You’re Already Amazing: Embracing Your Self-Worth

Do you need help embracing the fact that you are already amazing ? Holley Gerth's new Life Growth Guide will help get you there!
With a Study Guide and Book Giveaway!

It seemed there was always someone who did it better.

I just couldn’t land in that spot called “the best”.

I called myself a Jack of all Trades, but a Master of None.

I would laugh and make light of it, but traveling along my  thoughts were words that whispered, “You always fall short of being enough.”

Can you relate?

I worked hard – very hard – at all things. As though I were working to earn my worth.

Maybe I somehow believed that if I was

The prettiest

The thinnest

The smartest

The kindest

The “est” anything

Then I would be valuable. Then I would have achieved worth. Then I would be good enough.

Somehow, only then would I be amazing.

Friends, that mind-set framed my life choices and limited my dreams for far too long. I was so busy focusing on trying to earn my worth, I was missing opportunities to pursue my true purpose.

I just didn’t get it. I didn’t get that the God of the Universe had created me specifically with a unique plan. I didn’t get that He doesn’t make mistakes and He doesn’t do things as an afterthought.

He made me perfectly unique.

And He labeled me as “amazing” from the start.

My scores, stats, or appearance didn’t earn that label.

I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well. My frame was not hidden from you, when I was being made in secret, intricately woven in the depths of the earth. -Psalm 139:14-15 ESV

So friends, this week I want to tell you that you are already amazing! Even if you don’t have it all together! Because … guess what? No one does. And trying to have it all together  is exhausting.

You are already amazing!Even if you don't have it all together! #alreadyamazing #findyourpurpose Share on X

You’re still amazing when

Your child has a tantrum in Target

Your laundry piled up and never made it into the closet

You served microwave mac-n-cheese for dinner 3 nights in a row

You’re not a size 2

Your hair has been stuck in a ponytail for the last month

You didn’t get the job you applied for

Your work wasn’t chosen

You’re Already Amazing

These last few weeks I’ve had the honor of being on Holley Gerth’s launch team for her new interactive Life Growth Guide which releases March 1st! Together with her bestselling book You’re Already Amazing, This study is a powerful tool to guide readers through a process of deeply embracing the fact that they are most definitely already amazing!

You're Already Amazing Life Growth Guide by Holley Gerth

Maybe you’ve already read the book? If so, you know it was something that made you stop and think.

Stop and think about truth.

The truth of who you are.

The truth that you are already amazing.

I wish I could place this book and study into the hands of each of you! And  I wish I could reach back in time and place one in the hands of a “me” who didn’t know my worth. I can’t. But I can get it in the hands of one of you! Don’t miss the Rafflecopter below to win your set of both the Book and Study Guide!

This guide is more than just a study. It’s a process. It’s like sitting down with a life coach and working your way through your past, your thought processes, and your belief system. Then reframing them while identifying strengths, passions, and weaknesses. Finally, creating a Life Statement and developing a plan of action. You simply cannot walk away from this study without life transformation. You will have a solid grasp of your worth and your purpose.


Holley provides the book, study guide, and videos either on DVD or here on her blog. Below is the book trailer. Doesn’t Holley just have this way about her that makes you want to sit across from her and open your heart? #alreadyamazing

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Did you know you can get the 5-Day Hope Toolkit: Claiming the Victory of a Hope-Filled Life simply by subscribing? And did you know that you will also get full access to the Library of Hope where I store a multitude of printable resources that will equip you to live a victorious life?

You can often find me linking up to these encouraging blogs!

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  1. I think self-worth is one of those things we all struggle with. I haven’t reviewed the study guide, but I read Gerth’s book when it was first released, and found it helpful. She does such a good job of reminding us of our identity in Christ and when we remember that, it clears up a lot of those self-worth questions.

    1. Hi Amy,
      I so agree with you! I love how she gently, yet persistently reminds us of our identity in Him. And the more we grasp that we are created beautifully in Him, those questions do clear up! Thank you so much for visiting and joining the conversation! I just know you would love this study!!!
      Blessings and smiles,

  2. Great post, Lori. I identify with your feelings. I love how Holley’s books help us to focus our identity on Christ instead of those lies. Blessings and hugs to you!

    1. Thank you, Trudy! Blessings and hugs to you, too!

  3. Oh yes, do I struggle with self worth! I am so thankful we serve a God who chooses to lavish us with love & grace & acceptance!
    Thanks for hosting a fun giveaway!

    1. Hi Alison,
      You would love this study! It is so authentic and easy to work through, but at the same time powerful! It spoke to me in big ways because self-worth was always a trigger for me. Thank you for stopping by!

  4. Thanks for the give away…I enjoy reading Holley’s blog.
    How have you been?
    Hugs and Blessings

    1. It’s so good to see your smile again, Ifeoma! I have missed you! I hope you are settled some and doing well!

  5. I follow Holley so I’m sure this is going to be another good read. Congrats to her.
    And my I love this kind of topic. I love to write about it and to read about it too.

