Stuck in the Replays of Life? Betrayal and Living Again

We are closing in on the finish line, friends! This is the second to last post of my Betrayal series. December is almost here! Wow! Where has the time gone? This week, however, I am stepping it up a bit and posting twice 🙂 I’d love for you to come back Wednesday when I share some special behind the scenes thankfulness. November is not only Thanksgiving, but it is also National Adoption Month and I’ve got a powerful story to share with you about the miracle of adoption.

If this is your first visit here and you would like to get caught up, these links will help you do that! The companion journal that goes hand-in-hand with this series is my thank you gift when you subscribe to receive Searching for Moments posts directly to your inbox.

Week 1 – An overview. What are the 7 truths?

Week 2 – Guilt

Week 3 – Identity

Week 4 – Unconditional Acceptance (with a fun 17-Scripture printable set of cards)

Week 5 – Revenge (with a printable prayer)

Week 6 – Betrayal and Lessons Learned (with 14 Statements of Strength)

Now for today! It’s all about living again, getting unstuck, and moving forward!

Stuck in the Replays of Life? Living again after betrayal.

I love music. It is food for my soul. The Schumakers tend to listen to a little of almost everything (as long as the lyrics are clean). In the car, and when the kids aren’t feeding LeCrae ,Trip Lee, or Taylor Swift through my speakers, I tend to listen to Air 1, K Love, or my favorite country station. (Can you guess which of my three is the Taylor Swift fan?)

But there is one thing that annoys me. I know I’m not alone in this … it’s the songs that replay over and over and over again!

A 45-minute car ride will inevitably hold radio replays! If it happens to be your favorite song, it could potentially be a good situation. However, for the not-so-favorite songs, it’s a not-so-good situation!

The other day as I was flipping through channels trying to find a song I hadn’t heard a multitude of times, a thought crossed my mind.

The replays I love to hate on the radio are similar to the replays I sometimes let take over my thoughts.

The not-so-good thoughts. The ones that replay a story-line of the injustices in my life.

Have you been there before? Where negative story-lines consume your thoughts? Story-lines filled with the grief, hurt, and betrayal of your past? The major betrayals and the minor ones? Yes, the ones that threaten to steal your joy and land you in a pit of “stuck”.

Stuck looking back.

Stuck allowing the past more power than the present or the future.


Stuck resigning to unfulfilled goals and dreams.

I’m not saying that I have this all together, that I have it made. But I am well on my way, reaching out for Christ, who has so wondrously reached out for me. Friends, don’t get me wrong: By no means do I count myself an expert in all of this, but I’ve got my eye on the goal, where God is beckoning us onward—to Jesus. I’m off and running, and I’m not turning back.

Philippians 3:12-14 MSG

I love these verses because they remind me that it is okay to not have this all together and to not be an expert! It’s okay because I’m reaching out for Christ and not looking back anymore.

It’s okay because I’m keeping my eyes on Jesus so that He can reach into my sorrow, rescue me from the past and create a new me with a new tomorrow. A new tomorrow I can work on rebuilding without fear.

Zechariah 8:13
Zechariah 8:13

In the book of Zechariah, the Israelites were disillusioned with the re-building of the Temple to its former glory. They were stuck in the past, filled with fear, and disappointment. But I believe God was saying, “No more replaying the stories of the pain! Yes, the past hurt, but I will rescue you and make you into something fantastic, so get on with rebuilding!”

Just like in our lives.

I think God wants us to – Get on with rebuilding your lives. Don’t stay stuck in the fear or hurt of the past.

So don't be afraid!Get on with rebuilding your lives.Don't get stuck in the past. #bgbg2 #betrayal #stuck #hope Share on X

Friends, no matter what you have gone through, a good day will come again – don’t miss it! Don’t get stuck in life being so busy running those replays that you miss the good that God has in store. His Word does not come back void nor does He break His promises. So, I believe Him when He says He will rescue us and make us both a symbol and a source of blessing.

