Moments Make All the Difference :: #MomentsofHope Link Up

Moments fill our every day. Honestly, lots of them are of the not-so-good sort of moments, but some of them are beautiful and wonderful.

But here’s what happens …

The bad of this world clamors loudly for our attention, drowning out all that is good. It leads us to a place in which the enemy likes us to remain.


Stuck in negativity and in a lifestyle that never lives to its full potential.

We can change that, though.

We can look up, intentionally noticing the moments that are good. Embracing them fully and acknowledging the gift they are. And when we do that it changes everything. Our spirit changes from one of entitlement and frustration, to one of thankfulness and peace.

Finally, brothers and sisters, fill your minds with beauty and truth. Meditate on whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is good, whatever is virtuous and praiseworthy. – Philippians 4:8 (VOICE)

Here at #MomentsofHope I want to make a conscious effort to bring you exactly that. I want to help you begin to notice all the beauty and truth in your life. I want to see the enemy sent packing and I want to see you living to your full potential. Because, friends, I know God has great things planned for you!

24/7 Prayer at Central Christian Church Ahwatukee. Moments of Hope - #MomentsofHope - Lori Schumaker

Last week, our church hosted its annual 24/7 Prayer. I absolutely love that we do this! Read more here! I had served during the event but was waiting to participate with my children when I brought them. So, after school we headed over to church to participate and it turned out that my little was in a mood. Within 10 minutes, I realized there would be no participating for me. Instead she took a nap in the car as I sat on the sidewalk watching the car! My boys headed in independently. Without me. I was not happy. As I sat on the sidewalk my brain automatically kicked into the negative thought processes. But something in my spirit stopped me. 

Wait a minute!

My two boys, ages 14 and 11 had each grabbed their own prayer journal and headed into the church to participate independently. Not with my urging. Not with my hand-holding. What an incredible opportunity for them to step deeper into their own relationships with Christ! I didn’t need to be wasting my time with negative thoughts! I needed to be praying those boys opened their hearts and minds to the Holy Spirit!

And guess what? After a solid hour of praying, they made their way back out to me. They were excited to show me their journals filled with notes and favorite scriptures from each of the 10 prayer stations.

I may have missed out on my opportunity to fully participate in the prayer stations, but how could I focus on that when I saw what had just transpired in the lives of my boys? The enemy wanted me angry at my daughter and frustrated that she and I didn’t participate. But instead, God gave her the rest she needed, me some extra Praying Mama moments, and the boys tremendous moments of growth in their faith. I’d say God gave us some #MomentsofHope for sure!

I loved every single post you all shared here last week at #MomentsofHope! It was exactly for what I had prayed! So much good. So much Jesus. And

so.much. hope.

Laura Longville of Walking in Grace - It Happened One Day - #MomentsofHope

Laura Longville blogs at Walking in Grace. Her postIt Happened OneDay, made me smile so big. For her, purchase peptides nolvadex hope is in the moments as well. As she beautifully shares her story, we are encouraged to know that no matter how stuck we feel. No matter how long the feeling of hopelessness has been building, another day will come. We don’t know when or exactly how. But it comes. She says, “I don’t know how God is going to do this for you; but I have faith that He will.” He did it for her and His word says He will do it for all who love Him. Jump over to her site to read this post that may just be the hope you need today! Would you love on her while you’re there and share your own hope with her?

Okay, friends, now let’s link up! I’m SO looking forward to reading and sharing your posts! Let’s do this!

#MomentsofHope - Moments of Hope Link-up;; Read, share, and together hope for tomorrow.

Moments of Hope Details

My heart is to build a community of hope here at Searching for Moments. Because, for me, hope is what this is really all about. Hope to know the most difficult of times will not defeat us, but instead, with Jesus we will rise victoriously on the other side of them.

I pray God makes this a place where we point to Him. His hope. Where we stop to rest for a moment and let Him fill the gaps in our souls.

Read,share,and together,hope for tomorrow!A new link-up!Come join me at #MomentsofHope Share on X

Each week, I will share a quick personal moment of hope that gives a little peek into my day-to-day life. I will also feature a #MomentsofHope post that seems to most resonate with me that particular week. With the feature I will include a link, an image, and a short author bio.

My hope is to visit each contributor and share posts across my social media channels.  I want to encourage each person that joins me in this place because sharing hope is important. I know that the enemy fights hard to stop those who threaten him. And sharing Jesus with the world most definitely threatens him! So, I’m going to do what I can to help others fight the enemy!

The link-up will typically go live at midnight each Monday.

What I ask of you:

1. Share only one URL  (to a blog post, not the actual blog) that resonates with the topic of HOPE. Anything that gives us hope for tomorrow. Hope for victory. The little things and the big. Anything that inspires us to lean into Jesus and let Him carry us through.

2. If you don’t have a blog post or podcast that resonates with HOPE, join in other ways as you pray and encourage others with a comment or a prayer.

3. Leave a comment on the link just before yours. Would you love on them well? Encourage them in their efforts to share the hope of Jesus. If you have time, stop by more than one sweet writer’s little corner of the blog world!

4. Of course, I would love it if you would follow me via my blog and/or social media channels, but this is by no means mandatory!

5. Please either grab my button or link back to me to encourage new linkers.

Moments of Hope


And, just so you know …

I’m so glad you’re here. ?

[inlinkz_linkup id=631423 mode=1]

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  1. Your hope-filled words blessed this mama-heart. Don’t you love the gentle and understated spirituality of boys?

