How Does a Weary Mom Find Bravery?

If you are a Mom, you have faced fear. Even the fiercest of us unravel when a new life is placed in our arms and the reality of his or her utter dependence upon us sinks in. In that moment we want nothing more than to be bravery-in-the-flesh for this precious life God has given us.

And in that moment we secretly wonder how …

How to be brave when we already fear taking our eyes away from the rise and fall of our baby’s chest? And when we are terrified at the mere thought of leaving this little one in the backseat while we sit in the front? How will we be brave in the face of the million decisions marking the paths of our children’s lives?

If you are a Mom, you have faced fear. How we face it matters to our children. #braveparenting #BraveMomsBraveKids #howtobebrave Share on X

How Does a Weary Mom Find Bravery | christian parenting tips for fear based on Lee Nienhuis' Brave Moms, Brave Kids | how to be brave| #christianparenting #howtobebrave #parenting #fear

But out of the fierceness of our love, we commit to bravery. With determination, we go forward just one step at a time.

However, life happens.

The unknown.

The complicated.

And the exhaustion of it all.

Yes, the exhaustion. Have you ever noticed that exhaustion is a welcoming mat to fear? The more we allow exhaustion to take over our lives, the more we allow fear to roam in our hearts. It creeps in unnoticed and begins weaving an intricate web throughout our thought life.

As moms, have you ever noticed that exhaustion is a welcoming mat to fear? The more we allow exhaustion to take over our lives, the more we allow fear to roam in our hearts. #BraveMomsBraveKids #hope #momentsofhope @leenienhuis Share on X

So what do we do? Exhaustion is often an unavoidable part of motherhood and parenting out of fear isn’t what we want nor what our children need.

So, how does a weary Mom find bravery?

I have the privilege of being on Lee Niehaus’s launch team for her book Brave Moms, Brave Kids: A Battle Plan for Raising Heroes (Launching February 1, 2018). Friends, this is a book with insight, encouragement, and hands on strategies as to the why’s and how’s of doing this brave Momma thing.

It’s a book you need on your nightstand. One you need to read from cover to cover because it not only teaches, encourages, and inspires, but it points you right back to the source of all of our fear fighting.

To Jesus.

“God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work” (2 Corinthians 9:8 NIV, emphasis Lee Nienhuis).

Jesus is the answer to parenting bravely... Check out #BraveMomsBraveKids and enter to win a free copy! #MomentsofHope #howtobebrave #christianencouragement #brave @leenienhuis Share on X

How Does a Weary Mom Find Bravery | christian parenting tips for fear based on Lee Nienhuis' Brake Moms, Brave Kids | #christianparenting #howtobebrave

How to Be Brave

  1. Every good change in our lives starts with the act of recognition. We cannot change, nor even battle, that which we do not recognize. So when it comes to fear, we have to recognize where it is lurking in our lives. As I read Lee’s book, I was forced to take note of areas where I had once again subtly let fear take root. I had to ask myself the tough questions and then be completely honest in my answers. I asked,

Is fear lurking in


masked within insecurities?

avoidance of healthy confrontation?

emotional disconnects?

going along with the world’s standards?

people pleasing?

The asking and answering wasn’t pleasant. Admitting areas of weakness is often so difficult, especially when it’s an area where we think we have been nailing it! But that’s exactly where I found myself as I worked my way through Brave Moms, Brave KidsHumbling for sure!

2.  Once we humble ourselves, ask the hard questions, and call fear out for what it is and what it is doing, we can then fight it.

I love the battle plan Lee gives in Brave Moms, Brave KidsHer book is broken into three parts. The second part is where we find the battle plan with the acronym BRAVE. What better way to remember the steps, right?

