What Does Choosing God Mean to You?

What does choosing God mean to you? Today, I welcome a new guest to the blog. As I read his story of faith, addiction, and recovery, that very question penetrated my thoughts. How many of us claim to believe in God, yet find justification to live as we want, rather than as a child of God? Our feelings lead us astray and sin is always a temptation, but choosing God should make the difference in the face of those temptations. Do we keep God at a distance? Do we view Him as strict and not wanting us to have fun? Is it about religion instead of relationship?

I think it’s something we all must intentionally assess from time to time. And today, as Trevor McDonald shares his powerful story of faith in recovery, he reminds us what choosing God has the power to do.

What does choosing God mean to you? Choosing God should make a difference in our lives. It should be our help in the time of struggle and our defense in the face of temptation | Faith in recovery | #addictionrecovery #choosingGod #Godslove #recovery

How My Faith Helped Me Overcome Addiction

No temptationย has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted,ย he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it. โ€“ Corinthians 10:13

Never in my life did I think Iโ€™d be in a place without faith.

But thatโ€™s where the path of addiction took me.

Years of drug abuse did a number on my brain. Not only was I addicted to heroin, but I had become severely depressed. I didnโ€™t see a purpose beyond what I was doing, and I knew I was far from doing Godโ€™s work.

It was in those dark moments that I realized how wrong I had always been about my faith.

It was in those dark moments that I realized how wrong I had always been about my faith. -Trevor McDonald | #faithinrecovery #choosinggod #hope Share on X
An unexpected revelation

When I was hovering somewhere around rock bottom, I realized that my life of faith had been somewhat of a lie.

Let me explainโ€ฆ

You see, even though I believed in the Lord as my Savior, deep down I thought I was somehow special. I believed that the Lord and I were like buddies. As long as I kept believing, he would never let me down. I thought that faith would protect me from the evils of the world. But I had it all wrong.

When I was hovering somewhere around rock bottom, I realized that my life of faith had been somewhat of a lie. -Trevor McDonald #choosinggod #recovery Share on X

Faith alone will not protect you from sin. It wonโ€™t hold you back from making poor choices, at least, not in the way I thought it would.

Even when I was doing things that didn’t align with my faith, I thought God would hold me back from real harm because I was a believer. Sure, things would get bad. I’d learn lessons. But He wouldn’t let me sink too far. At least, that’s what I thought.

This is how I came to lose my faith. And it was all my fault.

I had a naรฏve understanding of things. So when I fell hard, I blamed God. I thought he was supposed to protect me from evil. But why would he protect me when evil is exactly the path I chose?

Understanding free will

It wasnโ€™t until after I chose a path of recovery that I saw how wrong I was.

The first part of recovery is very much focused on taking responsibility for your actions. And one day, it all clicked. My choices led me down this path. ย 

To be clear, I didn’t choose to be an addict. No one in their right mind would do that. Addiction is a disease that eventually takes control away from the addict. And itโ€™s important to note that the addiction epidemic has claimed many victims who never intended on losing control over their lives.

But when I was prescribed opioids for back pain, I took more than I knew I should have. It relieved the pain and gave me a sense of euphoria. And then, I wanted more. I chose to take those pills that led me to addiction. My struggle may have been in Godโ€™s plan, but it was my free will that led me there.

What does choosing God mean to you? Choosing God should make a difference in our lives. It should be our help in the time of struggle and our defense in the face of temptation | Faith in recovery | #addictionrecovery #choosingGod #Godslove #recovery

What it means to choose God

All those days when I was spouting off about how others needed to choose the Lord as their Savior, I didnโ€™t really understand what that meant. It was so obvious.

If I had understood what it meant to choose God, I wouldnโ€™t have chosen the path of pleasure over the path of righteousness. I knew it was wrong, but in my mind, I was separating that choice and my relationship with God. I now know that they are one and the same.

If I had understood what it meant to choose God, I wouldnโ€™t have chosen the path of pleasure over the path of righteousness -Trevor McDonald #momentsofhope #choosingGod #addiction #giveaway Share on X

Every day, weโ€™re faced with an endless amount of choices. You can choose something thatโ€™s out of line with Godโ€™s Word and still maintain a relationship with Him. None of us are perfect.

But every poor choice will take you further away from God and your faith.

Fortunately, I realized the error of my ways, and I knew that God was ready and eager to take me back. With a renewed faith and a better understanding of what it means to walk with the Lord, I was able to face my demons head-on.

Faith in recovery and beyond

My lessons were hard learned, but I feel like Iโ€™m a better person and a better Christian for them.

If youโ€™re in a bad place now, know that God sees you. He hasnโ€™t turned his back to your plight. Heโ€™s simply waiting for you to reach out and take His hand.

