10 Ways to Cultivate Gratitude in Your Home

Last week, as part of our Grateful Heart Series, Marva shared with us three important doors we have access to because of a gratitude.


The Grateful Heart Mini-Series by Marva Smith of Sun Sparkle Shine and Lori Schumaker of Searching for Moments - Is your heart not in a place of gratitude right now? Do you need some encouragement? This series offers just that and more! #GratefulHeart

Today, I am going to add one more …


The hope to know that tomorrow will always come. That even when we fail, it is not the end. And that in the storms of life, God is not only with us, but He will deliver us through every single one of them. He will keep us whole and build our broken into a new kind of beautiful.

But friends, gratitude plays a big role in this hope. In all honesty, gratitude makes or breaks the deal.

Gratitude makes or breaks our chances at hope #GratefulHeart series #hope #gratitude @spreadtheshine Share on X

Our hope is unsustainable without a grateful heart. When we are not noticers of good, the darkness closes in choking out hope no matter how tight our grip.

“Gratitude is our ability to see the grace of God, morning by morning, no matter what greets us in the course of the day.” –Craig Barnes

So if gratitude is a powerful weapon in defending our



Purpose and

Hope …

Isn’t it an equipping we want our children to have? Don’t we want them to know how to defend their hearts when trials come their way? How to hold onto their joy? How to live with purpose?

10 Ways to Cultivate Gratitude in Your Home -Gratitude is a weapon we want our families to have! Grateful Heart Series - Lori Schumaker for SunSparkleShine

All of this is happening for your good. As grace is spread to the multitudes, there is a growing sound of thanks being uttered by those relishing in the glory of God. So we have no reason to despair. Despite the fact that our outer humanity is falling apart and decaying, our inner humanity is breathing in new life every day. -2 Corinthians 4:15-16 (VOICE)

Grateful Heart or Not?

A few years ago, I heard something that always bothered me. A Mama who passionately loved her children buy generic tamoxifen citrate explained that she felt it was wrong for her children and spouse to thank her for all that she did each day in meeting their daily needs. She went on to explain that it’s a Mother’s responsibility and joy to do these things and necessitating gratitude sends the message that her husband and children are indebted to her. She felt it was a burden none of them needed to bear.

As much as I admire her tender and loving heart toward her family, I passionately disagree. I believe she is unknowingly stealing a powerful weapon away from them.

Follow me over to Marva’s site to find out why I think that Mama is heading down a dangerous road and what ideas have helped us cultivate gratitude within the walls of our home. Friends, I definitely do not have all the answers or tricks, but for the new, struggling, or overwhelmed Mama, I think this just may be encouragement you need!

10 Ways to Cultivate Gratitude in Your Home -Gratitude is a weapon we want our families to have! Grateful Heart Series - Lori Schumaker for SunSparkleShine

Thursday, the #GratefulHeart Series will be on both SunSparkleShine and on Searching for Moments, so make sure to stop by both places! We are going to have a special surprise for those who have subscribed to the series, so don’t miss out!

Want to catch up on the Grateful Heart Mini-Series?

Series introductions from Marva and me.

Post #1Gratitude – 3 Doors that a Grateful Heart will Open

Prayers: A Prayer for a Grateful Heart and A Prayer for Hope When All Seems Lost

Practical Advice: 10 Ways to Cultivate Gratitude in Your Home 

Scriptural Resource: 10 Memorable Bible Verses for the Grateful Heart

Scripture, prayer, encouragement, and your free gift: Thanks in all Circumstances: Are You Sure, God?


Would you like access to sign up for a free 21-Day Biblical Gratitude Challenge? There is no time like now to empower your life with gratitude. So, sign up and begin to strengthen your gratitude muscle! For more information on the 21-Day Biblical Gratitude Challenge and all it includes, go HERE. Or, if you are ready to sign up, just fill out the form below!

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  1. What practical and fun ideas, Lori, and Marva!
    Love this post and the suggestions you have made.
    I’ve just started a new gratitude journal, and I love the way it makes me focus on being more thankful to the Lord!
    Hope you both have a blessed and wonderful day!

  2. We’re so glad you enjoyed it, Melanie. I’m a big fan of gratitude journals (I just have to remember to write in them) :-). I especially love Lori’s idea of a gratitude jar in the kitchen because there’s no way I’m going to miss it and I can get the whole family involved. Win-win!
    Hugs and blessings to you, sweet friend.