Hope for the Frazzled End-of-the-School-Year Mom
Does the end of the school year have you frazzled?
Thereβs the choir concert, award ceremony, sports banquet, classroom party, and some kind of graduation or another. Thereβs also gifts for teachers and thank youβs to all those who made a difference in your childβs year. But donβt forget to have your child well rested and prepared for finals and exams, by the way! In the meantime, be prepared with cards and gifts for the graduations of friends and family. And you may as well keep in mind the upcoming June weddings and summer vacations rapidly approaching!
Itβs a lot, isnβt it?
And some people seem like they do it SO WELL!
And then thereβs me. My end-of-the-year chaos kind of looks like this.
And this.
And this.
Sometimes I feel like the other Moms do it without the chaos.
By the smiles I see on social media, Iβm tempted to believe their homes are in order, their children are behaving beautifully, and they are never late to any of said end-of-the-school-year events!
Iβm tempted, for sure β¦
But then I remember 5 things that gives this frazzled mom hope:
- Even if I stink at all the above and other Moms donβt, Iβm still chosen and worthy. God says so.
- Other Moms have the chaos, too. No one really shares mounds of laundry, piles of paper, or any of the other messes in our lives (unless you are making a point like I am right now!). Some things just arenβt social media worthy. It doesnβt mean they are fake. Itβs just that for the most part, we want to share whatβs going right in our lives and not necessarily what is going wrong. We want to make others smile, not feel bad for us. So, we share the fun, the good, and the happy.
- Iβm uniquely me with equally unique children. God matched us together and nothing He does is by mistake. Our unique brand of chaos is ours to cherish and as long as our lives align with His Word, we are doing just fine.
- If my exhaustion is too big, I need to determine my priorities and do some necessary pruning. What can go and what must stay?
- Comparing myself to others only leads to a broken identity. There is no victory in comparison.
So, sweet Mama friends, if the tide is high and the chaos big right now, hold on tight to truth. Youβve got this and Godβs got you! Be you. Do only what you are uniquely designed to do. Love your beautiful chaos with a heart wide open! And just shut the door on that laundry pile for now π
Love your uniquely beautiful chaos with heart wide open! #frazzledmom #hope #chosenandworthy Share on X#MomentsofHope Featured Posts
This week I just couldn’t choose! I had to pick two of the hope-giving Mother’s Day posts from last week! First, I want to share with you Did God Choose the Wrong Mom by Maree Dee of Embracing the Unexpected. Her words definitely align with what I was sharing above. When our identity falters, we begin to question our adequacy. As Moms, the trials are many and if we aren’t tightly embracing our worth in Christ, we will have many doubts. And sometimes, even when our identity IS firmly rooted in Christ the storms of parenting will rattle our ability to claim that truth! Her post is a timely reminder of that very truth!
“Oh, of course, I make mistakes and come up short over and over again. I am not perfect nor are my kids, but God knew what he was doing when he knit us together long before any of us were born.”
You watched me as I was being formed in utter seclusion,Β
Β Β Β Β as I was woven together in the dark of the womb.
You saw me before I was born.
Β Β Β Β Every day of my life was recorded in your book.
Every moment was laid out
Β Β Β Β before a single day had passed.
Psalm 139: 15-16
Next, I want to share a post that reminds us of why we do all we do for our children. The beautiful chaos. The frazzled mom journey. All of it. Shannon Geurin is a dear friend and fierce Mama! Her post will encourage that frazzled Mama heart of yours!
“Keep your chin up, Momma. A lot of the things we do will never be seen. The tears wept, the hours worried, the deeds sewn. No one will ever see how all of these things impact our hearts. No one sees except God, and Heβs all that really matters.
The things you do matter. Everything your little one does to drain you will be given back a thousandfold.”
End of the School Year making you frazzled? There's HOPE! #MomentsofHope #linkup #hope #identity Share on X
Find all the #ChosenandWorthy posts right Β HEREΒ !
#MomentsofHope Link-Up
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- Share up to 2 URLs Β (to a blog post, not the actual blog) that resonates with the topic of HOPE. Anything that gives us hope for tomorrow. Hope for victory. The little things and the big. Anything that inspires us to lean into Jesus and let Him carry us through.