Trevor is a freelance content writer and a recovering addict & alcoholic who’s been clean and sober for over 5 years. Since his recovery began, he has enjoyed using his talent for words to help spread treatment resources, addiction awareness, and general health knowledge. In his free time, you can find him working with recovering addicts or outside enjoying about any type of fitness activity imaginable.
You can connect with Trevor via his LinkedIn account.

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  1. Hello Lori and Trevor. I have several loved ones who are addicts but still in denial. Your post gives me hope that change is possible. Thank you for your brave words.

    1. Sarah,

      I love the encouragement Trevor’s post provided for you. Sending you love, Lori

  2. What a powerful testimony as I think about all of the โ€œlittleโ€ things I do. This really convicted me early this morning to some things God has been asking me to lay down at His feet and walk away from. Thanks for this beautiful testimony share.

    1. I am so thankful for Trevor and his willingness to share his story. I think he gave us all a strong reminder! Thanks for joining us, Brittany โ™ฅ

  3. Good Morning Lori and Trevor,
    Thank you for sharing your testimony with such transparency. It is true – we all can fall away from God with just one wrong choice. And sometimes, we do not even realize how wrong it is until it has taken a grip on our lives. I am grateful you shared today as this brings hope to me, and I am sure to many, of the grace, forgiveness, and freedom which awaits every single one of us. Trevor, may you continue to walk in freedom all of your days to the glory and honor of our Lord!

    1. Your comment makes me think of the song titled, “Slow Fade.” I think it is by Jeremy Camp? Before we know it, we are deep into something we never saw coming. I am so thankful Trevor shared his story to give us all that extra reminder to keep diligent watch on our choices!

  4. Thank you for sharing your story, Trevor and thanks to you as well, Lori. The choices we make can be devasting when they don’t align with God’s will. Thankful to read you had the opportunity to make the right decisions. Sometimes people are not given that chance. May God continue to use you and your life for His glory.

    1. Hi Horace,
      I love how Trevor was willing to share his story transparently. God is using it to help others and now Trevor has even more faithful prayer warriors praying on his behalf to keep him walking closely with Jesus. Loved seeing you here this week, my friend!

  5. Trevor. Thanks for sharing. So often our thoughts or ideas about God trip us up and we find that what we believed was false. So glad you chose to recover and get healthy. Thankful that God is always waiting to take our hand.

  6. I love reading your always-timely posts. Choosing to know God has become very important to me. Recently He began shining His purifying light on the thoughts I have had (and lies I told myself from the pit of hell). So asking Him daily to shine His light into my situation has led to my knowing Him more and more. Although I’ve never been an addict (like Trevor), at least to the physical stuff (like opioids) I have found myself addicted to busyness. He slowed me down by taking away those things that have distracted me and refocused my heart on knowing Him and showing Him to the world. Blessings! (You can read more about it on my blog, if you have time. I’d love your feedback on whatever piques your interest there!)

    1. Oh, Susannah! What a gift your comment is! Hearing your testimony is life-giving and I know it will touch others, as well. I will make sure to stop by your blog just as soon as I can! I had a sick child this week and Mama ended up with it, too! Ugh!

  7. This is beautiful Trevor. I know how easy it is to lose sight of God in the midst of heart-ache, trials and addiction. I have a testimony similiar to your’s. Praise God that He is always faithful, loving and gracious to us. I am so grateful that He pulled you (and me) out of the depths of darkness. I’ll be praying for your continued sobriety and growth in our Creator and Savior.

    1. Trevor McDonald says:

      I’ll be praying for you as well. Thank you!

  8. Thank you Lori and Trevor….thank you for sharing your story! Such an amazing testimony that will help so many!

    And thank you Lori for featuring my post! I am so humbled and grateful!!

  9. I so appreciate hearing Trevor’s story. It should be a wake-up call to all of us that we aren’t immune from bad consequences of bad choices. What a blessing that he is now using his story to help others.

  10. God does allow us to make bad choices at times, but your story reminds us that He can use it for our good and His glory when we turn and cry out for His help. Thanks for sharing Trevor and Lori!

    1. Trevor McDonald says:

      Thank you for your kind words!

  11. Yes, its all about free choice, He will not interfere with that freedom to choose…everyday we make many little choices that can add up to… either going God’s way for our lives or not…
    I’m glad you made the choices to seek God’s plan for your life again! He was waiting for you!

    You’re most welcome to drop by for a cup of inspiration,

    1. Trevor McDonald says:

      I’m so glad you enjoyed it!

  12. Trevor McDonald says:

    I’ll be praying for you as well. Thank you!