Search Results for: prayer

Just Choose Jesus: Betrayal and the Church
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Just Choose Jesus: Betrayal and the Church

If this is your first visit here and you would like to get caught up, these links will help you do that! The companion journal that goes hand-in-hand with this series is my thank you gift when you subscribe to receive Searching for Moments posts directly to your inbox. (along with all the other hope-giving…

Thankful for the Miracle of Adoption
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Thankful for the Miracle of Adoption

This month is National Adoption Month. As many of you know, we are an adoptive family. Our youngest,  Selah, was adopted in April of 2011 when she was just two months short of 5 years old. Adoption is a gift – a miracle of God’s unfailing love. A love we are humbled by and thankful for. So, on this day before Thanksgiving, I want to give tribute to God, adoption, and family.
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Stuck in the Replays of Life? Betrayal and Living Again
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Stuck in the Replays of Life? Betrayal and Living Again

We are closing in on the finish line, friends! This is the second to last post of my Betrayal series. December is almost here! Wow! Where has the time gone? This week, however, I am stepping it up a bit and posting twice 🙂 I’d love for you to come back Wednesday when I share some special behind the scenes thankfulness. November is not only Thanksgiving, but it is also National Adoption Month and I’ve got a powerful story to share with you about the miracle of adoption.

Now for today! Are you stuck in life allowing the past more power than the present or the future? It’s time to get unstuck and rebuild your life. So today, let’s talk about living again, getting unstuck, and moving forward!
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