Important:Β If you donβt have a blog post or podcast thatΒ resonates with HOPE, join in other ways as you pray and encourage others with a comment or a prayer.
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Thank you, thank you for this reminder that I’m not a product of my accomplishments, but a creation of the God who loves and knows me — and in the meantime, we’re sliding toward the home base of another school year in the books! Blessings, Lori!
Thank you for hosting!
Lori, I love that you remind us that while our “chaos” is unique to each of us our God gets us each through. We hold onto the hope found in Him.
I used to say that moms would refuse to do May if they didn’t know June, July, and August followed. It’s exhausting!!! I loved this honest and fun encouragement, my friend! You’re the best!
Hi Lori, I’m glad to know I’m not alone in my messy rooms! They push my overwhelm button, yet I know if I chip away at them every day this summer, they will be under control soon. Blessings to you, friend!
Hey Lori! I can certainly relate to what you’re saying here. I feel the same way at the end of the year. Matter of fact, my daughter’s upcoming wedding has blown out the entire last quarter of our home school year. What’s a mom to do?! π Thanks for hosting and have a great week. π
Such sweet encouragement Lori! In the end, it’s not the chaos that is remembered. It’s all the moments we took the time for and chose which were so much more important than any chaos or lack of we see in ourselves. And none of it should infect our identity in Christ!
Lori – Thank you – it is such an honor to be featured on your beautiful website. Maree
I love this post. It is so easy to fall into that trap of thinking all the other moms have it all together while I am a big failure; but I’m not a failure, I am doing the best I can with what I have for my family, and most importantly, to glorify God
No one has a picture perfect life. This end of the school year finds me grateful and relieved (a first) – no ceremonies and school is over as I type. It feels anticlimatic but good. Thanks for the encouragement.
Thanks for providing ways to keep our hope even in the midst of chaos. I no longer have that end-of-the-school year season, but May is still a crazy month!
Lori- this Mom doesn’t have it all together. Thanks for the reminder of the end-of-the-year teacher’s gifts, totally spaced on that one. See, not together here:)
Love how you keep it real!
Loved your pictures Lori! Sharing the “real” is such a gift to the rest of us?β€οΈ It is too easy to think we are the only frazzled moms out there but then someone is willing to share their reality and we are able to sigh with relief ,” This IS the norm. I’m not that different.” Great job Lori! ?
You are so brave to share your honest pictures with us. My home looks the same way, as I tackle end of school year events, plus repair men coming all week, plus a major security issue that has caused me to change computer systems. LOL! God does not give us more than we can handle. ??
You are putting many minds to rest today. I have heard so many moms say how much they dread this week. Some of our schools got out last week and those moms are already complaining about the kids being at home all day. This is all momentary. One day we will have clean houses and unhurried schedules. Then, we will look back and wish for these hurried and harried days. Take your time with the laundry. Your children are only this age once. ???
Thanks for hosting!
Oh Lori thanks for sharing. People ask all the time how I manage four children on my own and keep my place clean. We all have our moments and our days when things are just plain chaotic. We are allowed to not have it all together all the time. As long as we make time to pray and feed the kids, the rest can wait until we have caught up to our own feet. lol
Thank you so much for this encouragement, Deanna! I sure do appreciate it!
As you’re still able to write this, snap some photos and organize your thoughts to share this beautiful lesson, I think you’re doing good as mom. π Thanks for the inspiration!
I so easily fall into the comparing trap in all areas of life. Right now I am stuck on, “Am I doing enough?” Thank you for the reminder.
Yes, end of the school year is hectic. My youngest just graduated college so I am sure next year I will be missing the end of the year bliss. Enjoy it goes by fast.
Congratulations on your youngest being done with school! So there really is light at the end of the tunnel? Thank you for your encouragement as well!
I had to come and read this, Lori. I saw it in my inbox and I am drinking up the mama stuff lately. Life has been crazy and I find solace in reading from other moms, their real-life ways of dealing and living. I linked up mine from yesterday because it fit well. I am so glad God loves us right where we are!