Praying God’s Word
I’m so glad it’s Monday and I get to share hope with you again! Praying you have been blessed this week. May went so quickly and it thoroughly wiped me out. Anyone else?
Remember the weariness I mentioned last week? Shaking it has been tough. And isn’t it interesting that just as I am hosting a series about getting unstuck, I found myself stuck in a state of discouragement? Here I’m writing weekly about hope and Something Better, yet I was tottering between hopeless and stuck!
Yikes! I was allowing the enemy way too much wiggle room and it was time to put my own 5 steps into action! I began mulling over all that I have been soaking in about the topic of hope. It was this quote from Brené Brown that kept coming back to the forefront of my mind.
“Hope is not an emotion; it’s a way of thinking or a cognitive process.” -Brené Brown in The Gifts of Imperfection
I didn’t like it at first because to me, hope is felt in the heart. In the soul. It is something Jesus gives me.
But I couldn’t let that quote go. I wrestled with it. Finally, I realized something quite interesting.
It didn’t contradict my belief at all.
You see, when we believe there is a God of the Universe who is in control and is faithful to His promises, we are able to set fear aside. And when we reject fear, we give ourselves freedom to set goals, step toward them, and believe in our capability. That is a series of cognitive processes. A series that ushers us right into where hope happens. Where conviction is felt and hope is firmly planted. It is then we know that with Christ, all things are possible. And we say,
I can do this.
When we believe there is a God of the Universe who is in control and is faithful to His promises,we are able to set fear aside #momentsofhope Share on X
But the enemy of this world wants to steal our hope and stop us from walking in victory. He relentlessly whispers lies and sometimes we get weary. Then the lies get louder and heavier until we do the next right thing. We pick up that Bible, read God’s Truth, and pray it over our lives.
Friends, I’m not saying that as soon as you read your Bible your problems are going to go away. I’m not even saying that your burden will immediately disappear. But I am saying that with the patience to allow His Word to soak in and take root, hope will flourish and peace will reign.
One morning this week as I was pouring out my heart to Jesus and asking for His grace and mercy, repenting for leaving my time with Him to moments on the go, it happened.
A scripture I have read a multitude of times. One I’d already highlighted and in the margins written the word “beautiful”.
In that moment, the words washed over me with a flood of emotion. Emotions of humility and awe. Of desire and HOPE! Everything He is and everything I hope for lies in these words. My deepest desires for my children and for all those I love.
I could set worry aside. Set weariness aside and grab onto hope.
When I think of all this, I fall to my knees and pray to the Father, the Creator of everything in heaven and on earth. I pray that from His glorious, unlimited resources He will empower you with inner strength through His Spirit. Then Christ will make His home in your hearts as you trust in Him. Your roots will grow down into God’s love and keep you strong. And may you have the power to understand, as all God’s people should, how wide, how long, how high, and how deep His love is. May you experience the love of Christ, Ephesians 3:14-19 though it is too great to understand fully. Then you will be made complete with all the fullness of life and power that comes from God. –
The truth I read, prayed and claimed over each of my children and loved ones. And it was a powerful Moment of Hope for me.
Friends, I want you to have that hope, too. I want you to claim these words over your lives and the lives of your loved ones. In case it helps, I made a printable version for you and put it in the Library of Hope where you will find a wealth of resources to encourage and equip you to claiming the victory of a hope-filled life. As a subscriber, you have free access. Grab it here or on the image below.
Praying scripture is so powerful, friends. It changes circumstances. And it grows hope because we can know that God’s promises are always true.
Do you pray scripture over your loved ones? Need some help?Grab some help in this #printable Ephesians 3:14-19 #momentsofhope Share on XThis is a must-read from my friend Shannon Guerin’s. How to Stay Involved In Her Life as a Teen, I knew I had found my featured post.
Shannon is a Mama who loves her girls fiercely. Her life has not been short on the difficult, but in each season she stepped out of the lies and into the Truth found in the arms of Jesus. Each time she did the next right thing and pointed her girls to Him. She loved them, taught them about Jesus, reminded them of His unfailing love, and pointed to Him as the giver of hope. I know you will be encouraged by her list of 6 things you can do right now to stay involved in your daughter’s life as a teen. Being a Mama isn’t easy. Especially when they get to be teens. But friends, there is always HOPE!
