Yes, You Are Wonderfully Made

I’m skidding into the last moments of publishing deadline with my hair standing on end! Aren’t summers supposed to be lazy? Like hammock swing lazy? I am so glad to be reflecting on how I have been wonderfully made.

I’m still waiting for that part of summer to happen! 

But friends, in the chaotic of this time, God’s Word has continued to bring me His hope. It always does. ALWAYS! A couple of weeks ago, I made a printable image for Ephesians 3:14-19 to help you pray this scripture over your loved ones. Today I want to share another scripture that has been key in my own finding of freedom and hope. It’s a scripture that reminds us God created us and calls us marvelous.

Wonderfully made. 

That’s what I want for each of you. When life is rushing and you are feeling as though you are falling short. Wonderfully made doesn’t change.

When your child arrived late to the event because you were running between two other events? That’s right … Wonderfully made doesn’t change!

Even when your missteps are bigger. When they really cause a hurt that goes deep.

God’s Truth still prevails.

You are STILL wonderfully made.

Despite your mistakes,God's Truth prevails.You are still wonderfully made! #momentsofhope #hope Share on X

Even with the missteps are big and they deeply hurt. <yoastmark class='yoast-text-mark'><yoastmark class='yoast-text-mark'>God's Truth still prevails.</yoastmark></yoastmark> <yoastmark class='yoast-text-mark'><yoastmark class='yoast-text-mark'>You are STILL wonderfully made.</yoastmark></yoastmark> Pray these words and soak them into your soul. Psalm 139:13-14 I#MomentsofHope - Lori Schumkaer

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  1. Lori, I have so loved not only your post each week but the ones you share. I had seen Angela’s last week & loved it so it was great to see it shared as well. this linkup is a great way to start off this week. Have a blessed Monday!

    1. Hi Joanne,
      I am so thrilled that you are enjoying a Moments of Hope start of the week! Your words and all the kind words I have read today have been such an affirmation and answer to prayer!Long before starting this, I prayed for God to build a place where His hope was magnified. Where anyone could come and grasp a piece of it and feel encouraged to hold on through the toughest of times. To believe that there is a God who loves us beyond our imagination who will walk with us through every joy and every trial! So thank you! Thank you for sharing these words today! They mean so much!
      Blessings and smiles,

  2. No matter what, we are fearfully and wonderfully made. That is always encouraging to hear! Thanks, Lori, for inspiring us to remain hopeful through all things.

  3. You are, as always, so encouraging, Lori. Thank you for hosting Moments of Hope! I loved reading Angela’s post. Have a wonderful day!

    1. Dawn, You are so sweet! Thank you so much! I am so thankful for your friendship!

  4. Thank you for featuring my post Lori! I’ve enjoyed being a part of #MomentsofHope each week. God is faithful to hold out His hope to us through creative and encouraging ways. I’m so thankful for you 🙂

    1. I was honored to feature your post, Angela! It was filled with much wisdom, heart, and HOPE! You are a treasure!

  5. Happy Monday, Lori! I was actually born with a congenital birth defect, and I walk with the help of a prosthetic leg. That verse in Psalms 139 is one of my favorites. Ir reminds me that I am wonder fully made. 🙂

    1. Oh, Lyli, I am so touched by your story. You ARE wonderfully made, my friend! Thank you so much for sharing your heart with me ♥ I’m so glad you are here.

  6. Lori, you are creating such a warm and welcoming space here. So thankful for community among bloggers.

    1. These words are an answer to prayer, Michele! I prayed and continue to pray, God would create a space where His love, warmth, and hope would be abundant to all! Thank you, friend!

  7. Thanks so much friend for hosting this party and sharing your space. I love how encouraged I feel each and every time I visit.I also love the pictures you are using. I hope all is well with you. Have a wonderful week!

    1. Your words are a hug to my heart, Jaime! That has been my prayer! That people would feel loved and encouraged when they come here … Thank you so much for blessing me tonight!

  8. Hey Lori,
    I’m glad to link up with the other ladies today!
    Thank you for getting us all together.
    Hope you are having a great day~

    1. Oh, Melanie, I love connecting wonderful people together!!! ♥

  9. Hi Lori! I finally stopped over to soak in your space and link up a post! Praying you are blessed in extraordinary ways this week. Much love!

    1. Julie,
      It is so good to see you here! And thank you for the sweet prayers!!!

  10. I’m so glad I read this today. And I’m joining the link up! 🙂

  11. Amen Lori!
    What an encouragement! I went over to read Angela’s post….and it’s worth every time spent visiting.

    God bless you and your family