7 Suggestions for Raising Your Children God’s Way

We will not hide these truths from our children; we will tell the next generation about the glorious deeds of the Lord, about his power and his mighty wonders. –Psalm 78:4 NLT

7 Suggestions for Raising Children God's Way
“If your friend told you to jump off the bridge, would you do it?”

I am going to make a bold guess and claim almost every one of you reading this right now has heard this line or one similar to it at one point in your life. By a parent, a teacher, or some other care giver of some sort. Am I right?

Now I am going to take it one step further. How many of you have found yourself saying that same line to your own children at some point? I am guessing that number is pretty high, as well!

But it confuses me. Although we are a society taught to not follow every “brilliant” idea that comes along, somehow we still have become a society of Bandwagon Followers!

It seems that whatever becomes the latest and greatest or most popular, we latch on and run with it! Don’t get me wrong. I love that the latest and greatest have brought back retro style home decor. And friends, I really love leggings, loose over-sized shirts, curly hair, and joggers (aka sweatpants).

However, that doesn’t mean they are all the best ideas for each of us.

Let me go a little deeper with this. Into parenting. The single most important responsibility of our lifetime.

Breastfeeding, Formula, Ferber Method, Dr. Sears, No-Tears, Co-sleeping, Crib sleeping, disposable diapers, cloth diapers, pre-school, home school, public school, private school, sports, no sports, family dinner, spanking, no spanking.

Before our children utter their first cry, we have been offered endless theories which at one time or another have been the latest and greatest bandwagon in parenting.

It’s overwhelming. As parents, we begin to feel the weight of the world on our shoulders. Even when we make a decision, we let thoughts of it being the wrong decision run rampant in our minds.

I’m right there with you, sweet mama friends! I’ve run this hamster wheel round and round.

However, I am also convicted God did not design parenthood to be this way.

God didn't design #parenting to be an ever turning hamster wheel-jumping from one bandwagon to another! #7suggestions Share on X

I believe He designed each of us as uniquely wonderful. And likewise gave us each specific children that are equally as uniquely wonderful! It was no mistake or random placement. We were each designed for the specific child He gave us to parent while here on Earth. (I wrote more about this here)

My friend, Aimee Imbeau who blogs over at A Work of Grace, recently wrote a book titled Raising Godly Children. Her book is filled with great strategies and resources to help you raise up your child to love and follow God.

Aimee is a homeschooling Mom. I am not. I have an Education Degree and have taught all ages – from Elementary through College. But I have not formally educated my children at home. And in all likelihood, will not.

One would think, because Aimee’s book is written from the perspective of a Homeschooling Mom with tips targeted toward the Homeschooling Mom, I would not have much to appreciate or glean from her advice.

But here is why that couldn’t be further from the truth.7 Suggestions for Raising Children God's Way

Aimee’s heart is to follow hard after Jesus and to raise children who follow just as hard after Him. And when we follow hard after Jesus, we don’t follow bandwagons, we follow Him. We listen for Him. We seek out His guidance. Ultimately, we parent specifically to the children with whom He so lovingly blessed us.

I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my eye upon you -Psalm 32:8

In her book, Aimee urges us to listen for His call because any methodology could become our idol if we aren’t careful.

She says, “When we commit to riding one of those wagons (or multiple wagons), we end up following these man-made ordinances for our lives (and perhaps shun those who disagree and don’t follow along) and we aren’t able to hear the voice of God and understand HIS will for our lives. We are so consumed by these philosophies that they become idols and they distract us from what God wants for us.”

Indeed, as Christians, I think we need to be very careful in discerning the differences between man-made ordinances and God-made ordinances.

In order to do this we must follow hard after Jesus, know His Word, and communicate through prayer with an unceasing tenacity.

I want to leave you with a list of 7 Suggestions for Raising Your Children God’s Way. These are not dependent upon the current bandwagon. They are dependent upon God’s Word. And God’s Word is a lifetime bandwagon worth jumping on!Off the Bandwagon - Raising Children God's Way

  1. Build your faith into everyday moments. Take advantage of life and make them teachable moments that point to the power of Jesus. Use the time for open conversation.