Unbelief is a forfeiture of power that belongs to us, and there is incomparably great power available to those who know and believe their God. @Lee Nienhuis #BraveMomsBraveKids #hope #howtobebrave Share on X
Reflection is the antithesis of distracted and indifferent; it leans forward and takes notes. @leenienhuis #BraveMomsBraveKids #bookgiveaway #hope #howtobebrave Share on X
Ask Forgiveness
Today is the day to ask the Lord for forgiveness and to ask your child for forgiveness. @LeeNienhuis #BraveMomsBraveKids #hope #howtobebrave Share on X
Vigilant Prayer
We must simply choose to stand up again, to war through prayer. @leenienhuis #BraveMomsBraveKids #hope #howtobebrave Share on X
Equip Them
We need to have handed them courage and spoken words of belief over them. @leenienhuis #BraveMomsBraveKids #hope #howtobebrave Share on X

Friends, this framework is rock solid! It is grounded in Biblical truth and without these 5 steps, we just won’t live fearless lives. And we won’t pass on a legacy of bravery to our children.

Brave Moms, Brave Kids

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  1. This book sounds amazing! What parent doesn’t need a battle plan for the future heroes of faith?! Such an important area in this fear filled world of parenting. Thank you for sharing this book!

  2. I will be back to leave a full comment but I wanted to quickly make a comment. You brought a great big smile to my face this morning. It is so good to see you back. blogging. I have missed your dose of hope. Maree

  3. We all need a little break sometimes, but can I just tell you how happy I am that you are back! I loved your post and think it’s so true that exhaustion is a welcome mat to fear. The book sounds great, and I love the BRAVE acronym!

    1. I know this is a book you would love, Val, because you are such a warrior against fear who gives hope to so many! I missed being here and missed all my people ♥ I’m glad you missed me back! lol!

  4. Really struck by the subtitle for this book: A Battle Plan.
    Yes. And the weapons of our warfare are “mighty through God!”

    1. Amen, Michele! It’s so good to see you here and read your comments. Your words always provide nuggets of inspiration and thought!

  5. So many good points to pray about here, Lori. This book sounds spot on (for me)! Thanks so much for sharing about it. It is beautiful too.

    1. It is such a great book. I’m thrilled to have the opportunity to share it! Hugs, smiles, and blessings to you, my friend!!!

  6. Lori, I am SO glad that you are back! I’ve missed reading your always-encouraging posts!
    Replenish is a GREAT word! I’m praying God will replenish you abundantly during this season, as you continue in the graceful dance of rest and ministry. And thanks for the book recommendation. It looks like a good one!

    1. Awww … thank you, Rachel! Your kind words are such a gift! And thank you so much for the prayers. God bless you!!!

  7. nylseesahc says:

    Welcome back. I’ve missed you. Exhaustion goes with motherhood but it can be overcome. I know!

    1. Thank you for the warm welcome, Nylse! Exhaustion is just part of the journey, I guess! Just not ALL the time ♥

  8. Horace Williams Jr. says:

    welcome back Lori. You have been missed. May God bless you in all your endeavors in the New Year.

    1. Thank you, Horace! It is good to be back! I missed connecting with others here in this place! And may God also bless you!!

  9. Thanks for giving us a chance to win

    1. It is my joy to do so, Noelle! God bless you!

  10. So glad to have you back, Lori! How did you know I needed a special blend of bravery mixed with hope today? 🙂 Blessings, my friend!

    1. It’s so good to connect again with you, Carlie! So thankful God lead you here today ♥ He knows just what we need and turns up at the very BEST of times, doesn’t He?I hope all is well. Sending you hugs and love!

    1. Thanks for joining me, Sherry! God’s blessings!!!

  11. What a wonderful book. Funny I am reading it right now and I am exhausted. Exhausted trying to figure out what is God’s best for me in my parenting of adult children. Not to mention we have a new puppy and she is a fireball. Love having you back.

    1. Thanks, Maree! It’s good to be back! Those puppies are a LOT of work! Sweet, adorable, and cuddly for sure – but almost as much work as a baby! lol! This parenting thing never gets easy, does it? But moving forward bravely with Christ by our side gives us the assurance that we will make it ♥

  12. Thanks so much, Melanie! The feeling is mutual!!!!