Search Results for: God's love

These 7 Bible verses about insecurity helped me believe the truth of God's love. They will help you understand your value and the depth of His love. #bibleverses #scripture verses #insecurity #identityinchrist #selfworth #identity #godslove #wordofgod #bibleeducation #chosenandworthy #childofgod #faith #growinginfaith #surrendertogod #hope #momentsofhope
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7 Bible Verses About Insecurity to Remind You of Your Worth

Can you relate to the feeling of insecurity rising up within your heart? I believe both you and I have experienced more than one situation that left us questioning our worth.

Rejection, betrayal, failure, abuse, sin, jealousy, bitterness, anger?

None of us are immune.

Maybe you need a reminder and way to fight insecurity. Maybe you need to hear the words that you are loved, cherished, and chosen.

God has written those words to us again and again in His Word. He knew we’d face hard times and He knew we’d need a reminder.

Here are 7 of my favorite Bible verses about insecurity that remind me of His love.

A list of powerful Bible Verses to live by this year and every year! Jumpstart growth in your faith life with these verses and the Surrendered Hearts Manifesto. #bibleverses #bibleversestoliveby #bibleverses #bibleversesforwomen #bibleversesforlife #hope #grace #lifeguide #lifepurpose #growinginfaith #scriptureresources #findingscripture #scriptureaboutlivngwell
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Bible Verses to Live By This Year {and Every Year!}

As the new year begins, I think most of us feel the pressure to do, be, or make something new. Maybe it’s a new set of goals … or walking forward with victory instead of being stuck in a cycle that repeats the past. Maybe you are looking for something to live by this year….

Bible verses about gratitude fill the pages of the Bible. It wasn't a theme God went light on which signifies it is something crucial to our faith walk and to living victoriously. Gratitude is a powerful weapon against defeat and it breathes life into the characteristics we all desire in our lives. Plus a Prayer for Gratitude! (printable) #gratitude #thankfulness #gratefulheart #bibleversesaboutgratitude #bibleverses #wordofgod #listofverses #scriptureverses #prayer #prayerforgratitude #pray #gratitudeprayer
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13 Bible Verses About Gratitude That Will Change Your Heart

Bible verses about gratitude fill the pages of the Bible. It wasn’t a theme God went light on. Therefore, it signifies gratitude is something crucial to our faith walk and to living victoriously. Gratitude is a powerful weapon against defeat as are the very Bible verses about gratitude. Gratitude also breathes life into the characteristics…

We long for a wholeness that comes from the One who loves us and can do immeasurably more than anything we can do on our own. Here are 10 Bible verses about worry and stress that will give you hope and put your mind at ease. Plus, a war room prayer to combat worry and stress. #bibleverses #worryandstress #worry #stress #prayer #bibleversesaboutworryandstress #hope #livesurrendered #trustGod
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10 Bible Verses About Worry and Stress That Will Put Your Mind at Ease

Worry and Stress. Ugh! Escaping it is a moment-by-moment task. Yet, it is possible. I believe these ten Bible verses about worry and stress will encourage you to do so and live a peace-filled life. Some personalities are more prone to taking things in stride than others. However, I also believe that no matter how…

The God of Wonders delights in us and gives us a way to walk out of shame.We can claim our child-of-God identity and live in the fullness of His love and grace. #devotions #hope #godslove #grace #godofwonders #shame #labels #identityinchrist #truth
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The God of Wonders Delights in You

The God of Wonders It’s good to be back here in this place with you. My time away was well spent with my family, sitting courtside for a whole lot of basketball, completing a book proposal for what I hope to be my second book, writing articles and posts for some other upcoming projects, and…

Forgiving yourself isn't always easy, but when we embrace God's love and grace, we can find freedom from shame. Speak these 5 Declarations of Truth over your life and begin letting go of the past. #forgivingyourself #godslove #forgiveness #shame #hope #victory #freedom #healing
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Forgiving Yourself and Finding Freedom From Shame

Forgiving Yourself and Embracing God’s Grace Go Hand-In-Hand From the outside, it all looked quite picture-perfect. Handsome husband. Two beautiful toddlers. Financial stability. Active in church ministry. Always quick with a smile and an encouraging word. And it wasn’t as if my smile was disingenuous. I treasured my husband and children. Gratitude for all of…