The Power of Remembering in Whom We Have Our Hope

Today was one of those days that push me toward gratitude. The kind that make me notice all that is right instead of allowing the weight of what is wrong to burden my spirit.

I remember to:ย 
Soak in the moments
Laugh moreย 
Love bigger
And be thankful.

he Power in Remembering in Whom We Have Our Hope - There are moments in life that make us stop. They give us the gift of checking our spirit for a lack of gratitude for the many gifts we have right in front of us. I had this moment as we celebrated a young life gone too soon for us. And as I watched his very brave Mama. Lori Schumaker #MomentsofHope

After a weekend filled with activity from beginning to end, we closed our Sunday afternoon with a moment of celebration and honor for a sweet young man who would have turned 15 today.


This weekend was filled from beginning to end. We’ve celebrated my brother’s 60th, watched 7 basketball games between both boys, went to church, and shared a moment of celebration and honor for a sweet young man who would have turned 15 today. Just 7 months ago his life here suddenly ended in what feels to everyone left behind as way too soon. His mama is brave – filled with a courage beyond what any of us ever believe we have within us. She says it’s the power of Christ each and every single day. And how can we dispute that! It’s only a strength bigger than buy liquid tamoxifen citrate anything we have to offer that can walk us through a grief this deep and consuming. But today as we closed out our weekend sending balloons with hope-filled Bible verses high into the sky, we remember in Who we have our hope. And we remember to soak in the moments we are given each day. Soak them in and tuck them away in our hearts because they are precious – and they are a gift. Be thankful and notice who and what we’ve been given to treasure ?? Let’s not take the moments for granted … @lianebrinkman

A post shared by Lori Schumaker (@searchingformoments) on

Even before Joe went to be with Jesus, I watched his Mom be a courageous woman of faith. She faced the kind of difficult that brings many of us to our breaking points. But a little over 7 months ago, the unthinkable happened and she lost her precious son in a tragic accident.

She had every worldly reason to wash her hands of her faith and love for God.

But she didn’t.

And she has given witness to a hope more powerful than anything around which our minds can possible wrap themselves.

he Power in Remembering in Whom We Have Our Hope - There are moments in life that make us stop. They give us the gift of checking our spirit for a lack of gratitude for the many gifts we have right in front of us. I had this moment as we celebrated a young life gone too soon for us. And as I watched his very brave Mama. Lori Schumaker #MomentsofHope

Not long ago, this brave Mama began writing as a step toward healing. Friends, not only is she brave, she is an amazing writer and a hope-giver to many. Today, I want to share her blog with you. She’s a single working Mom, navigating her grief, and trying desperately to love her daughter well as she grieves the loss of her brother. She doesn’t have a lot of time to write all that God is laying on her heart, but she doesn’t need to right now because the words she shares breathe HOPE. They reach into the places where we think are too deep to be salvaged, and remind us that there is a God who is our salvation. Not only for an eternity on the other side of the cross, but right here and now. He is a God who saves and a God Who is bigger than anything we will ever face.

Our God is bigger than anything we will ever face #hope #linkup #MomentsofHope #power Share on X

Would you step over to my friend’s little corner of the blog world today and have her remind you of the hope we have in Christ? Would you allow her to speak into your deepest hurts and most frustrating places of your life? ย And would you share hope in return with this brave Mama? Encourage her with your comments. Share her posts where you can. In her honor, and in Joe’s, would you take a step to encourage those who need hope today?

The Power in Remembering in Whom We Have Our Hope - There are moments in life that make us stop. They give us the gift of checking our spirit for a lack of gratitude for the many gifts we have right in front of us. I had this moment as we celebrated a young life gone too soon for us. And as I watched his very brave Mama. Lori Schumaker #MomentsofHope

Sharing hope that's bigger than any pain #MomentsofHope #linkup #power Share on X

Just in case this is your first visit here and you would like to infuse your ย day-to-day with more hope, join me for the latest series titled #ChosenandWorthy. You can find the posts you missed ย HEREย , but then subscribe below so that you don’t miss any of what’s to come!

Don’t forget, when you subscribe you also get full access to the resource-filled Library of Hope!

#MomentsofHope Link-Up

Welcome back to #MomentsofHope! I’m so sorry the link-up was not up and running last week! My blog was down for a few days! Frustrating, but I’m happy to now have gotten some much needed updates and repairs done on it so I should be good to go for a while!

Thank you for joining me here each week to share the hope given to us through Christ. Whether your words come from a story that points to the full healing you have experienced in Christ, or its a story of the journey along the road to the healing you know He is working in you, it is giving hope to others. Your words matter and I am honored to have you share them here in this space!

