2 Important Truths from the Word of God about Who You Are

I hope you have been enjoying the Summer Sizzle Blog Hop as much as I have! Did you know that all the posts from all 9 blogs can be found on Pinterest? We’ve created a Pinterest Board where there will be, in total, 72 Best Posts on everything in Christian Living! Find that link HERE!

9 Christian Bloggers Share Their Best Posts All Summer Long! - The Summer Sizzle Blog Hop Series

Today I’m sharing with you another treasured friend. Marva is my island girl. She makes me smile all the time with her words of encouragement and joy. You see, I think I’m really meant to live ocean side rather than in the middle of the desert, and God has given me this sweet friend to touch my life with bits of a tropical life ♥ With this post, she speaks of two truths near and dear to my heart. They are the found in the Word of God and they overpower any label the world attempts to place upon you. I pray you soak in this truth and claim this truth over your life today!

2 Important Truths from the Word of God about Who You Are | Christian Identity - The world labels us by much, yet the truth of who you are lies within the pages of God's love story for His people.

A Christian Identity

If you listen to the world, you are probably very confused about who you are. Too often we’re defined by the colour of our skin, our religious affiliation, our gender, and so many other traits. But where should we turn to find our true identity?

I believe the Word of God is the ultimate source for defining who we are.

The Word of God is the ultimate source for defining who we are #identity #hope #summersizzlebloghop @spreadtheshine Share on X

You may know this popular Christian song I Know Who I Am by Sinach. It’s an upbeat, worship song that leaves you with a sense of empowerment. When I play it, I like to turn it up loud and sometimes even dance along in worship to our God.

But another thing I love about this song is that it reminds me who I am in Christ.

We are a chosen generation
Called forth to show his excellence
All I require for life, God has given me
And I know who I am

The question is, who you are? Do you know who you are in Christ?

Of course, there’s more to this question than can be answered in a short blog post, but let us start with two truths. This is the foundation for who I am as a follower of Christ.

  1. I am chosen
  2. I am complete
2 important truths from the Word of God about who you are #identity #hope #chosenandworthy @spreadtheshine Share on X

1. I am Chosen for a Purpose

But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light. 1 Peter 2:9

It makes me feel special to be likened to royalty. A chosen people. Holy. Set apart. It might be very tempting to stop here. I can walk away feeling honoured and on top of the world.

Carefully, I must not just take the ‘feel-good’ parts of scripture and walk away. It’s important I take the entire scripture in context. And of course, when I look closer I see that there’s more to it.

I have been set apart for a reason. And it’s not just to feel good about myself. No, God has chosen me, made me a part of this chosen generation, in order to declare God’s praises.

What about you, how are you declaring His praises today?

I also have to ask myself these questions. Am I taking God’s word to the next generation? Am I sharing my joy with my neighbour? Is being a part of a chosen generation obvious in the way that I live? Or am I walking around with my face downcast?

If the answer is no, I can change that.

2. I am Complete

His divine power has given us everything we need for a godly life through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness. 2 Peter 1:3

Whether I’m trying to find my true identity, or figuring out the next thing on my day’s agenda, God has given me everything I need. I don’t have to look any further. I am complete.

This is a very comforting truth. No longer do I need to look here, there and everywhere for direction. If I want to live a godly life, God’s word will guide me. In fact, His Word will prepare me for whatever purpose he sets before me. (2 Timothy 3:16)

2 Important Truths from the Word of God about Who You Are | Christian Identity - The world labels us by much, yet the truth of who you are lies within the pages of God's love story for His people.

What about you?

Do you feel your life has purpose? Are you struggling to find your true identity? Are you searching in self-help books for direction? Give God’s word a try. Look to the Bible for the direction you need in your life.

Do you feel your life has purpose? #summersizzlebloghop #hope #identity #chosenandworthy @spreadtheshine Share on X

Or maybe you’re already deep in the word. You enjoy soaking up God’s truth but then keep it to yourself. Then allow me to challenge you.

In the true spirit of 1 Peter 2:9, I urge you to take this good news to someone today.

Point her to the Word of God as the ultimate source for her identity and purpose.

Share with him the hope that you have in Christ.

Invite her to become one of God’s chosen people.

Don’t keep the good news to yourself. And if you need a little motivation, listen to I know Who I Am and be blessed.

Wishing you blessings,


marva smith

About Marva

Marva is an island-living, sun-loving Christian wife, mother and wearer of many hats. Inspired by John 10:10 she encourages women to slow down and enjoy life to the full, brilliantly. You can find all the latest sparkle on her blog SunSparkleShine as well as FacebookPinterestTwitter and Instagram. Get a free copy of her e-book You Were Made to Sparkle when you sign up for her Sparklelights newsletter here.

Wait! Have you missed any of the Summer Sizzle Blog Hop Series Posts? If so, you can find those HERE!

