A Prayer for When You Need to Get Back Up Again

Get back up again. Do you ever feel as though it borders along the impossible? As though your misstep, failure, or hurt is is just too big? The fall too hard?

This weekend as I was watching my son and his team play basketball, I couldn’t help but be amazed at their tenacity. These kids play hard. It’s not a casual recreational basketball. It’s competitive-leave-everything-you’ve-got-on-the-floor kind of basketball. They run past exhaustion and they get back up time and time again after being slammed to the ground.

Honestly, it reminded me of my week.

Difficult news, challenging conversations, stressful situations, and kids that just

would. not. cooperate. 

Unfortunately, it didn’t end well.

It ended in a big time Mommy Fail.

I hit the ground hard and didn’t handle it at all like the athlete who can get back up and chase after the goal. Actually I sat on the floor for awhile thinking it was way too difficult on these aging bones to resume the race. 

And at first I didn’t even handle it like a steadfast follower of Jesus.

Is anyone out there waving your hand in agreement? Or maybe just subtly nodding your head?

Like me, do you forget to cancel out every wrong thought with the truth of God’s Word? Or, do you forget to fight by dropping to your knees in prayer?

Brothers, I do not consider myself yet to have laid hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize of Godโ€™s heavenly calling in Christ Jesus. -Philippians 3:13-14

Believe me, I know it’s not easy. Those moments of groveling almost feel good. It’s exactly what the enemy wants us to feel! But I do know that God is fighting for us. He’s not going to let us lose if we use Him as our strength instead of our own willpower.

So friends, even if it means dragging yourself up off the floor with everything you’ve got, do it by speaking God’s Word! Shout it out! Call on Him and He will lift you. It may not feel good right away, but friends, do it anyway!

The Power of Prayer

Because my hope is that you embrace the hope of Christ and experience living victoriously in Him, I love giving you prayers. Not because God doesn’t receive each and every heartfelt word you whisper to Him, but because I know when we pray Scripture, we are assured our prayers are within His will.

A Prayer for When You Need to Get Back Up Again.

Dear Father, I come before You today in surrener. In surrender of all my mishaps, struggles, and heartache. Sometimes my failures threaten to crush my spirit and my pain threatens to suffocate me. Defeat looms over me. So, today I come to You and ask You to be my strength, wisdom, and cornerstone. When I feel struck down, remind me I am never defeated. When I feel persecuted, remind me I am not forsaken. And when I am afflicted, remind me I cannot be crushed with You as my Savior. (2 Corinthians 4:8) Direct my steps, O Lord, and lead me to everlasting hope. (Psalm 119:133)                               In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

Pray God's Word w/this prayer for when you need to get back up again #printable #hope #momentsofhope Share on X

Have you fallen hard and getting back up feels almost impossible? Just as an athlete keeps pushing toward the goal, we too must push toward that goal. And with God as our strength, and prayer as our weapon, all things are possible! -A Prayer for When You Need to Get Back Up Again - #MomentsofHope - Lori Schumaker
A printable pdf version of this is available alongside all the other resources in the Library of Hope! Grab your access by subscribing!

But there’s more!  I’m also offering my new 5-Day Hope Toolkit. In it, I offer a multitude of resources, but primarily 5 days of Scriptural prayers to equip you in claiming the victory of a hope-filled buy tamoxifen online australia life! Click here for more details!


As I read through the amazing hope-filled posts from last week, there were powerful words that spoke life over my heart. Yes, that heart that was stuck on the floor wondering how, if ever, it would get back up again.

“Hereโ€™s the thing, it isnโ€™t failing when we need to begin again, itโ€™s planting our faith and seeing growth. We become more observant to the fear and the greater need and dependence on our Savior.” – Julie Loos

7 Bible Truths When Fear Presses In - Julie Loos - Unmasking the Mess

Julie, my dear friend over at Unmasking the Mess is doing just that! She is encouraging us to remember that below our feeble attempts to have the perfect smile, there’s a mess waiting below the surface that is not unique to only us. We all have messes and those messes are a part of the story God is writing through us. They are messes He redeems beyond our wildest dreams and they are messes that encourage us to get back up again. They remind us of the hope we have in Christ. 