    1. Michele,
      Yes! I so do love that! You said it perfectly! Gentle and understated … But it melts a Mama’s heart, right? All mush – everywhere! 🙂

  2. I love how God can take a less than moment and turn it into a sweet surprise. So thankful you were blessed with this precious hope-filled mom moment. Blessings my friend!

    1. Thanks so much, Deb! God was giving me a great big hug in those moments when the boys came out with their journals and smiles 🙂

  3. I had a moment like that yesterday, Lori, where I had the option to feel sad and bothered by what occurred or I could choose to see the good that God was doing in that moment as well. I am glad to report that after a short bit of ruminating, I decided to focus on the good and it made all the difference. Great thoughts and thanks so much for the linkup!

    1. Beth,
      Yay! I’m so glad you were able to switch gears and focus on the good! Praise God! Thank you so much for sharing hope here alongside me! I’m so honored to have blogging friends like you in ministry!

  4. I loved the story about your boys going into church independently, to pray. That’s awesome! I hope you have a great day, Lori! Thanks for hosting this hope-filled link-up.

    1. Thank you, Dawn! I am praying hope is felt the moment someone enters this space and that their hearts are prepared to hear the whispers of the Author of hope!
      Thanks, friend~

  5. Hey Lori,
    I’m excited to join your link up again today!
    I hope you are starting the week with joy!
    Sure am blessed by you!

    1. Thanks so much, Mel! And, yes, I did start with joy! No better way, right? I sure am blessed by you, too!♥

  6. What a wonderful testimony about God pursuing the hearts of our kids! I love it. Your post made me think about the tremendous value of intentional gratitude and praise to God. I really believe that the foundation of prayer is our love, gratitude and praise of our heavenly Father. Thank you for writing and hosting the link-up today!

    1. Hi Angela,
      Oh, yes, there is nothing that moves my heart more than when I see God at work in the hearts of my children! Doesn’t it just make you want to sit down and cry happy tears? I so agree with you – prayer grows our love, gratitude, and praise. Thank you, sweet friend, for sharing hope with me here in this place! I am honored to have you alongside me!

  7.’s amazing how and when God reveals himself to us! I love what you said about the negative thoughts and how Satan wants us to get “stuck” there. I must rest in Christ during those times of frustration and it helps me to recite the fruit of the Spirit passage. I’m glad that God was with me yesterday and did not allow me to ruin a wonderful time with my family because of moment that was out of my control. Thanks for sharing your heart. I am blessed when I visit here and thank you for starting Moments of Hope. So glad to participate. Have a blessed week!

    1. Horace,
      I am praising God right now that He kept your thoughts on the good and didn’t allow you to land in a place where hope doesn’t grow! I’m so thankful to have you here sharing hope! You are a blessing!

  8. Loving your new space! What a great story. You sitting on the sidelines while God grew your guys closer to Him. Not where we always want to be but such a sweet reminder that God is in control and He will draw them near. Glad your here, friend!

    1. Thank you, Jaimie! I hope you can feel hope here in this space!
      Blessings, my friend!

  9. That negativity can attack so suddenly and persistently, but God is so patient with us. He again and again helps us to look up to Him and focus on the blessings. It can be so frustrating, but our way has to be set aside. It’s amazing how He faithfully shows us His way is so filled with blessings. I’m so glad God blessed you and your boys that day. Even your daughter in her needed sleep. 🙂 Blessings and hugs to you, Lori!

    Since my new posts come out on Tuesdays, I’ll be linking up a day late.

    1. Thank you, Trudy! I can’t wait to see your post tomorrow!

  10. What a beautiful moment of hope. It’s such a great reminder of how God moves in spite of us. I love how he gave each of you exactly what you needed, in the right way, at the right time. Isn’t that such a powerful way of showing how much we need to trust him? Blessings to you, my friend!

    1. Right? He was so good and gracious in that moment! Hmmm… after you said it that way, jeepers, I could write a whole blog post on that! 🙂 Girl, I so wish we could sit across the table often and brainstorm together! This thousands of miles thing doesn’t really work for me!
      Big hugs,

  11. I am so glad your boys were able to participate. Sorry your little one did not cooperate, but what a blessing to see your sons wanting and loving to pray.

    1. It truly was a blessing, Mary! God worked out that moment or me so graciously! Thank you so much for being here today!
      Blessings and smiles,

  12. I had to chuckle at the frustrating parenting moment because I’ve had several like it. But I just love that you let your child nap and rest and you sat there staring at your car- and yet you were modeling Jesus by doing that. Even if you were upset, even if you didn’t get to participate- you were in the moment, doing what your child needed. That just shines Jesus to me. And then God blessed you by doing the unexpected with your boys. I love this! Thank you for hosting. I just added your button to my link-up page. It’s lovely!

    1. Thank you, Valerie. I needed to hear that because as I listened to others talk about their amazing experiences I did question myself! God was so good. He showed me He’s got it covered and I don’t need to hover 🙂 I’m so honored to have my badge on your page! It makes me smile BIG!
      Love you,

  13. Loved the story about your boys, so precious to see their love and excitement for the Lord. Maybe it didn’t look exactly the way you were hoping, but God was sure in it! Such a blessing. Thanks for hosting!

    1. Thank you, Mindy! I’m so thankful you are here ♥

  14. Hi Lori…I missed the date for the linkup ?so sorry I’m late for the party ! It is great seeing some friends here too….
    Thank you for the sweet encouragement you serve up.

    Many Blessings to you sweet friend.

    1. You still made it in plenty of time! I love having you any time you can make it, my friend!!!