Truth for When Fear Threatens the Special Needs Parent

I believe, as Mothers, the greatest means through which God pulls us beyond ourselves and into a humbling understanding of our need for Him and the power of His love, is through our children.

But I also believe, as Mothers, the greatest weapon the enemy has to thwart our purpose is through our children.

Truth for When Fear Threatens the Special Needs Parent | These 6 truths will give you hope and encourage you to fight fear boldly!

“Making the decision to have a child — it’s momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body.” -Elizabeth Stone

They serve as our greatest strength and our greatest weakness.

Submitted to God, our children are our strength. Holding on in tight control, they are our weakness.

Our children serve as our greatest strength and our greatest weakness #specialneeds #parenting #hope @sdgwords Share on X

Iโ€™m a special needs parent. Mama to a little treasure whose needs go far beyond typical. As the years have unfolded and we hoped and prayed for progress that would point to a life of independence โ€“ a life resembling โ€œtypicalโ€ โ€“ we instead have come face-to-face with many truths we didnโ€™t want to hear.

Time and again, I would feel fear rising up within my spirit.

How will we care for her? In 2 years? 5 years? 20 years?

How will we meet her needs?

What if she rebels against us?

Where will we turn for help?

What if something happened to us? Who could and would step in?

Iโ€™d recognize it by the pounding heart, roller-coaster emotions, and anxiety. Sometimes it ushered in restless nights filled with nightmares. While other times I simply wanted to sit in the middle of my pantry with a bag of potato chips and no interruptions.

Masked in many ways, it couldnโ€™t hide. It was fear. Fear of what the future would bring for my child and for us as a family.

Truth for When Fear Threatens the Special Needs Parent | These 6 truths will give you hope and encourage you to fight fear boldly!

Often, it triggered a determination to conquer. Push hard. Seek more answers. More resources. More of everything.

I refused to acknowledge my limitations. I labeled my exhaustion as failure. The enemy whispered, โ€œYouโ€™ll never be enoughโ€ฆโ€

Iโ€™d then land in a puddle of defeat. Wanting nothing more than to hide under the covers, Iโ€™d withdraw from the world.

… finish reading here.

The rest of our story along with 6 truths I cling to when battling the fear that accompanies not only being a special needs parent, but being any parent at all, is over at Jerusha Agen’s Fear Warrior Blog. I love her series on fear and how she shares stories inspiring others to kick fear to the curb! Friends, the truth is that our God is bigger than any obstacle rising before us. And with Him our victory is assured!

Featured #MomentsofHope Post

Our world has been pummeled by natural disaster after natural disaster in such a short amount of time. And as I wrote the above post about fear, these disasters combined with the threats and turmoil our country and world are facing, we are prime targets for fear to set up camp in the deepest parts of our souls. Places so deep we fail to realize the power it begins to have on our lives.

But friends, as believers in Christ, we need not fear. And that is exactly why I loved what Robin of Robinality shared as she recounted part of her experience as Hurricane Irma hit her home state of Florida.

The morning before Hurricane Irma was to hit Central where can i buy tamoxifen in uk Florida, I opened myย devotionalย and read these words,ย โ€œPeace in the Storm. May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace.โ€ย Romans 15:13.

Robin goes on to give you strategies for claiming that peace amidst whatever storm you are facing. She gives you hope. And she gives you a weapon against fear!

When you stop by to soak in her moment of hope, please don’t forget to give her back some of that same kind of encouragement?

Does fear threaten your hope? Fear as a parent? A special needs parent? Adoptive parent? As a woman, friend, sister, or wife?

Does it stop you from pursuing your God-designed purpose and leave you living just short of victory?

Friends, it doesn’t have to. It takes intentional steps toward wiping out what the enemy throws at you. One of those steps is to fill your lives with the constant truth of the Word of God. After that, it’s committing to filling your mind as frequently as possible with positive, encouraging, and purposeful content. The world is a noisy place and much of it isn’t what makes us stronger. Much is what the enemy uses to pull us away from victory.

So, today I challenge you to that commitment. There are many places to turn for that positive content. One of them is right here. I’d love to have you join me as we keep our eyes on Jesus and the hope we find in Him! Subscribe below and you will not only get each update in your inbox (1-2 times per week), but my 2 time monthly newsletter with the inside scoop, and complete access to my resource filled Library of Hope!

Need #hope in the face of fear? Commit to filling your life with encouraging content to encourage and equip YOU to live a hope-filled life! Share on X

#MomentsofHope Link-Up

Join us for the #MomentsofHope Link-Up! Share hope and be encouraged every Monday! #hope Share on X

Each week I’ll be visiting as many posts as possible, sharing them to my Moments of Hope Group Board on Pinterest as well as my other social media platforms when applicable, and choosing one post each week to feature.

Thank you for joining me here each week to share the hope given to us through Christ. Whether your words come from a story that points to the full healing you have experienced in Christ, or its a story of the journey along the road to the healing you know He is working in you, it is giving hope to others. Your words matter and it honors me to have you share them here in this space!

What I ask of you:#MomentsofHope Link-up;; Read, share, and together hope for tomorrow.
  1. Share up to 2 blog post URLs resonating with the topic of HOPE.ย That which gives us hope for tomorrow and hope for victory. The little things and the big that inspire us to lean into Jesus and let Him carry us through.

2.#MomentsofHope is a place to give and get hope, so let’s encourage others in their efforts to share the hope of Jesus. If you have time, stop by more than one sweet writerโ€™s little corner of the blog world!

  1. Please either grab the #MomentsofHopeย button found here or link back to me. If you’ve been featured, grab your button here!

Finally, find me linking up with these encouraging places!

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    1. Thank you, Michele! I appreciate you being here!

  1. Happy Monday, Lori! I love what you’ve written here. Even before I head over to finish the rest, much of what you’ve written about a mamma’s heart, fear, and holding on too tightly truly resonates with me. I can’t wait to read the rest. Have a blessed week, my friend!


    1. Thank you, Tiffiney! It’s certainly an area where the Lord continues to open my eyes and soften my heart as He leads me to lead my children. Blessings!

  2. Lori, your opening sentence is so powerful and truth for all of us mamas trying to get a handle on fear and trust the truth that God has it all. Love the constant flow of hope here!

    1. It’s so true, isn’t it – that God has it all. I’m grateful that we can continue to go back to Him!

  3. Thanks for your heart to help parents with special-needs children, Lori! I’m so glad God placed your daughter in your life! You have such a powerful message to share that I know will encourage so many! Thanks also for the linkup, my friend!

    1. Thank you, I appreciate your kindness! I’m so grateful that God gave her to us, as well!

  4. Horace Williams Jr. says:

    I love the heartfelt honesty you share here Lori. I know that God has been preparing you all along for this exact moment of raising a special needs child. You will look back over time and see how He has worked in you and your family’s lives. The Lord desires to bless those children of His who seek Him. Keep your eyes on Christ and He will grant you the courage, strength, and wisdom to handle what lies ahead. Have a fantastic week dear friend, and may God continue to richly bless you and your family.

    1. Thank you for your kind words, Horace. I appreciate your encouragement! It’s always a blessing to see you hear. Have a wonderful week!

  5. Fear is the hardest thing to be honest about. And I feel as women the hardest to overcome, but oh how sweet when we do! How sweet to give glory to Jesus for carrying us through our fears!

    1. So much wisdom right here, Michelle. Yes, fear is so hard to be honest about. But when we shine the light there, the enemy can’t live in that darkness anymore! Blessings, friend!