    1. Our hearts are aligned, Lux! I think you would love this study!

  6. Thank you so much for this encouragement! It’s amazing how often I can read those words about who I am in Christ and yet still doubt myself. I compare myself to others way too often. Instead of celebrating our differences, I immediately label myself as not good enough. Thank you for sharing this! 🙂

    1. Thank you, Bree, for visiting and being so transparent. My heart is with you as this, too, is where the enemy knows to attack. I praise God I am not where I was, but I know I’m not fully where I need to be! The comparisons are so easy to make and the doubt washes over in a flash! I’m praying for you, friend, and believing that we will continue to embrace our identity in Christ and grasp the true value of our worth! I look forward to connecting more in the future!
      Blessings and smiles,

    1. Hi Michelle,
      I’m so glad I could make you laugh! In the moment I wrote that, my laundry room was overflowing and the kids kept digging through the dryer for clean underwear! HaHaHa! Thank you so much for visiting and for your kind words!!
      Blessings and smiles,

  7. This is the second review I’ve read on this today. Must be a sign. 🙂
    It sounds transformational! Thanks for sharing, Lori.

    1. Ooooo, Marva, you would love it!!!

  8. Thank you Lori for reviewing this so well and complete.

    I love Holley’s books and have a few but not the original “You’re Already Amazing” nor this new “Life Growth” study. I’d love them both but can’t afford getting them both so I must choose and I believe your review (along with many others on Holley’s Coffee for the Heart link-up today) have helped me.

    After many years as a Christian, I still find myself lacking self-esteem/worth or better said my worth in Jesus Christ. I had a hard time selecting my 3 strengths from the free download, so I went through each one giving them a number from 1-10. I want to join in Holley’s study so …we’ll see. At least I will follow along on her blog.

    I do not do the other social media sites (Twitter, FB, Pinterest, but I do blog. I will ‘like’ your FB and visit via the use of another’s Facebook that I use of someone else’s that I set up so it won’t have my name. But no matter, thank you for the opportunity and joy of sharing “You’re Amazing” and your blog with us. I signed up for Holley’s emails so I can follow along and will continue to pop over anonymously until I can get me a copy of both.

    Blessings ~Peggy

    1. forgot to mention that I Google+ your post too! (even if that does not count) 🙂

    2. Oh, sweet Peggy, thank you for your wonderful message. Friend, I am stopping to pray for you right now. That Jesus step right into your heart and convict you of your beautiful worth. May you know beyond the shadow of a doubt that you were created uniquely and wonderfully with a plan for GOOD! You will love Holley’s study and I can also recommend Lisa Murray’s new book, as well! Look for an email from me, k?
      Blessings and smiles,

      1. Blessings to you Lori and thanks! Such a sweet heart and reply! Waiting anxiously to see Lisa’s book on Mon. on your blog. I came back looking through other blog posts you have done like the recent guest one and see we are somewhat similar 🙂 … (looks like you write much on stuff I need. Yep that approval plight can’t hit years after you think you’ve conquered and moved on to only God approval (sigh). Anyways, hope to see ya’ around more … Peggy

  9. Hi Lori, Yes! I did identify with all you said. Unfortunately it has taken me until I was in my 50s to realise my self-worth and I’m growing each day in confidence and happiness. it sounds like a great book so thank you for reviewing it. #waywow link up.

    1. Hi Sue,
      I love your story, Sue! I am like you – it took way too long to do that realizing! But I believe the path we took still gets us right to where God wants us! Thank you so much for stopping by?! It was good to see your comment here!
      Blessings and smiles,

  10. I love the line, “You’re Still Amazing… when you child is throwing a fit in Target.” For some reasons, in those times I feel less than amazing but in reality, they do not have to measure who I am in Christ. You always seem to be speaking my heart out loud! Thank you for this fantastic review of the LifeGrowth Guide and thank you for sharing it with us at Sitting Among Friends on Wednesdays. I look forward to your post next week, friend.

    1. Hi Jaime,

      That scene in Target is a real life example 🙂 But isn’t it true? And you know as mine was throwing a fit, the very put together Mom next to me had a perfectly well behaved rosy cheeked child in her cart! lol! I used to let those things really effect my confidence, but God stepped in and made me walk through waters that taught me to laugh and say, “My give a darn is busted!” I do know, though, that I need to intentionally stay on track because it is still an area where the enemy will prod and poke. Thankfully, I know he will never succeed because God is for me!

      I always look so forward to your visits, Jaime!!

  11. I just wrote on my own blog the other day about my struggle with my own self worth and how God revealed to me that the enemy has convinced me that I deserve all the hard stuff in my life and don’t deserve any of the good stuff. I know this is a LIE, but it’s still a process, convincing my heart and spirit what my head already knows. Maybe this book could help with that.

