7 Advantages of Reading Books to Your Children (The Younger The Better)

As a former elementary school teacher, mama to 3 precious children, and simply a lover of all things reading, I have witnessed the advantages of reading books to children.

So when my guest writer today, Mo Mulla, presented this topic, I was all in! Some of my most treasured memories come from the moments when my now teenage children sat cuddled on my lap as we made our way through the pages of one book after another.

Today, they too, have special memories from those same moments. Their favorite books are packed away in boxes for when they can someday read to their children. And the lessons they hold in their hearts from the many stories we shared, are a part of how they live life today.

Welcome, Mo, to the blog! Thank you for sharing your wisdom with us!

What are the advantages of reading books to your children? I believe reading to our children is one of the most important actions we can take as a parent. It also goes hand-in-hand with raising Godly children in the Christian faith. #parenting #christianparenting #readingbooks #readingtoyourchildren #readaloud

The Advantages of Reading Books to Your Child

Children are a blessing in our lives. They bring joy, laughter, and a sense of meaning. As their parents and guardians, we ought to raise them to be successful adults we are proud of. 

Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old, they will not turn from it. Proverbs 22:6 NIV

Reading to your child on a daily routine has proven to be important for their growth. 

Always keep the children occupied with meaningful activities. Mixtures of toys (like activity tables, play kitchens, and nerf guns) help engage kids in meaningful activities. 

However, through reading, we stimulate their brain advancement and improve their cognitive skills. The advantages of reading books to your children every day should make you develop this habit.

Reading to your children is so important. Here are 7 advantages that will convince you to grab that book tonight! Share on X

7 Daily Advantages of Reading Books to Young Children

1.Brain Development 

Research shows that reading to children enhances brain development and imagination. It helps along the cognitive process. 

Reading for children stimulates optimal patterns required for brain development. It strengthens the existing connections in their brain cells and also helps in the creation of new ones.

Sequentially, their brain starts to build firm connections. This way, they can reason more and stimulate the semantic process. They understand their place in the world and what goes around it.

2. For Better Vocabulary And Language 

Improve kids’ grasp of language and vocabulary by reading with them. Reading will stimulate a part of their brain that allows them to understand languageโ€”in turn, playing a role in language acquisition.

The stimulation of cognitive patterns in their brains exposes them to new language and vocabulary.

Research overseen on children of the ages 6 months to 4 and half years proved that reading to your kids from birth increases their vocabulary and literary skills. This research focused on the degree of shared book-reading and the number of books one reads. 

Researchers concluded that kids improved literary and vocabulary skills after they reached their 4th birthday.

3. To Gain More Knowledge

And by knowledge the rooms are filled With all precious and pleasant riches. -Proverbs 24:4 ESV

Knowledge is power. 

Reading books as early as possible opens our imagination and curiosity. We question the learning process and yearn to know more. 

Gaining knowledge helps us understand anything that comes our way and gives us the tools to solve it. 

This is everything we want for our children. Reading to them when they are little helps expand their mindset. They learn their interests and aspirations as they grow up.

This expands to babies who are deaf as well. Sign language books are a very useful way to encourage babies with hearing impairments to grow and develop in a comfortable and academic way. 

What are the advantages of reading books to your children? I believe reading to our children is one of the most important actions we can take as a parent. It also goes hand-in-hand with raising Godly children in the Christian faith.

4. To Develop Empathy 

Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you. Ephesians 4:32

Reading to children is a way to nurture them. It helps them understand and share others’ feelings. They empathize with what you read and picture themselves in those positions. As they grow older, it will be easy for them to fit in any community and build relationships with others.

5. To Enhance Their Concentration

Regular and consistent reading to your child improves their concentration abilities. They develop a habit of sitting still and listening for long periods. Read to children daily, and this will play a significant role later. They will be hardly distracted even as they progress in school.

6. To Enhance Their Creativity

Reading to children makes them visualize and picture characters in their minds. Leave them in suspense, and they will run their mind imagining and guessing what happens next. Imaginations better our creativity.

7. To Grow Closer To Your Children

More importantly, sparing some time to read to your child ensures you both spend time together. You develop a special kind of relationship with them. You create a type of trust in them that tells them you will be there for them.

Reading to your child daily develops a special kind of relationship with them creating a type of trust that tells them you will be there for them. Share on X

Reading their favorite book will definitely strengthen the bond between you and your young one. Your child will be longing for these moments.

The advantages of reading books to your child have a compounding effect. You can start with stories before bedtime, reading the bible in their presence, and progress as they get accustomed to it. 

Mo Mulla is a work from home dad who enjoys reading and listening to music. He loves being a dad and husband to a growing family. He loves writing about his passions and hopes to change the world, 1 blog post at a time! You can find his parenting blog here.

Wait! Before you go …

Have you read our story of adoption and learning to surrender?

The word surrender has a nasty reputation. We think of it as failure โ€” giving up and giving in. But that couldn’t be further from the truth. Surrender takes strength. Moreover, surrendering to God leads to living a full and prosperous life. It’s the message of my book and the prayer of my heart for each of you to embrace a surrendered life.

God walked us through layers of surrender as we followed His call to adopt. Our sweet girl didn’t come home to us by chance. But rather, by a miraculous series of events. I’ve witnessed God use the stories of others to inspire, encourage, equip, and give us hope. I pray our story does the same for you as you explore Foster Care and/or Adoption.

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***Disclosure: Some of the links in this post are affiliate links. This means at no additional cost to you, I will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase.

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