When you stop by her page, I know you will feel welcomed and encouraged because that is just the kind of person she is! Would you make sure to give her some #MomentsofHope kind of love by leaving a comment and sharing your words of hope with her?

It isn't failing when we need to begin again! Join us for #MomentsofHope  #hope #prayer @juliealoos Share on X

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  1. Oh, those days of apologizing to my kids for colossal mummy fails. Not a fun memory, but, Lori, I do believe that some of the reason why we have strong relationships with our two grown up boys is that they know we are human, they’ve seen us fail — and then get back up again. There’s no illusion that they need to be perfect to be loved by us!

    1. I receive those words, Michele, because GOODNESS have they seen me being human! โ™ฅ It’s encouraging to see how it plays out further down the road. Thank you!

  2. We mess up daily, but by the grace of God, He loves us anyway! I say this to myself and others all the time. Because goodness if we can’t fill our heads with Truth, the enemy just wants to fill it with lies. Such a beautiful prayer your shared today friend. Love it! xoxo

    1. Amen, Nicki! He sure does want to fill that empty space, doesn’t he? Thank you for your kind words. I am thankful for youโ™ฅ

  3. I’m so sorry that you’ve struggled this past week, Lori. But you are right about the strength we can gain through turning to Christ in our failures and weaknesses. I’m praying that you feel more and more of His strength and encouragement. It is a strong woman who realizes her weaknesses and seeks God’s strength to continue to run the race. You go, girl! Thanks for encouraging us all to reach out for God’s hope and strength.

    1. Thanks, Beth! I so look forward to your notes of encouragement each week โ™ฅ You bless me so very MUCH! I am super happy to report that this week is waaaaay better! Whew ๐Ÿ™‚ Another time God proves His promises to be true โ™ฅ

  4. When I read the prayer, Toby Mac’s “Get Back Up” played in my head. I often need this reminder! I’ve scheduled to share your post at 8 p.m. CST on my Facebook page today, Lori. Blessings to you this week!

    1. Thanks so much, Sarah! I LOVE that song โ™ฅ It was my middle child’s favorite song for a long time. In his young little mind, it made him think of basketball, but it lead us into deeper conversations about life which was fabulous. Have a wonderful rest of your week and weekend!

  5. What a beautiful prayer of surrender. God is truly our strength! Thank you for this uplifting prayer, Lori. Have a blessed week!

  6. Your post really spoke to me because Sofia and I remind each other all the time: “no one is perfect except Jesus” and “we love each other even when we get upset with each other.”

    You will be forgiven… not just by your children for any missteps… but by our Heavenly Father.

    You are so right to turn to scripture in these tough moments. He will speak encouragement and love to you when you feel ashamed and beaten down.

    You are so encouraging Lori. Keep at it!

    1. Laura, Thank you so much for your kind words! They mean a great deal to me โ™ฅ It’s so good to remind each other that only God is perfect. I always struggle with finding the balance between living life in excellence for Him and living life trying to achieve perfection. One is healthy and the other not! My prayer is that my children grasp that much sooner than I did! It sounds like Sofia is well on her way!

  7. Prayer is a MIGHTY weapon because we serve the Mighty Living and true God; I think I often forget that, and my faith is too weak. I don’t remember that I”m walking by faith in God and His promises, not myself. Thank you so much sister for reminding us of the mighty weapon of prayer!

    1. It’s so easy to forget that and get it turned around … Him not us. We work so hard and lose sight of God and all the power we have access to through Him! Thank you, Emily! Love connecting again!

  8. Those weeks are tough. ๐Ÿ™ I’m glad we don’t have them too often. Yes, I’ve had those times when I didn’t feel like getting back up either. Thankfully God has never let me wallow there too long, especially when it’s of my own making to start with. He is attentive and throws out a helping hand some way or another. Thanks for sharing this, Lori.

