Win One of My Top 10 Christmas Joys!

Christmas strikes a chord which inevitably triggers a special kind of joy in our hearts. It seems there are certain moments, things, smells, or events that make my step a little lighter and my smile a little bigger. So, today I am sharing with you my Top 10 Christmas Joys and since gift giving is one of my top 10, I’m hosting another giveaway  in the same fashion as last week.

I love gift giving! As a matter of fact, it's one of my love languages and one of my favorite Christmas joys! This month I'm talking about Holding onto Joy and I'm doing giveaways of my favorite things with each post! Stop by to enter to win one of these fabulous products from The Star from Afar, Rad Joy, HopeLifters, Fashion & Compassion, and ONE Mission! - #MomentsofHope Link-Up - Lori Schumaker

My Top 10 Christmas Joys

10.  The Salvation Army bell ringing outside department stores.

9.  Seeing Santa at the mall.

8.  The scent of Christmas candles.

7.  Christmas cards.

6.  Christmas movies.

5.  Christmas music.

4.  Gift giving.

3.  The decorated Christmas trees everywhere we look!

2. The sparkle in my children’s eyes.

1.  The lights shining brightly that remind me of the greatest joy of all.

The joy Christ brought into the world that first Christmas night. The celebration in the Heavens because God had come down to save the world bringing hope, freedom, and victory in His name.

I love gift giving! As a matter of fact, it's one of my love languages and one of my favorite Christmas joys! This month I'm talking about Holding onto Joy and I'm doing giveaways of my favorite things with each post! Stop by to enter to win one of these fabulous products from The Star from Afar, Rad Joy, HopeLifters, Fashion & Compassion, and ONE Mission! - #MomentsofHope Link-Up - Lori Schumaker

So, this Christmas, let’s slow down and embrace the simple joys. The things we’ve looked past or to which we have simply become immune.

Let’s not miss the sparkles or hear the sounds, but instead let’s allow ourselves to be reminded of the miracle of Christmas.

We can put down our lists, snuggle on the sofa with hot cocoa, and watch that favorite Christmas movie. You know the one. A whole lot of corny. Not much depiction of the reality of life. Yet, still sparking a little flicker of what we know to be true.


Not hope of life just how we want it, but hope to know that with Christ we will survive whatever storm comes our way.

Let’s smile when we hear the bell outside the grocery store and feel in our hearts the love from which the shiny wrapped gift was given. Notice it, embrace it, and give praise for all that He is and has done for us. 

A Giveaway

So in the spirit of Christmas Joy and the Holding onto Joy During the Holidays series, I am giving gifts – to you!

In the spirit of Christmas Joy, I am giving gifts - to YOU! #ChristmasJoy #hope #joy #giveaway #entertowin Share on X

A few days ago, I hosted a giveaway for the coolest new Christmas family game I know! It’s my favorite gift for families with young children this year! The giveaway is still active so jump on over and enter to win The Star from Afar! Don’t miss it! ? Update: Cherished reader, Sheryl, won this giveaway! Thanks so much, Sheryl, for being a part of the Searching for Moments community. You are appreciated ? Merry Christmas!

****Click here to access 10 Ways to Bring Hope to Someone Who is Grieving and enter to win Kathe Wunnenberg’s hope-filled 3-book gift pack!
star-from-afar - joy

Several weeks ago I wrote a post with 13 of my favorite fair trade and give back shopping options. This week I am giving away an item from one of the vendors on that list. It’s from Rad Joy. They have the coolest story and it’s all about the joy of the Lord. Here’s what Rick and Jackie write:


This has always been a Bible verse that we like, but now it’s what we live for.


We often talk about “giving it to God” but so frequently we choose to carry the heavy loads of life.

So, as a gesture of prayer, asking God for release, you write your burdens down…

Rad Joy Giveaway

…and physically nail them to the cross.

Rad Joy Giveaway

Experience joy each time you pass by this visual reminder of God’s love.

Rad Joy Giveaway


I am so excited to give away one of these crosses! In fact, I’m praying God picks out just the right person for His plan in this one, so make sure to enter to win!

There’s More!

I have a special gift with each of the next 3 posts that I want to give you! So, stop by, be encouraged, and enter to win!

