mentioned, “We must feel the adversity and the pain, to fully feel the joy.” We always looking for the prize but the struggle is needed just as much as the prize. #ThrivingThursday

    1. JcCee,
      Thanks so much for stopping by! I’m so glad you felt encouraged! I love it when God does His thing! ๐Ÿ™‚ Have a very blessed day!

  2. Such encouraging words! Sometimes we tend to focus on the hard part of a journey and take our eyes off the prize, but is so worth the effort when we get to the end. Thank you for sharing with Thankful Thursdays #FrogsLilypadThanks.

    1. Lori,
      So true! Why is it so easy to focus on the hard stuff! It’s a constant battle to keep our focus on the right place! Thanks so much for stopping by and I’m so glad you felt encouraged!

      ๐Ÿ™‚ Lori

  3. Thanks for this beautiful post. I am so glad that God doesn’t have a fear of commitment! Linking up today from Reflect.

    1. Jann,

      Thank you for visiting and thank YOU for hosting the Blog Hop at Reflect! I Have a wonderful day!

      ๐Ÿ™‚ Lori

  4. The beginning is so exciting…then there’s the discipline day, after day, after day! It’s awful and wonderful, hard and totally worth it. Your story made me smile today, thank you!! Visiting from Susan’s site:)

    1. Meg,

      Thank you so much for visiting and I am super thankful my story made you smile!

      Blessings and smiles,

  5. Hi Lori,
    I came across your blog a few months ago and I’m so blessed that I did. The way you encourage your readers to show their vulnerabilities because it is not a weakness but a strength is wonderful. As Christians, we are representatives of the Christian walk and it takes courage to show our hearts to do so. This post on emotional baggage was a reminder to me that I need to “letitgo” and ask God to help me with my strongholds. As far as good reading, I’ve read Fearless by Max Lucaso and One Thousand Gifts book and devotional by Ann Voskamp that you listed and they are excellent. Another book that I recommend is Traveling Light by Max Lucado. It goes straight to the heart of removing emotional baggage and letting God help us to let go so we can continue to renew our minds. Keep up the good work!

    Wendi D.

    1. Hi Wendi,
      Thanks for taking the time to connect with me! I love meeting new people! I will have to check out that book by Max Lucado. I like pretty much everything he writes and it’s one I haven’t read yet! I want you to know I’m praying for you right now to let it go and for God to show you where those strongholds are so that you can pray against them and be set free of the extra baggage. โ™ฅ
      Blessings and smiles,