Repeat them again and again to your children. Talk about them when you are at home and when you are on the road, when you are going to bed and when you are getting up. –Deuteronomy 6:7 NLT

2.  Bring every matter back to the condition of your child’s heart. Disobedience? Unkind words? Poor choices? They are all matters of the heart. It’s not simply about consequences. Get to the matter of the heart.

Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it. –Proverbs 4:23 NLT

3.  Model a life of relationship with Christ. You cannot teach what you yourself do not model. Your life must be a living testimony.

And you yourself must be an example to them by doing good works of every kind. Let everything you do reflect the integrity and seriousness of your teaching. –Titus 2:7 NLT

4.  Pray with your children.

One day Jesus told his disciples a story to show that they should always pray and never give up. –Luke 18:1 NLT

5.  Study His Word with your children.

I could have no greater joy than to hear that my children are following the truth. -3 John:4 NLT

6. Worship Him with all your heart. Give your children the opportunity to witness and participate in this.

All the earth worships you and sings praises to you; they sing praises to your name.” Selah –Psalm 66:4 ESV

7.  Listen to Him. When you study, pray, and worship. In this way your child will learn to hear Him as well. Together you will stay off the man-made bandwagons and stay on the God-made one.

My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me. -John 10:27 ESV

7 Suggestions for Raising Your Children God's Way - Raising Godly Children

7 Suggestions for Raising Your Children God's Way #nobandwagons #aimeeimbeau #raisinggodlychildren Share on X

Dear Father, Parenting is tough. So tough. But Lord, You have created us each with detailed intricacy knowing intimately our individual burdens and needs. And You have equipped us specifically to parent each of the children we have been given. Thank You for giving us tools to ease the burden of doubt, insecurity, overwhelm, and worry. Thank You for blessing us with these precious lives.

Lord, I ask You to fill each of us with Your strength, wisdom, compassion, and love. Let us see our children through Your eyes and let us recognize man-made ordinances that may not be the correct ones for our children. Our children are beautiful creations and You know how desperately we desire to be the parent You ask us to be. Thank You for filling our gaps when we falter and lighting the path to raising our children. In Your precious and holy Name, we pray. Amen.

In the event that you would like your own copy, Raising Godly Children can be purchased on Amazon here.


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  1. I enjoyed Her book too!
    So glad you shared about it today. I hope more women purchase a copy of her book.
    How are you, friend?
    Many Blessings to you

    1. Hi Ifeoma,
      I do, too! Aimee is such a wonderful person, writer, and mentor!
      Blessings and smiles,

  2. I absolutely LOVE your post!! Thank you so much! Those bandwagons get me all riled up! Except for the one we are on together;) I love that thought…and that is the way it should be, hey? On God’s Word!

    1. Oh, Aimee, I am so glad you loved it! It is a wonderful book with so much awesome truth and good! I hope it gets into the hands of many Mommies and guides them to focus on Christ’s bandwagon! The one I am so glad we are on together 🙂
      Blessings, my friend!

  3. What sweet confirmation here today. 6 years ago I wrote a book with the same title, but it’s been living on my flash drive. Recently God told me to resurrect it. Here is yet again another confirmation. May God continue to bless both you and Aimee for steering your children’s hearts toward Christ.

    1. Hi Tyra, I am so glad God used this as an affirmation! I am praying now for God to give you wisdom, guidance, and tons of time and energy to get that book out and get it into the hands of Mommies everywhere! Keep in touch! I’d love to hear about the progress!!!
      Blessings and smiles,

  4. I remember as a young mom someone telling me that so much of what children learn is “caught not taught.” So in line with your suggestion that we model a solid relationship with Christ. Then we’re not asking (or expecting) our kids to do something that we aren’t doing ourselves. Glad to be your neighbor at #coffeeforyourheart.

    1. Hi Tiffany, It is so true. If we speak it, but not do it, others, including our children, see the holes in our words. They sense the disconnect and begin to not believe us. Thank you so much for visiting and joining the conversation!
      Blessings and smiles,

  5. Dear Lori,
    Such a very wise post.
    When I read the word band-wagon I immediately read “wisdom of the world”. The world has done a lot, preformed a lot, carved out its own dominance, but it does not do things like Christ. I am often saddened by other mothers who obviously have no confidence in the divine power of the still small voice of the Holy Spirit. Not because mothers do not care , and certainly because they are not trying to do their best, but simply because there is too much noise drowning out the still small voice.
    Thank you for your encouraging, wise, and most of all Christ-honoring words here today.
    Leah {your tellhisstory neighbor}.

