21 Days to Find Joy in God’s Love

Do you experience a unique kind of joy because of God’s love for you? If not, you aren’t alone. Often, we know of God but we don’t really know God. But it makes all the difference in fully experiencing God and His unfailing love for you!

Do you experience a unique kind of joy because of God's love for you? If not, you aren't alone. Often, we know of God but we don't really know God. But it makes all the difference in fully experiencing God and His unfailing love for you! Join me for this series filled with Biblical wisdom, Bible verses, prayers, strategies, and printables that will equip you to find joy in God's love!

Can You Feel God’s Love?

I keep seeing it. All ages. All backgrounds. It doesn’t belong to only one culture, one financial class, or one anything.

It’s common ground for all of us. Where our differences are immaterial. It’s where we can look into the eyes of the sister next to us and recognize a place of longing coming from the depths of her soul.

A longing that says,

I want to feel loved for simply being me. I want to stop searching and have this settled once and for all. No more wavering or questioning. No more entertaining the whispers of the enemy. I want to feel loved beyond the shadow of a doubt so that I may step out in confidence, taking risks, chasing dreams, and setting boundaries.

I think that longing presents itself differently in each of us. Some of us build walls tall and wide around our hearts; others may make repetitive poor relationship choices.  When we long for love from the wrong sources, we experience a roller coaster of emotions and sadness that can snuff out our joy.

It is the search. The search for the “someone” or “something” that will make us feel complete. And in each of us, it is the pain when that “someone” hurts us or when the thrill of that “something” wears away.

Friend, that longing can only be met by God’s Love. We were created for it therefore we long for it. Our joy is found in it. This is when you can truly feel God’s love.

Why Is it Important to Know God’s Love for Me?

Whispers find their way into our thoughts. They confuse us and lie to us. Eventually, they will secure a foothold that causes a lot of trouble.

Maybe your whispers question your worth? Your value? Your abilities? Do they taunt you? Leaving you wondering if you are even lovable?

Where do you turn? Where do you look to validate your worth?

Your spouses? Friends? Careers? Possessions?

And often even your children.

If we really examine much of why we become frustrated or angry with our children, it is often because we believe their behavior reflects poorly upon us. Yes, we want our children to represent Jesus, their families, and themselves well. But we go wrong when we believe our worth as a parent is all wrapped up in our toddler who won’t sit still or our teen who has made a less-than-stellar choice.

Friends, I am there with you. I fall prey to those whispers. My heart has the same longing. I, too, hear the enemy whisper:

“You aren’t good enough.”

“You can’t do this.”

Or, “You fell short … again.”

“You are unlovable.”

That’s why it is important to know God’s love for me. His love tells me those thoughts are lies. God’s love tells me the Truth!

Do you experience a unique kind of joy because of God's love for you? If not, you aren't alone. Often, we know of God but we don't really know God. But it makes all the difference in fully experiencing God and His unfailing love for you! Join me for this series filled with Biblical wisdom, Bible verses, prayers, strategies, and printables that will equip you to find joy in God's love!

How Do I Truly Begin to Find Joy in God’s Love for Me?

We have a weapon against that negative kind of thinking. There is a truth bigger than any ugly whisper the enemy doles out. There is fulfillment for that deep longing in our souls.

So, I want us to join together, receive, and delight in the only Love that will fully satisfy the longings of our hearts.

Together, I want to tackle LOVE. A love beyond the surface and into the hearts of who we are. Into the heart of how very much we are loved.

Today, let’s challenge ourselves to STOP trying to fill the longing in our hearts with people and things. But instead, let’s fill our hearts with God’s love – the only Love big enough, pure enough, and perfect enough to cover our sins, give us hope, and set us free. Let’s find JOY in His love.

How Do I Participate in the 21-Day Challenge to Finding Joy in God’s Love?

1. Join me for all 4 posts to find joy in God’s love. There is one post per week of the challenge. Each post will give you 7 days worth of thought and Scripture.

Week 2: Grasping the depth of God’s love for us and how His love differs from all others. Hint: It’s radically different!

Week 3: Developing discipline in recognizing lies, praying against them, and replacing them with God’s unfailing words of truth and love. Hint: You can stop that stinkin’ thinkin’!

Week 4: 11 True Stories of Redeeming Love. Hint: The stories of others remind us we are not alone.