Featured here at #MomentsofHope?Grab the new Happily Featured button! Just stop by the #MomentsofHope page in the menu above or hereย to find it!

Thank you so much for joining me each week in this place where we share and soak HOPE! Your hearts are a gift to me.?

What I ask of you:#MomentsofHope Link-up;; Read, share, and together hope for tomorrow.
  1. Share up to 2 URLs ย (to a blog post, not the actual blog) that resonates with the topic of HOPE. Anything that gives us hope for tomorrow. Hope for victory. The little things and the big. Anything that inspires us to lean into Jesus and let Him carry us through.
  2. Important:ย If you donโ€™t have a blog post or podcast thatย resonates with HOPE, join in other ways as you pray and encourage others with a comment or a prayer.

  3. *Please leave a comment on the link just before each of your links. Would you love them well? Encourage them in their efforts to share the hope of Jesus. If you have time, stop by more than one sweet writerโ€™s little corner of the blog world!

  4. Of course, I would love it if you would follow me via myย blog and/or social media channels! Signing up to join the Searching for Moments Community gets you access to all of the resources available in the Library of Hope along withย post updates and the inside scoop!

  5. Please either grab the #MomentsofHopeย button found here or link back to meย to encourage new linkers.

Find me linking up with these encouraging places!

[inlinkz_linkup id=711304 mode=1]

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    1. You are welcome! Thank you for joining me to share HOPE! #MomentsofHope

  1. Amazing, and a true testimony to the power of God! So blessed by this woman’s heart.

    1. Amen! Yes, Michele, she truly is a powerful testimony to the power of God! โ™ฅ

  2. carlielake says:

    Lori, thank you so much for sharing your friend’s blog with us. I was so encouraged by her courage and gratitude in the midst of her grief. And so thankful for a God who is personal and present to her and continues to strengthen her and comfort her in amazing ways. Blessings to you, my friend!

    1. Carlie, I thought of you and Marva when I read her words. I knew her hope would resonate with you โ™ฅ Thank you so much for joining me in the spreading of hope, my friend!

  3. AMEN. Sister this is such a good reminder; keeping our eyes on Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith. The thing that has stood out to me especially when loved ones in church lose a loved one; they have so much hope and joy because they know in Whom we have hope. We have hope in God and His promises are sure because He never changes. <3 Thank you Lori. <3

    1. Hi Emily, Many could ask how we can believe in a good God who takes away a loved one, yet if they only look at the hope a believer has, they would know that although we don’t know the answers to the “why’s”, we are held up by a loving God who never lets go. My friend is a powerful testimony to this truth! Thank you, friend, for joining me today!

  4. mareedee2016 says:


    Thank you for sharing a beautiful writer with us and her story. I plan to hop on over. Thank you for hosting. Maree

    1. Thank you for those sweet words, Lyli! Coming from you – wow, such a gift! Thank you for your prayers. I know they treasure each and every prayer.

  5. I certainly will check it out, Lori! Sounds like God is resurrecting her hope in so many ways–even as the unthinkable happened in her life. I’ll begin to pray for her as well. I can’t even imagine!

    1. Beth, it brings the words of my favorite song to life:
      If youโ€™ve got pain
      Heโ€™s a pain taker
      If you feel lost
      Heโ€™s a way maker
      If you need freedom or saving
      Heโ€™s a prison-shaking Savior
      If youโ€™ve got chains
      Heโ€™s a chain breaker – Zach Williams in Chain Breaker

      Thanks, friend, for joining me here to share hope each week!
      Much love,

  6. Praying for Joeโ€™s family. So thankful that his mama can feel the Lordโ€™s presence with her. What a hard, hard thing to face!

    1. Thank you for your prayers, Lisa. I know they appreciate those prayers and feel the power of them every day.

    1. Julie, I’m so thankful for you. Your words are such an encouragement! I just knew Liane would be a breath of encouragement for anyone who stopped by!

  7. jessicasummeroverstreet says:

    What a sweet tribute to this young man and his mom. I will definitely visit her link and share your post! Thank you for your heart! You are definitely an encouragement to me! Also, thank you for this week’s linkup!!!

    1. Thanks so much, Summer! She is such an inspiration โ™ฅ And thank you for coming alongside me to share hope here at #MomentsofHope!

  8. Thank you Lori. I will be sure to go over and visit your friend’s blog. God bless <3 Patti

    1. Thanks, Patti! I know you will be encouraged when you visit!

  9. How amazing. Truly God is in her midst. Thanks for sharing and hosting!

    1. His hope simply shines from her. It is amazing … Thank you, Sherry, for joining me here each week to share His hope โ™ฅ