When You Are Feeling Unloved: Whose Voice Will You Choose to Listen To?
Are you feeling unloved? In this life, we experience heartbreak and disappointments which have a way of writing untruths upon our hearts. But, friend, there is a voice that speaks the ultimate Truth of love over our lives—the voice of God. In Him, Truth does not shift and in Him, we find how deeply loved we truly are.
When You Are Feeling Unloved: Whose Voice Will You Choose to Listen To?
“SO THAT”—Two powerful words I never considered in quite the same way after hearing my friend, Mia Koehne, speak them. It’s funny how God uses others to speak into our lives to recognize things that had been right in front of us all along. That day, when Mia spoke those two words, I felt a catch in my spirit that changed the way I view every good and every challenging situation I experience.
When I’m praying, I ask God to give me wisdom SO THAT …
When I need to make a decision, I ask what is my best yes or no SO THAT …
And when life hurts or feels upside down, I search for purpose in the pain SO THAT …
There is so much hope in the meaning behind those two little words.
But What Does This Have to Do with Feeling Unloved?
God has created you wonderfully and uniquely to do a good work. He made you intentionally and purposefully SO THAT you can do that good work.
God has created us each wonderfully and uniquely to do a good work. #hope #voiceoftruth @MiaKoehne Share on X“And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns.”
Scripture tells you that:
- You weren’t created by chance. It was on purpose and for a purpose. (Ephesians 2:10, Jeremiah 29:11)
- He lovingly constructed you with every unique trait you have. (Psalm 139:13-14, Jeremiah 1:5)
- You were created in His image. (Genesis 1:27)
- Out of His great love for you, He gave His only son to save you. (John 3:16, Romans 5:8)
- He will never leave you and will always fight for you. (Deuteronomy 31:6, Exocus 14:14)
- He’s working all things together for a good for you. (Romans 8:28)
- Gives you everything you need for your next step in life. (Philippians 4:19, 2 Peter 1:3)
- Equips you for what He calls you to. (Hebrews 13:21, 2 Timothy 3:17)
- Rejoices over you. (Zephaniah 3:17)
- Catches every tear and weeps with you. (Psalm 56:8, John11:35, Romans 12:15)
And this list only scratches the surface of all the ways He loves you. So, friend, THIS is the Voice to listen to when you are feeling unloved.
Turning Loneliness Into Thankfulness
Today I welcome my friend, Mia, to the blog. You may have met her traveling around the country with the Aspire Women’s Events. Her love for Christ shines brightly and in her presence, you just can’t help but feel His love. We still can’t remember exactly how we met, but we do agree it was somehow through what was formerly called Twitter!
My days can be full, hectic, fast-paced, or slow.
Here is a small glimpse into a typical day for me. I generally spend it in a couple of ways … either resting, which is my favorite thing to do (and it is also an activity that I count as completely Biblical), or finding ways to encourage those around me. I do the latter through my blog, through sharing scripture, phone calls, coffee dates, writing, and touring around the country in women’s and recovery ministry.
Truly, I love being filled up SO THAT I can pour out on those I meet. My heart is to walk alongside women and remind them that they are loved, forgiven, redeemed, and chosen. My heart is that people would know that they are not alone.
Many of my weekends are spent traveling and sharing this message of hope through song.
These times are full, exhilarating, and exhausting, all at the same time. So, when I come home, my favorite place to refuel is on top of a mountain. So hiking, I go.
Discovering Hope on the Mountaintop
Today, as I sat on the mountain reading my Bible and talking to the Lord, I found myself almost frozen. I’m not sure if it was the exhaustion or the fact that I finally had a moment where I slowed down enough to feel as though I could fully exhale. In that moment of release, I admitted to myself that I felt alone, that I felt less than, that I felt unloved. I felt like a hypocrite.
How could I travel around sharing the truth with others when I felt so unsure at that moment?
And then I turned to 2 Samuel 7:18-19
“Then King David went in and sat before the Lord and prayed,“Who am I, O Sovereign Lord, and what is my family, that you have brought me this far? And now, Sovereign Lord, in addition to everything else, you speak of giving your servant a lasting dynasty! Do you deal with everyone this way, O Sovereign Lord?”
I let His word sit in my heart.
I heard the gentle whisper of the Lord saying “Don’t leave this mountain until you remember and know the truth until you remember how much you are loved by Me.”
My doubt was turning to awe, my loneliness to thankfulness.
There in those next moments, I felt the prayer of David rush through my soul. I too was saying “Who am I that You would love me, Lord? Thank you for bringing me this far. I can’t believe how you love me and not just me, but all your people!”
His Word reminded me (once again) of who I am.
His word assured me of my identity, my value and my worth because of who Christ says I am. The other voices in my head may try and scream that I am not enough, that everything I did out on the road didn’t really matter, but Truth speaks louder. The voice of Truth remains.
And that is the voice I choose to listen to over and over again because that is the voice that chose me first. It is the voice that always reminds me that I am loved.
His word assured me of my identity, my value and my worth because of who Christ says I am. #UnveilingHope @MiaKoehne Share on XAbout the Author
Mia lives as a testimony to God’s grace and His forgiveness. As one who formerly lived in brokenness and shame, she rejoices that God has restored her and identified her as His own. Inspired to share this message of hope with others, she boldly proclaims the Gospel message of forgiveness to all who will hear.
With a heart for the lost, she prays that others will be freed from the bondage of sin and self-destruction through the one and only, Jesus Christ. She is ready to partner with you in ministry and share through word and song.
Mia is the wife of Bob and the mother of three children, Chris, Aaron, and Miriam.
You can connect with Mia on HERE on her blog or on social media.
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In case you are looking for all the other #ChosenandWorthy posts in one place, you can find them HERE .
And in case you are looking for more Christian encouragement? These are the places I sometimes choose to link up and share!
What an encouraging word, Lori, and Mia!
I love that question – so what?
Thank you for being an inspiration to my life~
Thank Melanie. Yes, words I live by…so that. Great reminder and encouragement to persevere. -Mia
I never though of that, but it is necessary to be specific.