And how about the most popular posts from the #ChosenandWorthy Series? Those are right HERE !

Hope is at the heartbeat of living victorious lives. Without hope, what do we have? But to hold onto that hope, there are some things we have to embrace like our identity in Christ, the power of gratitude, a positive thought life, prayer, and the Word of God. Would you like extra encouragement to keep you focused on the right things? The things that will keep your hope alive?

#MomentsofHope Link-Up
Join us for the #MomentsofHope Link-Up! Share hope and be encouraged every Monday! #hope Share on X

Last, but definitely not least, thank you for joining me here each week to share the hope given to us through Christ. Whether your words come from a story that points to the full healing you have experienced in Christ, or its a story of the journey along the road to the healing you know He is working in you, it is giving hope to others. Your words matter and it honors me to have you share them here in this space!

What I ask of you:#MomentsofHope Link-up; www.lorischumaker.com; Read, share, and together hope for tomorrow.
  1. Share up to 2 blogpost URLs resonating with the topic of HOPE. That which gives us hope for tomorrow and hope for victory. The little things and the big that inspire us to lean into Jesus and let Him carry us through.

2.#MomentsofHope is a place to give and get hope, so let’s encourage others in their efforts to share the hope of Jesus. If you have time, stop by more than one sweet writer’s little corner of the blog world!

  1. Please either grab the #MomentsofHope button found here or link back to me. If you’ve been featured, grab your button here!

Finally, find me linking up with these encouraging places!

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  1. So good and so simple, but we go crashing right by the truth in our frenzied efforts to be and to do enough. Thank you for this encouragement to lean into the sufficiency of Christ and His words of blessing over our lives.

    1. Yes, we skip right past the truth. I also appreciate this beautiful reminder to lean into God’s truth.

  2. So thankful to be chosen by His amazing grace and set apart and complete in Christ Jesus. It’s humbling and such a big privilege. <3

    1. So true – it’s encouraging, isn’t it? Thank you, Emily!

  3. So true. Had to tell two friends this week that their identity wasn’t their jobs/careers. True, but when so discouraged, who we really are can be lost in the sadness.

    1. We get so wrapped up in what we do, don’t we? Sometimes we need that voice of truth, that the job/career is not our true identity. Thank you for being that voice of truth in your freinds’ lives.

  4. Marva- thank you for the reminder of whose I am, but also my purpose here on earth! We tend to get wrapped up in ourselves and forget the real reason we’re here, don’t we?
    Lori- thanks for sharing Marva’s post! (I think I should be living on a tropical island too.)

    1. A tropical island would be lovely, wouldn’t it? 🙂 Yes, a reminder of our purpose is always a blessing!

  5. Two of my favorite bloggers in the same space! Glad to see both of you here this summer 🙂

    1. Thank you, Sarah, for being here this week!

  6. Having not felt fully “complete” the past few days, this portion speaks specifically to me, Marva: “Whether I’m trying to find my true identity, or figuring out the next thing on my day’s agenda, God has given me everything I need. I don’t have to look any further. I am complete.” Thanks for sharing this truth!

    1. What a blessing that truth is, Lisa. Yes, Marva, we appreciate all that you share here. Thank you!

  7. Ah. I love that we can always turn to the Word and see the truth about ourselves when the world tells us otherwise.

    1. Yes, that’s such an encouragement in the tough times, isn’t it?

  8. Marva, my kids and I listened to the song “I Know Who I Am”, and we love it–and the lyrics are so true! Now I will always remember your words of encouragement from this post when I hear it! Thank you for sharing! 🙂

    1. There is so much truth in Marva’s post, isn’t there, Christin? What a blessing! Thank you for stopping by!

  9. Hi Lori, I don’t have so much a comment as a request. I am a Christian first but I’m also a man. Allow me to be truthful on behalf of other men who perhaps wouldn’t have the boldness to speak out as I will now, but I find the main picture on your site of a young woman whose main features are here very attractive looking legs rather a huge distraction. The majority of men won’t admit it but even me, a very happily man finds that picture VERY distracting sexually speaking. So my request is that you perhaps edit it so that it’s just toned down enough not to create arousal in most men who otherwise would have liked to have read your content rather than being distracted by another woman’s sexy legs. Sorry, I know that’s rather direct but God’s word does say that No flesh shall Glory in His presence”. Kind Christian regards, Ron

    1. Hi Ron,
      Thank you for voicing your opinion, although, I must disagree with you. The picture is purely innocent, and the focus is not on her legs. First, my site is primarily for women. Second, I suggest you search your heart for why you find such an innocent and appropriate image so sexually distracting. The young woman featured is modestly dressed. Revealing one’s legs does not make you immoral. My message is for all women – not just the women who cover themselves from head to toe. Please keep in mind, the Bible does confirm that looking at another woman with lust is a sin.

      Kind regards,