    1. Hi Leah,
      Oh, yes! That still small voice is so easily drowned out by the noise of the world. It takes intentional listening and training our spirits to hear! Thank you for this insightful comment. I so enjoyed your visit today!!!
      Blessings and smiles,

  6. Great tips! I love how instead of giving a list of dos or don’ts, you’ve given tips for parenting as an extension of our personal walks with God. I pray so I pray with my children. I study the Bible so I study it with my children. I consider God’s will in everyday matters so I help them consider it to. (Of course, this is my goal – these statements are written in the humility of my fallibility.) Thanks for joining us at #LMMLinkup.

    1. Hi Leslie,
      Thank you for your kind comments! I love how you describe it – I pray so I pray with my children. Amen. Living your life with Christ and sharing that with your children is so powerful and critical! Thanks so much for visiting!!!
      Blessings and smiles,

  7. Thank you for sharing this. Beautiful. Love your photo with the verses.

    1. Hi Debbie,
      Thank you so much for taking the time to visit. I am so glad you found beauty here!!
      Blessings and smiles,

  8. These are all excellent suggestions Lori! We can all benefit from these ideas and they will help us to have a closer and more fulfilling relationship with our children.

    1. Hi Mary,
      Thank you! I am so glad you found these suggestions as helpful to other Mamas! The world gets so noisy it often drowns out the voice of God, who speaks quietly and softly. I pray overwhelmed and exhausted Mamas can learn to listen to Him and have those fulfilling relationships with their children!
      Blessings and smiles, friend!

  9. Thank you for sharing this list Lori! You are mentioning great tips on how to ease parenting! It does get tough at time!! Have a great day!

    1. Thank you, Katrin, for visiting and for joining the conversation! I am so glad you found the tips helpful!

  10. Some really meaningful tips on parenting, I too continuously hear the phrase “if someone jumped off a bridge would you?” and i know my parents said that to me once or twice in my teenage years :p Thanks for sharing

    1. Ha! Isn’t it true? I guess we have to fight the bandwagons all our lives! Thanks so much for visiting, Charlotte!
      Blessings and smiles,

    1. Thank you so much for your kind words and for visiting, Linda!

  11. I like the focus on your child’s heart. I hadn’t thought about it that way before. I don’t have any children of my own yet. But, I’ll make sure to remember that when I do.

    1. Hi Gina, I loved seeing your sweet face in my comments! You make my heart smile 🙂 I know that someday when you become a Mom, you will be a fantastic one!
      Blessings and smiles,

  12. Hi Lori, lovely post and wise words. Parenting is a tough job and offer calm and measured guidance.
    Thanks, Lynn

    1. Thank you so much, Lynn, for your kind words and simply for visiting! You are right, parenting is so tough! It is the most wonderful, but toughest job in the world! I am so thankful God has my back, covers my gaps, and gives me guidance!!
      Blessings and smiles,

  13. Lori, this is so good! Parenting is tough, but we need to remember Who gives us the wisdom and strength to make it through these years. Thank you for sharing with Thankful Thursdays.

    1. Thank you so much, Lori! Aimee is such a wonderful person and writer! Her book is a great resource for any Mama!!!

  14. Thank you for your writing, Lori.
    I just came across your site today, and you spoke right to the heart of this tired and overwhelmed mama of a toddler and baby.
    I love this part that you wrote: “We were each designed for the specific child He gave us to parent while here on Earth.” – it makes parenting so much more meaningful.
    I’ll be sharing this link with my mum’s church group!