Afraid you’ll forget? How about a reminder? Just sign up here! Plus you will get special access to the Library of Hope where you will find resources to help you live a more hope-filled life!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

This week, as the featured #MomentsofHope post, I want to share with you a sweet friend and brilliant encourager, Julie Lefebure! She is hosting a series on her blog called Rediscovering Christmas. Her heart is passionate about seeing people live life fully and joyfully. Her and I are seeing this Christmas season through the same kind of heart!  Ultimately, I think all of us could use some slowing down, right?

rediscovering-christmas-Julie Lefebure

“I invite you back here to join me these next four weeks where we’ll slow things down and savor our surroundings. We’ll dig a little deeper and linger a little longer. We’ll gaze at Jesus and His manger birth. And, we’ll even discuss grief during the holidays and address the difficulties that accompany the season.

You’ll find we’ll be real and open as we anticipate the birth of our Savior. Just as it won’t be a perfect season, it won’t be perfect over here either. And, sometimes that’s what makes the season even more special.” -Julie Lefebure

While you are there, make sure to give her some #MomentsofHope love! I know that will spread some Christmas joy!?

Library of Hope

I’ve added a printable set of my 5 favorite hope-filled Bible verses to the Library of Hope! Sign up to join this month and in turn you will get my 5 favorite hope-filled Bible verses as printable cards! (And of course the giveaway updates!) You can do that here or using the photo link below.

Get your printable 5 Favorite Hope-Filled Bible Verses at

As writers, your words of hope are multiplying in the hearts of many. No matter what, the hope of God is alive. And your words point to it and remind others to never give up. Thank you ?

Finally, I love how many inspiring hope-filled posts are here each week. As this link-up community grows and I get the chance to make new friendships and build older ones, I am touched by the gift of each of you. You encourage me, challenge me, and make me smile. You are each one of my Christmas Joys this year!

My top 10 #ChristmasJoys! Enter to win!Join us today at #MomentsofHope #linkup #giveaway #hope Share on X

#MomentsofHope Link-up;; Read, share, and together hope for tomorrow.

Note: You can now link 2 posts that resonate with HOPE each week. My heart desires to visit each of you every week, however I pray you will extend grace and still know how much you matter even when I run short on time! 

#MomentsofHope Link-up;; Read, share, and together hope for tomorrow.What I ask of you:

1. Share up to 2 URLs  (to a blog post, not the actual blog) that resonates with the topic of HOPE. Anything that gives us hope for tomorrow. Hope for victory. The little things and the big. Anything that inspires us to lean into Jesus and let Him carry us through.

2. Important: If you don’t have a blog post or podcast that resonates with HOPE, join in other ways as you pray and encourage others with a comment or a prayer.

3. Please leave a comment on the link just before each of your links. Would you love on them well? Encourage them in their efforts to share the hope of Jesus. If you have time, stop by more than one sweet writer’s little corner of the blog world!

4. Of course, I would love it if you would follow me via my blog and/or social media channels! Signing up to join the Searching for Moments Community gets you access to the Library of Hope along with post updates and freebies!

5. If this gives you hope, would you consider sharing it with others to give them hope, too?

6. Please either grab the #MomentsofHope button found here or link back to me to encourage new linkers.

[inlinkz_linkup id=682686 mode=1]

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  1. Ooh, this is exciting! Perfect for Christmas indeed.

    1. Love that you are here, Lux! I remember you were one of my very first giveaway winners awhile back! What a blessing it has been to get to know you better!

  2. I love this reminder about the simple joys. So often, I go all theological about Christmas because — hey, it’s a deeply theological event on the church calendar. Thank you for giving me permission to enjoy the twinkling lights and the scent of peppermint in the air. This too is a gift of God, and our enjoyment of it glorifies Him!

    1. I can have that tendency, too, Michele! My husband is so good for me in that way! He makes me remember to laugh and be silly and enjoy the not so “deep” things♥ Isn’t peppermint just glorious?!

  3. I try to keep it simple every Christmas, it’s too easy to get caught up in all the commercial craziness of the season! I love that you are also reminding people to slow down and focus on what matters Lori! And how fun that you are sharing some of the things you love with your tribe!