I know your journey is unique, but I know that step by step you will walk out of the past and into the future.  I believe you can stop the replay of the injustices that keep you stuck and begin a replay of all that is good. My friend, I believe in you. And I believe in the power of Christ in you!

So, the next time you are listening to the radio and you begin to hear the replays, ask yourself, “Am I replaying the good songs in my life or the not-so-good?” Then make a conscious choice to tune out those story-lines of the past and fill them instead with the hope filled story-line of tomorrow!

Today I’m including a list of 8 posts that I think will encourage and inspire you to believe that there is life after betrayal. These posts are written by warriors who have lived through hurt and betrayal. They may have spent time replaying the wrong songs in their thoughts, but they are conquering that and getting on with the rebuilding of life. They are living again, unstuck and pursuing their goals and dreams. Their story may just be the one that resonates with your heart. These wonderful ladies have blessed me immensely with their words, I pray you feel that same blessing!

A roundup of 8 inspirational posts.Get unstuck.Get on with rebuilding life after betrayal. #hope #stuck #betrayal Share on X

When Going Forward is Very Hard by Ifeoma Samuel

Hero for the Soul by Emily Freeman

Hope for the Broken Hearts Even When Faced with Death by Rebekah Hughes

Helping Folks Find Calm in the Chaos of Life – Susan Mead’s blog

Dear Woman with Pain and Regret by Jacque Watkins

How I Overcame Trauma and Crisis in My Life by The Unveiled Wife

This is My Story by Aimee Imbeau

Ruins to Redemption by Mary Geisen at Messy Marriage

Dear Jesus, You are the mighty rebuilder of all things. You make all things new, including and most importantly our lives. Lord, I ask You to purify us as we walk through the fire. Purify us and make us like gold. Remove our fear and our replays of the past wrongs done to us, replacing them instead with Your courage and Your hope. Move us to get on with the rebuilding of our lives so that our story-line will be one that points to Your might power and love. May we each begin to replay Your truth that is filled with our hopes and dreams. May we each walk in a way that glorifies You and brings hope to those lost in the “stuck” of the past. In Jesus’ Name I pray. Amen. 

I will bring that group through the fire and make them pure. I will refine them like silver and purify them like gold. They will call on my name and I will answer them. I will say, “These are my people,” And they will say, “The Lord is our God.”

Zechariah 13:9

Next week is the final post in this series. It’s  about betrayal and the church. A topic that deeply saddens me. I’d love for you to come back and join me.

Each of my scriptures are linked to Bible Gateway. It is a phenomenal place to read God’s Word and find inspiration! You can find them here.

If you are new here, you may want to subscribe to receive my weekly updates! When you do you will receive 2 free gifts!

  1. My e-book “7 Truths to Remember about Betrayal Companion Journal
  2. 7 Originally Designed Printable Thank You Cards

You can find me regularly linking up with these encouraging sites.

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  1. What an encouraging and uplifting post! Thanks for all the extra resources you linked to. Happy Thanksgiving to you, Lori.

    1. Hi Michele, Thank you once again! Your words fill my heart with a smile each time you visit 🙂

  2. Hello Sweet friend, thank you for featuring Stephane’s Guest post!
    Your series has been very impactful.
    The past can withhold our today’s blessings.
    Thank you so much, Lori.
    Many Blessings to you

    1. Hi Ifeoma,
      Stephane’s post really touched my heart and so beautifully described the necessity to let go of the past! Have a wonderful and blessed Thanksgiving!

  3. Those negative story-lines have plagued me since childhood. I have to constantly remind myself that my identity is in Jesus, not in those past voices of pain and betrayal. I love the Bible verses you mention. So hope-filled and they remind me how God wants us to keep going forward step by step focusing on Him and His power to rebuild what was broken. The broken can be made beautiful in Him. Thank you for this encouraging post, Lori, also for the other encouraging stories you linked to. Have a Blessed Thanksgiving!