2. Each week, I will give you 7 Bible verses that correlate directly to the week’s truth.

3. Repeat the verses each day. Several times. The more the better.

4. Pray. Here is an example to help get the idea.

Heavenly Father, You are love. Your love is a vastness beyond our comprehension, but yet I look away from it and to the people and things in my life to fulfill the deepest longings of my heart and to fulfill my worth. Lord, please forgive me.

Make me aware of Your majesty. May my eyes be filled with the wonder of You and my heart be filled with the unconditional delight of Your love. Lord, I ask You to surround me with Your hedge of protection and fill me with wisdom and discernment so that I recognize lies and can replace them with truth. Lord, may Your Word be instilled within the deepest crevices of my mind, my heart, and my soul now and forever.

In Your precious and holy Name, I pray. The Name of Jesus. Amen

Let’s Get Started with Week One of the 21-Day Challenge to Find Joy in God’s Love!

Fully Knowing God

Our God is so powerful.

So majestic and mighty.

This truth is humbling. He is so much bigger and more wonderful than anything we can imagine. I think of a beautiful sunset, powerful ocean waves, and mountains that the strongest of people struggle to climb. I think of the moment a new life is born and the moment a loved one leaves this earth. Profound. Breathtaking moments of joy and pain.

But our God is the God over it all. He’s the master artist and the giver and taker of life.

How can we not be humbled in His presence?

Until we can fully fathom the depth and breadth of Him, we cannot possibly grasp the depth of His love and thus not truly find joy in it.

Bible Verses About God’s Love

The scriptures I chose this week are those that simply reveal the wonder of God. The wonder that can leave us weak-kneed, drop-jawed, and speechless. Friends, our God is so great big and so powerful. Once we grasp that and then comprehend His love, we have no choice but to be moved and transformed!

O Sovereign LORD, you have begun to show to your servant your greatness and your strong hand. For what god is there in heaven or on earth who can do the deeds and mighty works you do? –Deuteronomy 3:24 NIV

For the LORD your God is God of gods and Lord of lords, the great God, mighty and awesome, who shows no partiality and accepts no bribes. –Deuteronomy 10:17 NIV

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. -Hebrews 13:8 ESV

print page 1  scripture cards here

Have you not known? Have you not heard? The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He does not faint or grow weary; his understanding is unsearchable. -Isaiah 40:28 ESV

But ask the beasts, and they will teach you; the birds of the heavens, and they will tell you; or the bushes of the earth, and they will teach you; and the fish of the sea will declare to you. Who among all these does not know that the hand of the Lord has done this? In his hand is the life of every living thing and the breath of all mankind. -Job 12:7-10 ESV

These are just the beginning of all that he does, merely a whisper of his power. Who, then, can comprehend the thunder of his power? -Job 26:14 NLT

print page 2 scripture cards here

How great is our Lord! His power is absolute! His understanding is beyond comprehension! -Psalm 147:5 NLT

print page 3 scripture cards here

Praying You Through the Challenge

Finally, friend, I pray God uses these words for His good. That He may walk you deeper in your relationship with Him and give you the joy and peace that comes from His unconditional love.

If I can pray for you along the way, I would be honored. I always love to connect with you whether by comments, email, or social media.

If this is your first visit, subscribe below to get access to the Library of Hope and all the free resources I have in there to help you unveil YOUR HOPE!

Your joy isn’t dependent on your circumstances. As a matter of fact, it’s something far deeper — more meaningful and everlasting than happiness. The encouragement I share in this place and on all my social media channels equips you to live with that kind of joy every day.

I’d love to be a part of your journey toward a deeper faith. One that nourishes your heart and helps you experience the fullness of God’s love.

You can start by joining thousands of others who are discovering God, their identity as His child, and how to live with confidence, joy, peace, and HOPE! Just fill out the form below!

You will never look at yourself, God, or others the same way again after this new 7-week Bible study by Lori Schumaker. Not only will you unravel the mystery of how God loves you, but also grow in your relationship with Him as you take time each day to meditate on what He has written about his own never-ending love for us. The Scriptures are beautiful and filled with truth that will set your heart free! This is a printable pdf ebook that works well on any digital device. Start experiencing the fullness of God's love today!

