Bringing Calm Back Into Our Chaos

Does chaos describe anyone else’s season of life?

Bringing Calm back Into Our Chaos | Finding Rest #Godslove #hope #rest #parenting #makingtime


Laundry. Lunches. Phone calls. Oil change. Emails. Bills. Grocery shopping. Run here. Run there. Keep going…and going…and going. Does that describe your life as it does mine?

Life is filled to the brim. We stay so busy we hardly find the time to connect face-to-face with those we love. Those whose presence make our smiles deeper and and our steps lighter!

Technology has changed relationships. I love my smartphone and the way it enables me to connect via email, text, or social media to friends and family far and near. However, there is still a life-giving difference between texting and truly being in the presence of someone we love.

There is something about being in the actual presence of those we care about that will always supercede what any digital technology can provide #calmoverchaos #hope Share on X

Do you remember the last time you connected face-to-face with a treasured friend? Didn’t it just feel good? I recently had one of those moments with a friend that left me refreshed.

When I walked away, I started thinking about all my relationships and how face time with the ones we love is a powerful thing.

I couldn’t help but think about the one relationship I consider most important. The one with Jesus.

Friends, I definitely don’t get it right with Him all the time. I let the to-do list literally gobble up much of my face time with Him. It’s really not a wise move especially since I am 100% aware of the effect it has on my level of peace in my day-to-day life. When life gets more harried than normal and I skip my time in His Word, or all I’ve managed to fit in are the miniature-sized shooting arrow prayers, I feel the sharp decline of peace in my soul. That lack of peace eventually effects my emotions, patience, attitude, and even my appearance!

I’m reminded of the story of Moses and the Ten Commandments.

The Lord commanded Moses to climb up Mount Sinai taking with him two stone tablets. He remained there in the presence of God for 40 days and nights completing the inscription of the Ten Commandments. Upon his return,  his people were shocked by his “radiant” face. Here is what it says:

When Moses went back down Mount Sinai, he carried the two stone tablets in his hands as a witness to their agreement. But he did not realize that the skin on his face was glowing and radiant because he had been speaking with God. -Exodus 34:29 VOICE

Now, obviously, we don’t have the option of climbing Mount Sinai. Thankfully, we don’t need it. Because of Jesus, we have the ability to be in the presence of God wherever we are. But it is up to us to make the time. Will we?

Will we make the time to be in the presence of God? #calmoverchaos #hope Share on X

Bringing Calm back Into Our Chaos | Finding Rest #Godslove #hope #rest #parenting #makingtime

Our pastor, Cal Jernigan, once said this about prayer, “The spirit of God is the breath of God. God speaks into our lives with His Word and we speak into His life with prayer. Inhale His Word and exhale prayer. The minute you stop communicating, or breathing into the life of any relationship it dies.”

Yes. I need to be breathing into all my relationships. With my husband, my children, my family, my friends…and with Jesus.

At the same time I FEEL peace diminish within me, I feel the distance in my relationship buy nolvadex online with God. It’s then that I find myself wondering where He is and why He is so silent. It’s then I find myself looking to the things and people in my world to fill up that great big hole of need in my heart. I set myself and those around me up for failure because no one can ever be or do what I need in order to fix that God-shaped hole in my heart.

When there is distance in our relationship with God, our peace begins to fade away. Our chaos can only be calmed by breathing life into our relationship with Him #calmoverchaos #hope Share on X

Every day, I need His peace. I need it when:

I am overwhelmed with critical decisions to make.

My emotions have taken all they can.

The to-do list is too long.

The house is filled with kid drama.

My husband and I can’t see eye-to-eye.

A friend has betrayed me.

The reality of life falls short of my vision.

But the ironic truth of our lives is that instead of pointedly making time to breathe into our relationship with the Lord, we often find it easier to grab a snack and curl up with a good magazine or mindless television show. Honestly, there is nothing wrong with a few chips and some mindless television. However, we need to monitor it because zoning out and unhealthy food choices won’t have a lasting effect upon our peace. It won’t fill that hole in our hearts.

But God.

The moments we spend with Him do have long-term effect. They fill our hearts, minds and souls with all that is of Him. We breathe in His Word and exhale out our prayer. Then we listen quietly and allow Him to multiply our moments, one on top of the other to build a beautiful story of a life connected by the dots of His peace. And then we feel the gaps in our heart filling gently with all that is Him.

Let’s not let the enemy convince us we do not have time to breathe into our relationships.

Breathe deeply every moment you can.

Be refreshed by time with those you love.

Be rescued, renewed, and redeemed by time with the One who has the power to do so.

By the lover of your soul …

By time with Jesus.

As for God, his way is perfect: The Lord’s word is flawless; he shields all who take refuge in him. For who is God besides the Lord? And who is the Rock except our God? It is God who arms me with strength and keeps my way secure. He makes my feet like the feet of a deer; he causes me to stand on the heights.  -Psalm 18:30-33 (NIV)

Our moments with God multiply, one on top of the other to build a beautiful story of a life connected by the dots of His peace. #calmoverchaos #hope Share on X

A Prayer

Dear Jesus, Thank You for being my rock. Thank You for delivering peace as no other can. Lord, I know your Word is flawless and I want to turn to You even when my schedule is overflowing. Remind and convict me to create consistent face-to-face time with family and friends…and most importantly with You. May I breathe in Your Word and breathe out prayer all the days of my life. Amen

In the meantime, if you missed the series I finished last week, check out When People Hurt You: Rising Above the Emotional Pain of Rejection and Betrayal and subscribe below to grab your free Journal & Growth Guide!

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    1. I am so glad this encouraged you, Diana. I am praying for you to continue to find time with Him!♥ I know it is hard with those 3 sweet little demanding your time!!!

  1. Truth and wisdom flow from your words. Long-term peace comes only when I sit with Jesus, investing in Him and His Word.

  2. Rebecca Jones says:

    I think chaos and confusion are twin spirits that interfere with our walk with Christ, we have the power to overcome by remembering to seek Him, His calm and peace. He is not the author of confusion. Have a great rest!