    1. Hi Trudy, I am so thankful this post encouraged with the hope of Jesus. The negative story lines are difficult to tune out. The enemy works overtime to keep them there! I once listened to a talk by Joyce Meyers who mentioned envisioning a bright red stop-sign in her mind when she started thinking those thoughts. I’ve often used that strategy and it has helped 🙂 Thank you for visiting. I hope to “see” you again! Have a wonderful and blessed Thanksgiving!

  4. Thank you so much for including my words…what a beautiful home you have here. Blessings to you..xo

    1. Jacque, Thank you for the blessing of those beautiful words!! Your post truly touched my heart. I’m so glad you enjoyed my little corner of the blog world! 🙂 Have a wonderful and blessed Thanksgiving!

  5. I love your words and the reminder that we can get past the things our mind gets stuck on. These words…”The replays I love to hate on the radio are similar to the replays I sometimes let take over my thoughts.” really spoke to me today. Thank you also for listing my post at Messy Marriage as one of you inspirational posts. I am honored. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family.

    1. Hi Mary, Your post was beautiful and just what God had me searching for! You and Beth are both such treasures. Thank you so much for stopping by and for your sweet words!
      Blessings and smiles,

  6. I’m so glad we have a Savior who can help us get unstuck and redeem our failures, Lori. Not gonna replay that “song!” God’s got a new song He wants me to sing! Thanks for the lovely link to MM. It’s appreciated. And Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!

    1. Amen, Beth! It makes me think of that worship song – I’ve got a new song in my soul:-) I hope your Thanksgiving was wonderful and that your Christmas season will be filled with hope and wonder, my friend!

  7. Oh, Lori…God brought me here tonight, and I so needed it. In the middle of those old tapes with fresh betrayal all over again. Thank you. What refreshment in His Truth! Blessings!

    1. Oh, Bonnie, I am so thankful and humbled when God works that way. I’m praying those old replays get replaced with new songs, my friend. Much love, Lori

  8. So very true! Thank you for this powerful reminder to look ahead and not back. I do this too…much too often.

    Love the link you make to replaying radio songs! Recently, I found myself reading through the parable of the Crooked Manager in Luke and my eyes were opened to what Jesus says about “adversity” being our invitation to “creative survival” (The Message version). I often find myself trapped in the fear and betrayal of old experiences when I face new trials, as the old tapes replay into my new tapes! And these were the words I needed to look at things differently. I suddenly saw the trials as being growth opportunities God was placing before me to teach me to trust Him.

    1. Oh, Anna, I am so thankful these were the words you needed to see it differently! Amen! I am praying for that new song in your life to replace those old ones. Thank you so much for visiting me here:-)
      Blessings and smiles,

  9. Thank you for a beautiful reminder to break free of the replaying the dark times in our lives and move on. Thanks for linking up with Thankful Thursdays.

    1. Thank you so much for hosting your lovely linkup each week!

  10. Thank you for your continual encouragement here. Have a beautiful week!

    1. Thank you, Barbie! You, too! And a wonderful Christmas season!

  11. Thank you for this truth…It’s okay because I’m keeping my eyes on Jesus so that He can reach into my sorrow, rescue me from the past and create a new me with a new tomorrow. A new tomorrow I can work on rebuilding without fear.

    Encouragement is greatly needed in our world today! Thank you and bless you with encouragement multiplied back to you many times over!!

    1. Lisa, Thank you so much for visiting and sharing such kind words!Blessings!

  12. Lori, this is definitely something I have to consciously work on. My personality type is very private and I only let a few people in, those people are so special to me, the only ones that I can open up to. So, when one of these people hurts me I think about it a lot. Question it, wonder why, mourn. It’s horrible. I have to do a lot of praying. This was a great post and I appreciate that you are helping us to work through the hard things! Thank you my friend. xx

    1. Nikki, I can understand how the betrayal of any of those in your very private inner circle would be extremely painful. I will be praying for you sweet heart to release those betrayals and your mind those thoughts, instead filling them with a new song of new life!
      Much love,