My favorite online location for Bible Verses is at Bible Gateway!

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  1. This is a beautiful challenge and thoughtful post given your struggle with your medical issues. I hope you are feeling better! It’s so true how we’re always looking to be filled by relationships, and anything but God. We all need to go deeper into scripture, and you offer beautiful ones, to help us anchor in God’s love! Take extra good care of you these weeks as you fill your heart with God’s love and word!

    1. Thank you so much, Kathy! I have had some good days. They are doing some treatments to ablate the nerves causing the migraines. It is a long-ish process, not immediate, but I am super hopeful!!! I love how you say “anchoring” in His love. It truly is the source of freedom. Getting them and staying there can be tough, though, right?! I do think that once we are there and experience that deep-into-our-souls feeling, even when we slide or begin to hear the whispers of lies, we recognize it and with good habits can get back to resting in Him! Thanks so much for stopping by to visit me, sweet friend!

  2. “God’s love – the only love big enough, pure enough, and perfect enough to reflect our tremendous worth.” Amen to this and the prayer! Yes, we all have that longing in us and we can so easily try to fill it with people or things, but only God’s powerful love can fill us. I love this post, Lori. Thank you!

    1. Trudy, I’m so glad you enjoyed this and felt encouraged! Thank you, friend, for being the BEST!

  3. Lori, I forgot to mention how sorry I am that your health issues are putting more limitations on you. I know by experience how troubling that can become. Hang in there and be gentle with yourself. I am blessed by your writing on whichever day your post comes out. 🙂 May’s God’s love help you through this!

    1. This may have been the sweetest comment I have ever received. Thank you so much, Trudy. You are a treasure!

  4. This sounds like a great study! I’m on the easier side of parenting now–our girls are 23 and almost 22–but the most difficult year for us was last year. When your kids are ‘bigs’ instead of ‘littles’ there’s still a lot of moments when the evil one whispers in your ear!

    1. Oh, Anita, I believe that! I am the youngest of my siblings and had children later while they had them younger. I have watched them all become parents of adults and even grandparents. Our hearts are forever held by our children – whether they are young or old. And where our hearts lie, the enemy will attack! I am so sorry last year was so difficult. I am praying it is in the past and the future is filled with much more good than difficult! Thank you so much for visiting!

  5. So true and well said, Lori! I especially love the scripture cards you suggested. There was a time probably 30 years or so ago when I was encouraged by a pastor to do that. I carried index cards with me everywhere I went until they were dog-eared and coffee stained to knead into my heart the truth of God’s love for me and who He said I was in Him. It had a tremendous power in my life during that time to give me a foundation of truth to rest on when I am tempted to doubt or question myself in relation to Him or anyone else!
    Visiting as your neighbor on #Women with Intention. Thanks so much for this great post!

    1. Pam, I so LOVE the image of you with those cards – worn and dog-eared. The signs of love. Of use. Thank you for this testimony from your life. It made my heart smile and affirmed I am following God’s will in this challenge! Thank you so much!

  6. Nodding my head in agreement with you girl. I’m reading the book “Fervent” and seeing all the ways the devil tries to derail us from our love of Jesus- condemnation sure is a favorite of his and he’ll stop at nothing to trick us into thinking we’re unworthy or unlovable. You’ve pinpointed the most worthwhile weapon against it- God’s word. And it’s funny because I’ve been toying with making some scripture cards too! Love yours! ♥ Thanks for an uplifting and inspiring post! God’s got you my friend♥

    1. Hi Heather, Thank you so much! I haven’t read “Fervent” yet, but it sounds like something I’d love! I spent way too much of my life listening to those lies from the enemy. I pray the words God has given me work to lead others to the same freedom I found in Him. We all need to be aware of the enemy – recognizing him and stopping him in his tracke! Thank you so much for visiting!!!

  7. Lori, this sounds like a wonderful study and I can’t wait to follow along. I pray the Lord gives healing and strength for you. Have a beautiful weekend, my friend! Thank you for linking up with Thankful Thursdays.

    1. Hi Lori 🙂 I am so glad you are following along! I’ll also ask you to pray God uses these words to grow others closer to Him and find His freedom! Thank you so much for the prayers. The most recent treatment seems to be bringing some relief! Praise God! Now if I can just not spend most of my days running to and from doctor’s offices for me or one of my kiddos!!! Thank you so much for hosting each week, friend!

