A 3-Part Strategy That Will Make You Trust God More

9 Christian Bloggers Share Their Best Posts All Summer Long! - The Summer Sizzle Blog Hop SeriesIn a moment, I get to share with you Alison Tiemeyer! I can’t even begin to explain how much I love this wise-beyond-her-years young woman. I’ve been blessed to spend time with her in real life laughing, learning, and having those deep kinds of conversations that fill your soul.

Today she’s talking all about how to trust God more. Friends, the trust thing is hard. We learn independence. Taking care of ourselves and being a responsible adult.  However, isn’t it easy is it to cross over from responsible to control freak? I believe it is a temptation every single one of us must fight.

What Alison shares here today made me think about some things. Similarly, I believe it will have the same effect on you, giving you cause to reflect on how much you really trust God and what that means for your life.

Alison Tiemeyer and Lori Schumaker

Catch all the Summer Sizzle Blog Hop Series posts HERE!

Join the #SummerSizzle #BlogHopSeries! 9 Christian Writers share their #VeryBestPosts! #hope Share on X

If we’re going to be women who trusts steadfastly in the Lord, we need a battle plan.Here’s a 3-Part Strategy that will make you trust God more ...

I feel like I’d be missing out on an opportunity if I didn’t warn you about something.

This is important, so lean in close.

People who never learn to leap remain stagnant.

And that means that…

People who never learn to trust remain fearful.

People who never learn to trust remain selfish.

People who never learn to trust remain angry.

People who never learn to trust remain prideful.

People who never learn to trust remain stagnant – never growing, never changing.

And yet growing & changing are some of the most beautiful things that occur this side of heaven, don’t you think?
What happens when we never learn to trust? #SummerSizzleBlogHop #hope #trustGod Share on X

Growing to trust more than fear.

Crying for help rather than remaining silent.

Sharing a burden rather than bulldozing through in pride.

Those are beautiful & grace-filled moments. Moments like that come about because of trust.

Jeremiah 17:7-8 tells us, “But blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in him. They will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit.”

Did you catch that – the beauty that trusting in the Lord brings?

There is beauty in trusting the Lord #SummerSizzleBlogHop #hope #trustGod Share on X

No fear when hardship comes. There is always provision. No worries when there’s a season of difficulty. And it never fails to bring fruit.

Never. Fails. To. Bring. Fruit.

If we’re going to be women who trusts steadfastly in the Lord, we need a battle plan.Here’s a 3-Part Strategy that will make you trust God more ...

You know what that makes me think about? It makes me think that when a woman trusts steadfastly in her Savior, she can be all in.

Because a woman who trusts in the Lord never fails to bring fruit.
Because a woman who trusts in the Lord never fails to bring fruit #SummerSizzleBlogHop #trustGod #hope Share on X

This gets my blood pumping because, friend, we have an opportunity here! We have an opportunity to stand up, to be bold, and to learn to leap.

We can be women who are all in for Jesus.

If we’re going to be women who trust steadfastly in the Lord – women who are all in – we need a battle plan.

If we’re going to be women who trusts steadfastly in the Lord, we need a battle plan.Here’s a 3-Part Strategy that will make you trust God more ...

So, without further ado, here’s a 3-Part Strategy for trusting deeply in the Lord:

Part 1: Reliance through Prayer

We must learn to rely on our Heavenly Father. This nation is full of people – myself included more often than I’d like to admit – who rely first and foremost on themselves.

We look to our beauty, our fame, our talents, our resources, our relationships, our finances – we look to everything but our Jesus.

So how do we rely?

We strengthen our prayer lives.

We quit saying that we’ll figure it out someday or hoping that prayer will come naturally. We quit wishing for more time in the day.

We just pray.

“The Lord is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in truth.” Psalm 145:18

He is near & He longs to hear your prayers.

I encourage you to begin with your favorite Scripture verse. Read it several times, highlighting or underlining the truths that the verse tells you about who God is, as well as who you are in Christ.

Then, pray cheap nolvadex for sale those truths – word for word or in your own way, it doesn’t matter. Just start relying on the Lord in prayer.

Part 2: Seeking Glimpses of Grace

Friend, if I could sit across from you and drink a warm mug of coffee today, I’d encourage you to tell me about God’s grace in your life.

Glimpses of grace are those moments when you know only God could have done that, been that, provided that, helped you, etc. They are the moments that you stand back in awe and simply say, “Thank you, Jesus.”

And let me tell you, it is important to remember those moments. We need them. They – along with reliance on God through prayer – fuel our trust.

So, I ask you: what are your glimpses of grace? When did God show up and provide for you expectantly? How did God heal your wounds/your addiction/your identity/your body?

Thank the Lord for those grace moments.

Part 3: Diving All In

Here is where you put the pedal to the metal and you go all in.

You decide that it’s time, so you leap.

With prayer as your guard & grace as your fuel, you simply say, “I’m trusting you, Father.”

Is this easy? No, not always. I recognize that.

But there comes a time when words and ambitions aren’t enough. There comes a time when you simply have to DO.

James 1:22 says, “Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says.”

When the Lord says trust, it’s time to trust. Prayerfully. With reminders of grace. Simply trust.

People that never learn to leap remain stagnant.

Would you leap with me, friend?

3-Part Strategy for trusting deeply in the Lord! #trustGod #hope Share on X

Finally, remember how I mentioned growing and changing being some of the most beautiful things this side of heaven?