Hi Shannon, thank you for another week of Hope: for the the beautiful reminder that God’s Word is truth, brings hope, and can set us free when we meditate upon it and pray it. Thanks for the lovely printable, too. ? Have a blessed week, my friend!
Great verse and it’s also the verse of the the day on Bible Gateway. 🙂 Thank you for hosting this linkup. Blessings
I always find it interesting how the Lord allows us to learn by living it. Each word this year through The Faith Project has given me reasons to pause and live out the learning. I have always loved Ephesians 3 deep roots promise. We are grounded in Him. Thanks for this beautiful reminder, Lori!
The Brene Brown quote is so true. I often mistake hope for an emotion (and one I may be lacking when I think that), so it’s good to be reminded that hope is a whole different thing, a belief, a thought process. We can claim hope as our heritage because of God’s faithfulness! Thanks for sharing this, Lori.
Wonderful scripture to use in praying for loved ones! I’m printing it out to place in my prayer room.
Blessings, Lori!
Hey Lori,
Thank you for offering hope!
I love Eph. 3. I was just sharing those verses with a friend today.
Hope you have a wonderful Monday~
As always, thank you for hosting! Not only do we get to link up, but here some spiritual encouragement as well.
Lori, thank you! This is so fitting for me this week, as I focus on encouraging my children to fight for control of their thought life. Thanks for sharing this handy printable. May God continue to bless you as you share His hope.
Aw Lori- I so love your heart and your vulnerability!!! God has you, you know that???
and HAPPY ONE MONTH LINK UP ANNIVERSARY!!! Let’s have cupcakes and ice cream!!!
Love you girl and thanks so much for the feature! I’m extremely honored and extremely blessed by you!!!
That verse that you shared from Ephesians is so beautiful, isn’t it?! I find so much hope in that verse, too. Thank you for this encouragement that you’ve shared, Lori. This featured post, by Shannon, was one of my favorite reads last week, too. : ) I hope you’re having a wonderful day.
Hope…what an inspiration word Lori! Praying God continues to bless you with His hope. Thank you for sharing the passage in Ephesians. I will be sharing that on my inspiration & Scriptures page. Just a word of encouragement Lori, I gave my mother many tears as a teenager but now she cries tears of joy and I seek to live for Him! Praying your hope in Him is realized every day my friend. Have a blessed week!
Pondering the Brene Brown quote and thinking too about the verse that encourages us to love God with our mind — thinking there’s a connection there.
Also, during a time in my parenting when I really couldn’t trust my own heart to pray for one of my boys, Ephesians 3 came to my rescue. What an excellent passage to pray for the people we love.
Thank you so much for this message of hope, Lori. I love the verses in Ephesians, and it is good for me to be reminded of God’s unlimited resources and vast love. I, too, long for these verses to be realized in the hearts and lives of my loved ones. Hugs!
Oh, I love what you’re doing here. LOVE the theme! Thanks for the invite! Blessings! Oh, and you have one of the MOST GRACIOUS rules list I have ever seen….just so sweet!
As always, I love that you share your heart in such a transparent way. One month on the linkup. That is great. I hope you are loving it. It is a lot of fun connecting with people. Thank you so much for sharing your space with us here and spreading hope! Have a great week!
Lori, thank you for inviting me to the linkup. It is such an encouraging place & I know I am going to come back. It is amazing to me how Scripture fills us with hope even while our circumstances may not have changed. He gives us hope for the moment while filling us with hope for tomorrow. Have a blessed day!
Taking your printable and praying it over my family this week. 🙂 Also, thanks for hosting!
I love the power of praying the scripture! I’m so happy to have found you via JenniferLee’s link!
Thank you for this reminder, Lori. There is something amazing about praying scripture over our families and situations. Thanks for linking up with Thankful Thursdays.
There truly is something so amazing about praying scripture. It amazes me, though, how easily I find myself stepping out of the habit when life becomes overloaded. I find myself again and again having to be intentional about doing it!!!
Lori, this is beautiful. So glad I saved this post to come back and read when I had a good chunk of free time. I love that passage from Ephesians 3 and pray it over my loved ones often. Thanks for reminding me how important it is to spend some time “soaking” in the truth. Yes!
I’m so glad God reminded you of taking that time! Your recent post about doing nothing to really do everything really hit home for me!!! Soaking is so important and we so easily miss it!!