Bold Faith and Brave Surrender’s Role in the Adoption Journey: Our Story

It was a morning I will never forget. There she was. Rosy cheeks. Curly black hair. And her almost black eyes? They wouldn’t let go.

A flood of emotions washed over me as I cried.

I’d seen my daughter for the first time.

It was the next chapter in our story, however, it didn’t go as I’d hoped.

Bold Faith and Brave Surrender's Role in the Adoption Journey {Our Story} | Our international #adoption story of how faith made all the difference

It had been just over a year since we’d begun the paperwork for our adoption. Three months prior we received the Bulgarian approval and we waited for a match. International adoption is a complicated process involving lots of waiting so we prepared as best we could. We had yet to realize trusting and surrendering plays an enormous part in waiting well.

Trusting and surrendering plays an enormous part in waiting well #adoption #ourstory #boldfaith @Kristi_Woods Share on X

That rosy-cheeked little girl in my email inbox wasn’t the one the Ministry of Justice specifically matched to us. Instead, she was a child listed as having special needs allowing agencies to send her photos and medical records to families registered within their program.

I was nervous as I read her medical report because my husband and I believed we weren’t equipped to parent a child with severe special needs. Yet, I was convicted beyond the shadow of a doubt this little girl was the one God meant for us. She was a Schumaker.

I didn't think we were equipped to parent a child with severe special needs ... #adoption #hope #ourstory @Kristi_Woods Share on X
But what if her report was filled with scary diagnoses? What if my husband didn’t see it as I did?

I hesitantly opened the medical file. As I read through it, relief washed over me! Speech delay? We can handle that. Flat feet? What? Really? Since when is flat feet a special need? Developmental delay? Check. That’s expected from all children living in an institution and not receiving ideal care.

That night after our boys were tucked in bed sound asleep I told my husband to sit down. I asked him to look at a picture and to promise not to say a word until he fully listened to what I had to say.

But I didn’t need to say a thing. My stoic strong man couldn’t hide the emotions washing over him.

He’d seen his daughter for the first time, too.

Bold Faith and Brave Surrender's Role in the Adoption Journey {Our Story} | Our international #adoption story of how faith made all the difference

A month later, they set our petition for presentation before the Bulgarian Ministry of Justice. Excitement filled our house that morning. It was the day it would be official! We would start the formal process of adopting our daughter.

With the kids off to school and my husband at work, I awaited the celebratory call. Our case worker was just as excited for us and couldn’t wait to make the happy call.

My cell phone rang and with anticipation, I answered. But the words I heard were not the words any of us expected. The answer was “no”. Our little girl had been given to another family.

Friends, I can’t put words to what God does in adoption. When He calls you, turning away from it is impossible. His call is relentless.

When God calls you to #adoption, turning away is impossible #hope #ourstory @Kristi_Woods Share on X

And He opens your heart to love deeply long before meeting your child.

Just as you love the child growing within your womb, God fills your heart with that same love for a child who may happen to live halfway around the world.

So in that moment, grief consumed every fiber of my soul.


Join me over at my friend, Kristi Woods, for the rest of our story. Our adoption story wasn’t typical and still isn’t. But it’s a beautiful story God continues to write even today. I’m honored to share it with you and as a part of Kristi’s series ♥

My New Book!

Surrendered Hearts: An Adoption Story of Love, Loss, and Learning to Trust is our family’s adoption story. But it’s so much more. It’s how we’ve learned to surrender our will for God’s and how we’ve experienced miracles because of it. My prayer is that as each persona steps out into the unknown, they lean into the strength of Christ and discover something far beyond what they have ever imagined.

Did you know it's National Adoption Month? Surrendered Hearts: An Adoption Story of Love, Loss, and Learning to Trust just released! @RedemptionPress #nationaladoptionmonth #adoption Share on X

Surrendered Hearts: An Adoption Story of Love, Loss, and Learning to Trust

Surrendered Hearts: An Adoption Story of Love, Loss, and Learning to Trust by Lori Schumaker #SurrenderedHeartsBook #adoption

Want more information? The Surrendered Hearts website is HERE! You’ll find the Book Video Trailer and other goodies like shareable images, tweets, and a set of FREE Bonus Resources for the adoptive parent or for anyone needing a little extra encouragement in life!
Surrendered Hearts - An Adoption Story of Love, Loss, and Learning to Trust is available NOW on @Amazon @BNBuzz @ChristianBook @RedemptionPress #SurrenderedHeartsBook #nationaladoptionmonth Share on X

Want to go straight to Amazon? Then you can click HERE!

Free Printable Bonus Resources: Prayers, Verses, Scripture Cards, Resource Lists., and a beautiful original print. A huge packet of resources for the adoptive parent or for anyone needing encouragement in life! Created with Surrendered Hearts: An Adoption Story of Love, Loss, and Learning to Trust by Lori Schumaker #adoption #prntables #scripturecards #bibleverses

Get your absolutely FREE set of Bonus Resources for the adoptive parent or for anyone needing a little extra encouragement in life! #SurrenderedHeartsBook #adoption #NationalAdoptionMonth Share on X

The Surrendered Heart Bracelet: Choose to Live Surrendered to the One who makes the Impossible Possible! #LiveSurrendered #SurrenderedHeartsBook #Godslove #adoption #bracelet

The Surrendered Hearts Bracelet

In conjunction with the book, I have partnered with Theresa of  Tees Cherished Finds to create a Surrendered Hearts Bracelet! The message to Live Surrendered means that you are choosing to lay down your fears and live surrendered to the One who makes the impossible possible.  When you choose to Live Surrendered, you are committing to following Jesus where He calls. You are choosing to let go of your way and take hold of His way.  And when you purchase a bracelet for just $15 (look in the right margin), just as when you purchase the book, a portion of the proceeds will go to Lori’s chosen adoption ministries. Just click on the image below. It will take you to the Surrendered Hearts page where you can find out more and make your purchase!

Check out the Surrendered Hearts Bracelet and make a statement to LIVE SURRENDERED! #SurrenderedHeartsBook #NationalAdoptionMonth Share on X
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  1. When God calls us to anything, it’s hard to turn away.
    Thanks for sharing your story of boldness, Lori. It’s good to be encouraged by what we read.

    1. That is so true, Lux! When God places that call deep on our heart, He compels us to follow Him!