    1. He sure does throw out a helping hand! โ™ฅ Thanks so much for joining me here, Lisa!

  9. Lori- thank you so much for sharing my post! I appreciate your encouragement more than you know.
    Your post brought comfort to me today. The last month has been hard, and your prayer was just what my soul needed to hear.
    Keep giving hope and encouragement, you are a blessing to many!

    1. Julie, I am beyond thankful this post brought comfort to you! You are such a blessing to so many and if I can bless you in return, I am humbled. Please know I am praying for you and claiming God’s hope over your life. God’s ABUNDANT hope, love, joy, peace … Your post was beautiful, too. I was honored to feature it! Keep writing, my friend! You have a gift!

  10. Thank you for sharing so honestly, Lori. I’m so sorry it was such a tough week. Getting up again can be so hard. But as you say in your prayer, we can never be crushed with God as our Savior. Such beautiful hope! Thank you. Love and hugs!

    1. Thanks for your encouragement, Trudy! I am happy to report that this is a better week and God has proven His promises to be true once again!

  11. Just a personal note Lori to say that you are on the right track! I just love your heart to continue to offer hope to all of us. We need it! You are woman who lifts up the name of Jesus and as we look to Him we will find our true hope and direction. Blessings on you today as you serve Him. And a big virtual hug too!

    1. Angela, your words were such a blessing to me today. Thank you so much. I pray all the time that Jesus be the guide and that I keep my focus on Him and not get distracted. Sometimes it’s extra challenging, though, right?
      Love ya much,

  12. I love your prayer; it is such a comfort to be able to bring everything to God in prayer and know that He cares every time, no matter what time of the day or night.
    Thanks for all the hard work you put into hosting this linkup! ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. Thank you, Ruth! I am so thankful this prayer met you right where you needed. God truly is there all. the. time โ™ฅ
      Blessings and smiles,

  13. Oh yes, hand raised in agreement! The enemy tries so hard to knock us down, but in Christ you just keep getting back up! Thanks for sharing at Home Sweet Home!

    1. It was great to visit, Sherry! You have such a warm and inviting place โ™ฅ I’m praying we all keep our armor on and keep fighting the good fight by getting back up each time we are knocked down!

  14. Hi friend, Sorry I haven’t been here in the comments in awhile. I have tried to back off of all the little things this blogging requires. My kiddos really seemed to be affected by “mommy always on the computer”, even if I wasn’t, it is how it seemed to them. I tried to explain I was telling people about Jesus but that didn’t seem to help. I had to step back and remember my ministry at home comes first as mommy.
    So stopping by when I get a minute. I love your post as always. Your smiling face and encouragement brighten my day! Love and Blessings, Jaime

    1. Hi Jaime,
      I hear ‘ya on that! I have had a hard time making it to the link-ups I so love! I’m glad you took a little step back to honor your first ministry โ™ฅ Sometimes I think blogging could take up 24 hours a day! It’s so good to connect, though, even in the little moments. I feel the same way about you!

  15. Lori, I remember humbly apologizing to my son for losing my temper. He said, “I knew you’d be back.” I had a conflicted internal response. Part of me wanted to say, “Do you recognize what YOU did?” But the other part was thankful he knew my heart. I think these times are part of our refining!

  16. “This is a beautiful and timely prayer! Feeling discouraged is part of life, but this reminds us that God’s strength is always there to lift us up. For those looking for more prayers and resources, prayertimetoronto.com offers a wonderful community and inspiration.

  17. prayer time says:

    This piece uses a basketball game to depict life’s challenges, urging readers to find strength in prayer and God’s word to overcome setbacks and keep moving forward.

  18. jummah prayer says:

    This article uses the metaphor of a basketball game to illustrate life’s challenges, encouraging readers to draw strength from prayer and God’s word to overcome obstacles and keep progressing.