    1. Sweet friend, I am thankful you recognize those words as lies. Hold onto that. Don’t ever believe them. Keep working toward that emotional freedom. It’s a process. Like an onion – layer by layer. Through prayer, reading God’s Word, soaking in the quiet of God’s love, and working through books like these and/or counseling, it happens. I believe this book could help you immensely. And I am stopping right now to pray for you. I am asking the Lord to fill your heart with His loving TRUTH. That He protect you – protect your heart – protect your soul from the lies and in the Name of Jesus, I am canceling all power behind the enemy’s words. I am claiming a life of peace, joy, and the deep knowledge of your worth, your beauty, your value. Amen.
      Thank you so much for visiting today and sharing your heart,

  12. Oh, Lori…another awesome post! I have struggled with self-worth my entire life. Now that I’m in my 40’s, I’m finally discovering the joy of being able to “simply be me” (some wonderful lady came up with that phrase)—and know deep down in my heart the truth of who I am. Thank you for blessing me with your words of truth once again!

    1. Thank you so much, Valerie! You make my heart so happy! We seem to often be on the same chartered life course 🙂 I often think, if only I could have understood that at a younger age. But then, I know my story is just as God has it planned and I am thankful He is using it for His good now!

      And don’t ever forget – you are absolutely WONDERFUL!!!

  13. Lori, I love this! Thank you for the encouragement and recommendation. Holley is new to me, so I’ll be checking out her blog. Thanks for sharing with Thankful Thursdays.

    1. Oh, Lori, You will love Holley! I have been blessed by her for years and years. She is such a gentle spirit with so much love!

  14. This is a great post and very encouraging for women. It is so important that we know how amazing we already are, especially to God.

    1. Thank you, Rashel, for your kind words! God treasures us more than we can ever imagine! If only we could fully grasp that!
      Blessings and smiles,

  15. Hi Melanie,
    Thanks so much for the shares, friend!

  16. Thanks for this encouraging post. It is easy to compare ourselves to others and feel like we have to compete or measure up. It is so comforting to think that God accepts us as we are and sees us as amazing. The book sounds great- I’ve seen a few posts about it this week. Visiting from Weekend Whispers.

    1. Hi Carly,
      Thank you so much for visiting! It is such a comfort isn’t it? No performances needed. Just acceptance for who we are 🙂
      Blessings and smiles,

  17. I love Holley’s writing – my copy is on its way! In the meantime, it’s wonderful to get your take on the book. I completely identify with the struggle to transfer thinking away from earning God’s love and to go all out for Him on the basis of a relationship that is secure and solid.
    Blessings, Lori!

    1. Oh, Michele, I am SO super glad you are getting her book! I will be praying it is a huge blessing in your life!
      Blessings and smiles,

    1. Thank you for visiting and hosting, Barbie!!!

  18. I’m familiar with Holley and am grateful that she is sharing in this book very practical tools that help us to ground our identities in Christ, Lori. There’s nothing more important beyond our salvation than knowing just how precious we are as the children of God. Thanks so much for sharing about this invaluable resource, my friend.

    1. Amen, Beth! I agree … there is nothing more important! Thank you so much for stopping by and of course, for hosting each week!!!

  19. Shoot! I missed it. A bit envious of Linda D, but send congrats, the book finds it’s way to the people it is meant to belong to. I love that you were part of the launch, this is such a good time for you to read this.

    My biggest issue is not feeling enough, or being made to feel like I’m not enough. I work on it all the time, and because of it I am harder on myself than anyone else. But I’m working on it. We are traveling a road that is different than anyone I’ve ever known, maybe this is not just for saving Levi, but for showing me that I am enough? Who knows? I hope I live up to it if this is so.

    1. Your journey is so unique and I know it must be so easy to think you are not enough. But you are. I know we want so desperately to fix things for our children and when we can’t, there is truly nothing worse. Oh, how I wish I could give you even one answer to your situation so I could help. I am praying daily for your strength and courage to stay strong. For your faith to remain intact. And for you to fully embrace how amazing you are!
      Much love,

  20. Aubrey Mass says:

    I think you are AMAZING!!!

    1. Big big BIG hugs! I think you are AMAZING, too! So thankful for you in my life 🙂

  21. This is something I have always needed to work on. I should read this every week. Great inspiring words lovely .Thanks for linking up to Share With Me. Sorry to be late commenting we have my mother visiting from America. 🙂 Thanks for joining in. #sharewithme

    1. It sounds like you have been having a great time with your mom! I’m glad she is still visiting!!! I will be praying for this area for you, friend!!!

  22. Can you imagine the impact we’d have on the world if we believed with our whole heart that our identity comes from Christ and in Him alone? If we lived the free and abundant lives Jesus paid for on the cross? It would be incredible!
    Thanks for linking up with Grace and Truth, my friend. i continue to pray for you!

    1. Oh, it would be an incredible world for sure!!! Thank you so much for your prayers, friend! I’m feeling better each day!