    1. Hi Ellie,
      I am so thankful this post spoke to your heart. I am humbled when God does that! He is so good! Please know I am praying right now for you! Being a Mama is the most wonderful but most difficult job in the world. I am praying God sustains you with His strength and gives you His wisdom to know how to parent. May you hear well the still soft voice of the Holy Spirit! And thank you so much for sharing this with your mum’s group!
      Blessings and smiles,

  15. I needed to read this today. I spend so much time stressing about what I’m doing right and wrong as a parent, it never occurred to me that I’m doing what’s right FOR ME. What a huge relief it is to know that. Thank you Lori. <3

    1. I am so glad, Lindsey, that this post met you right where you were today! Thank you so much for visiting me today and please know I am keeping peace, joy, and wisdom in my prayers for you as you navigate the waters of Mommy-ing!!!
      Blessings and smiles, my friend!

  16. Lori,
    I love this post! Most of all I love that you say that God gives us the child He has created us to have. I have come to believe this in the last few years, more than ever. I think that we have experienced the things we have, hardships and joy, that brought us to a place of understanding. Without that I would not have been able to empathize and help my son through his issues. Or my daughter. God is such a loving Father, although I wish we never would have had to experience the bad, He has given me the tools and the heart and wisdom I need to be the best parent I can. xoxoxo

    1. Hi Nikki, I so relate with what you are saying. Adopting our littlest was a nightmare. It took so long and we ran into every bit of red tape possible. But over and over again, God brought her back to us and showed us she was meant to be ours. Then, after being blindsided with her significant level of special needs, I often questioned my capabilities in handling it all. But from the past, I realized that all my life experiences had been preparing me to specifically be her Mama. You, too, are specially prepared to be your son and daughter’s Mama. You are an amazing Mama and I am so thankful to have you along this journey!!!

    1. Thank you so much, Marttila! He really is our source – the only One that truly matters!

  17. This is so inspiring and your faith is amazing and strong. Great tips to help raise kiddos full of love and a life of faith too. Thanks for linking up to Share With Me. #sharewithme

    1. Thank you, sweet Jenny! Jesus has loved me so big and changed my life for so much good, faith in Him cannot be denied! Thank you so much for stopping by, friend!!

  18. Love this. I was challenged once to refrain from asking my young children, “why did you [insert sinful behavior here]?” Instead, just like you mention in #1, explain the condition of their heart to them! Tell them they sinned because they’re a sinner! 😉 That advice really helped me be more Gospel-centered in disciplining my little ones! Every time they sin I can point them to their need for Christ! Thank you for the post!

    1. Hi Laura,
      I’m so excited to hear this sweet example with your children! I love that! I find even with my teenager, when I can take me out of the picture and focus on how his choices are aligning with Christ and where his heart is in his relationship with Christ, it is so much more effective. Thanks so much for visiting today and joining in the conversation!
      Blessings and smiles,

  19. I think we could teach our kids so much if we built our faith into everyday moments. This is such a great suggestion. I forget to do this sometimes. Then there are moments where God is just so evident…like the rainbow that crossed the sky over our house the other day. My kids ran about the court full of excitement. My 8-year-old said, “God is telling us that He is pleased.” It was an awesome Bible lesson in the middle of the day.
    I also love your suggestion to bring every matter back to the condition of the heart. When I take the time to dig into the matters of the heart with my kids versus just dealing with the bad behavior I see a change in their face. It may take a little more time to dig into the heart of the matter, but you’re right, it’s so much more effective!

    1. What a sweet story, Valerie! I love that your little one noticed it and spoke God’s truth! What a sweet pea! I love that God gives us those lightening moments in which we can teach about Him. Life moves at such a swift pace that if we only scheduled Him in, I fear He wouldn’t get much time in our day! But when we use the impromptu moments of pointing all things to Him, we can make the bulk of our days about Him!

  20. Thank you so much, Melanie, for all the shares and kindness!!! You are a treasure!
    Blessings and smiles,

  21. Reading your post made my day. As a mom seeing our child grow righteously with the help of God is such a big blessing a mother can be proud of. Thank you for writing content about raising a child in gods way and sharing excellent suggestions. Great post!

    1. Thank you so much for your kind words! I agree – what a blessing it is to see our children love Jesus! Thank you for joining me here and sharing your thoughts ❤️
      In Christ,

  22. My heart was full when I saw your response. It means a lot to me Lori. Keep on posting because it helps us a lot!