Well, that’s because we’re being slowly transformed into the image of a great God. Trust Him with the process today. Take a baby step.

We’re in this one together.

Alison is a wife, blogger, and Jesus-follower growing in grace and truth daily. She loves coffee in the morning, experimenting in the kitchen, camping with her husband, and reading in a hammock just about anywhere. Her blog – AlisonTiemeyer.com – exists to encourage faithful growth and passionate living. You can find Alison on Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram and Twitter.

Wait! Have you missed any of the Summer Sizzle Blog Hop Series Posts? If so, you can find those HERE!

And how about the most popular posts from the #ChosenandWorthy Series? Those are right HERE !

Hope is at the heartbeat of living victorious lives. Without hope, what do we have? But to hold onto that hope, there are some things we have to embrace like our identity in Christ, the power of gratitude, and a positive thought life. Would you like extra encouragement to keep you focused on the right things? – The things that will keep your hope alive?

#MomentsofHope Link-Up

Last, but definitely not least, thank you for joining me here each week to share the hope given to us through Christ. Whether your words come from a story that points to the full healing you have experienced in Christ, or its a story of the journey along the road to the healing you know He is working in you, it is giving hope to others. Your words matter and it honors me to have you share them here in this space!

What I ask of you:#MomentsofHope Link-up; www.lorischumaker.com; Read, share, and together hope for tomorrow.
  1. Share up to 2 blogpost URLs resonating with the topic of HOPE. That which gives us hope for tomorrow and hope for victory. The little things and the big that inspire us to lean into Jesus and let Him carry us through.

2.#MomentsofHope is a place to give and get hope, so let’s encourage others in their efforts to share the hope of Jesus. If you have time, stop by more than one sweet writer’s little corner of the blog world!

  1. Please either grab the #MomentsofHope button found here or link back to me. If you’ve been featured, grab your button here!

Finally, find me linking up with these encouraging places!

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  1. Thanks, Alison, for words that bring to mind the lyrics from an old hymn: “Oh, for grace to trust Him more.”
    Yes. Thanks for leading us in that direction today!

    1. What a beautiful hymn, Michele, yes! Grace indeed!

  2. What a great message for our hearts today, ladies. Thank you ever so much for this. xoxoxo

    1. Thank you, Meghan. I pray it has blessed you as well!

  3. Thank you Lori and Alison,

    This month I too have been looking out for Gods grace and Love by doing a month long experiment on noticing and photographing the “heart moments” that come in to my life. It’s made me realize that what you look for you will find…. so if you are looking for His presence and how He helps you… you will find it. If you are not looking and focused on something else , those moments will slip by unnoticed.

    ….much love

    1. Yes, indeed! What a great lesson to remind ourselves and to tuck in our hearts. Thank you, Jade!

  4. Alison, this is exactly what I needed today. God has been speaking this same word of trust to me over the past few days. Thank you for being obedient in your writing. Lori, thank you for sharing Alison with us! It was a fun surprise to see her here this morning! ❤️

    1. Thank you, Alisa! This series is a blessing to me as I share it with others!

  5. This was precious. Being reminded that we need to just go, pray, and trust the Lord, look for His grace, and walk out in faith is absolutely precious. I’m convicted that I have been guilty of wanting to pray more but not taking action and just praying, bringing my anxious heart to the Lord. Thank you. <3

    1. Thank you, Emily. It’s encouraging that we have a God who wants to hear our prayers, isn’t it?

  6. I agree…Alison is wise beyond her years! Looking for those glimpses of grace is always key for me to remind myself of God’s faithfulness when i’m tempted to worry or stay put in my comfort zone. Great series Lori!

    1. Thank you, Crystal! Yes, glimpses of grace bring reminders of God’s faithfulness!

  7. Love this: “Because a woman who trusts in the Lord never fails to bring fruit.” I have taken a lot of baby steps in my life, and am grateful that the Lord walks with such grace alongside us in this journey, one tiny step at a time.

    1. Yes! That’s such a powerful quote. I’m thankful that God doesn’t push us faster than we’re prepared to go!

  8. Alison! So great to see you hanging out with Lori! You both have been such wonderful blessings throughout my blogging journey, and what a treat to see you here! 🙂 You have no idea how much I needed to hear this today–thank you for these powerful truths! May God continue to fortify our prayer lives as we grow in His grace and trust Him more! Blessings to you both!

    1. Thank you, Christin! May God continue to bless you in your ministry.

    1. Thank you, Sherry! Happy 4th to you as well!

  9. Beautiful post. I love this line.”Glimpses of grace are those moments when you know only God could have done that, been that, provided that, helped you, etc. They are the moments that you stand back in awe and simply say,” “Thank you, Jesus.”

    We do need to write down those moments and remember them.

    Thank you!

    Happy 4th of July!


    1. That’s such a beautiful line, and it paints such a tremendous picture, doesn’t it? Thank you!

  10. Alison, I loved your article, especially your comments about prayer and glimpses of grace. Beautiful! Thank you so much for sharing here. Lori, this was a blessing! Thank you for hosting Alison!

    1. Thank you, Leslie! We appreciate you being here!

  11. Amen to this. God is faithful even when we’re not so we need to trust Him. We need to remind ourselves of the times God’s grace saved us so we can continue to trust. Especially when times get tough.

    Happy Sunday!

    1. Yes, that is so true, Lux. When we can take time to look at God’s faithfulness, it’s always amazing where we see His grace!