  8. This is so beautiful, Friend. My heart keeps hearing the same whispers from God from so wonderful words like yours. I am loved! My value and my worth are based on God’s measurement of me. What a blessing. You are right, our hearts this week are tied to the same thoughts. Thank yo for sharing with us at Sitting Among Friends. I look forward to more from you. P.S. I love how your post was written.

    1. Thank you so much, Jaime. You always make my heart smile!

  9. Lori – Such a beautiful & encouraging post. While my children are grown, I now have 2 granddaughters whom I watch FT while their parents work each day. So in many ways, I still face those issues 🙂 yet in a different way. It is so true – to love others we must first love and accept the love the Father has towards us. I loved reading Job 26:14 this morning – to think all that He has already done is “merely a whisper of his power”. Astounding to think about so thank you!

    May you get to feeling better soon! Blessings!

    1. Hi Joanne,
      Ooooo! I love that … “merely a whisper of His power” It gives me goosebumps! Those moments when we our hearts are blown away and humbled by Him are the best! It is so great that your granddaughters get to be loved on everyday by you! What a blessing for them… and you! I see my parents and their different interactions with grandchildren over the years and with all of us kids, and they do have those very same issues like you mention. Yes, a little different way, but yet a very real way!!! Thank you so much for visiting this week!

  10. This is such a wonderful idea, and I know it will be a blessing to all who read and follow along. It’s so vital for us to know we are completely loved for who we are. It’s where we find our peace and purpose. Blessings!

    1. Hi Tasha, Thank you so much for stopping back by! I’m still holding onto the last post I read of yours and want to incorporate it in this series! It was awesome!

  11. Yes, the lies lurk and pounce when we are most vulnerable. I’ve learned all my worth is in Him and for Him. As long as I keep that truth front and center, the devil has lost his grip on my thoughts! Thank you for sharing!

    1. Hi Carrie, I am praying you keep that truth front and center, my friend! You are amazing! Thank you for your beautiful heart and powerful words of encouragement each week!!!

  12. Been thinking about you lots. I hope the treatment is helping, I know what it’s like to not feel good. And I know that you know that when we are going through something like this it may be happening so that we come to a better understanding of the pain of those around us. A higher degree of love and empathy. Wishing you the best. Miss you!

    This is a great series, we all need to turn in to God more, and I am pinning so I can go over these verses again and again. We are enough, we are worthy, we are the children of God! xoxoox

    1. Thank you, Nikki. You always have the best insights! I believe you are right. It truly does make us have a higher degree of empathy. The latest treatments seem to be bringing some relief. Praise God! They are time consuming, but relief is wonderful! Hopefully I will soon be back to interacting as much as before! And thank you for the kind words regarding the series. I truly pray God uses these words to walk others closer to Him so that they can find the same hope and freedom I have found! There is nothing better! 🙂 Hugs!!! Lori

  13. That’s a beautiful challenge/activity to try for 21 days. And timely for it’s the love month. 🙂

    1. Thanks so much, Lux! I am praying God does some great things with it! 🙂

  14. What an amazing and challenging 21-days! Our hearts need to hear the truth over and over again. Committing it to memory certainly makes this possible!

    1. I pray God uses this challenge to bring others closer to Him so they can experience the hope and freedom I did! Thank you so much for your encouraging words, Michele!

  15. Lovely post. Your writing always makes me happy and smile Lori. Even when I see your comments on my posts too. (I must have told you my mother is Lori same spelling too) lol Thank you so much for linking up to Share With Me. I hope to see you again tomorrow for another great round of #sharewithme

    1. I am so glad I make you smile! That makes my heart happy! You hadn’t mentioned before about your mom 🙂 I already love her! 😉 And thank you, my friend, for your beautiful community of bloggers!

  16. I enjoy reading your posts so much, Lori! It is so hard finding that balance between putting those walls up and letting others in. I think this challenge is a wonderful idea, and I am so glad you shared your encouragement with #SocialButterflySunday! Hope to see you link up again this week! Blessings 🙂

    1. Hi Kelly,
      Your words are such an encouragement to me! Thank you! It is so difficult to find that balance. It takes intentional checks. I’ll be praying for that for you!