    1. Thanks, Nicki! This is my first year of simplifying. I’m definitely a work in progress!! Lol! I hope you win one of the gifts!!!!

  4. It is amazing the comfort we can find in simple joys. I watched “It’s A Wonderful Life” Saturday night and cried and loved it as if it were the very first time 🙂 Wonderful reminder for us all not to miss all that God has for us as we wait for Him. Blessings!

    1. I love that movie, Joanne! And I love that you relive the emotions of it over again each year! There is just something in those little things that trigger a well of emotions and remind us of what is important!

  5. Christmas cards is one of my favorite things of the season too. I haven’t received any yet, but neither have I sent any. 😉 Soon!

    1. Lisa,
      I love them so much, but I didn’t get to do them last year and it’s not looking good this year again! I sure hope people don’t give up on me and not send anymore!!!

  6. Lori, I used this cross idea at a Women’s Retreat once. I never thought of having one at home. I love it!! And it made me smile when you mentioned bell ringers. My 91-year-old dad and his friend volunteer to ring bells every year. And they engage people by telling them, “I’ll sing for a quarter and she’ll dance for fifty cents.” And they do. I think it’s the cutest! Thanks for this beautiful joy booster this Monday morning! Love you!

    1. Oh, Deb, how precious of your dad and his friend! I’d love that if I met a bell ringer like that! Now I’m smiling super big ♥ Love you back!

  7. Lori, you just exude joy in your every word! You are so generous and overflowing with love. Thank you for blessing me this morning! “Let’s not miss the sparkles or hear the sounds, but instead let’s allow ourselves to be reminded of the miracle of Christmas.” Yes!

    1. Gayl, your words meant so much. That God use me to shine His love, joy, and hope is the prayer of my heart. Thank you for blessing me today and causing these eyes to well up with thankfulness ♥

  8. Lori- I love this cross idea! My husband is really handy making wooden things, so guess he’ll be making me one. I’m not good about giving my burdens to God, I always re-pick them back up. This visual might be really useful for me!
    Thank you for the idea!

    1. Rad Joy does such beautiful work! The photos don’t do them justice! I’m praying for you friend, that you set those burdens down once and for all. That each time you reach for the them, the Holy Spirit alerts you to what you are doing and then fills you with the strength to turn and walk away leaving them at the foot of the cross with Christ. My heart and prayers are with you ♥

  9. Lori, thank you for sharing your joys with us. Love them! I love this time of year. Also, thank you for featuring my post and my Rediscovering Christmas series. I appreciate your love and encouragement! Enjoy this season, my friend!

    1. I love your series, Julie! I pray it reaches many! Thanks so much for being a part of #MomentsofHope! You are a blessing!

  10. Fibi Davidson says:

    I have a small ornament that says, “It’s almost time!” – great reminder of what Christmas is about.

  11. Lori – your top ten Christmas joys made me smile!
    Thank you for spreading words of hope and joy this Christmas!
    Love you big, friend!

    1. So thankful I could make you smiles, Leigh! Love you great big back!! ♥

  12. Love ALL of your Top 10, Lori! We all need the reminder to slow down at this time of year—we have so much to stop and be grateful for. Especially God’s perfect gift to us! I’m your neighbour over at #CountingMyBlessings 🙂

    1. That slowing down is so tough! I did a better job of it this year! Now I need to hold onto it throughout the year, as well 🙂 How about you? I hope Christmas was filled with beautiful moments!

  13. What a great idea Lori! You made me realize that I’ve never spent time thinking about my top Christmas joys. I do know that all of these beautiful online friends are definitely on the list. Merry Christmas friend!

    1. Hi Crystal,
      I hope you had a wonderful Christmas with your son back and safe at home! I sure am grateful for online friends like you, too!
      Blessings and smiles,

  14. I love that cross! It is beautiful! Thanks for sharing your list on Grace and Truth, Lori.

    1. I thins so, too, Aimee! I love even more their hearts for ministry. Such an incredible company! I hope you had a wonderful Christmas!
      Blessings and smiles,

  15. Oh … #5 … and # 10!

    Love this early morning visit with you today, Lori …