How this Unique Study of Bible Verses on Equality Can Make Families Better

With their eyes, ears, and spirits wide open, my sweet littles soaked in the Bible verses and the stories I shared with them. Our children seem to come into this world far more sensitive to the presence of Jesus than we, as adults are. That is why there is no better time to introduce Bible verses about equality to them.

Maybe it’s that the world hasn’t had time to bring distance. But no matter the reason, their innocence of heart is beautiful to witness and leaves them fully present to the Lord’s calling.

Do you want to know what God has to say about the things we are wrestling with today as a society? Things like equality and racial injustice? God gives us many Bible verses on equality. My devotion here is one of the many found in the new book, Equality: Created Equal in His Eyes. A devotional book for the whole family with one set of reflection questions for adults and one for children. Maybe this devotional is exactly what your family needs! #bibleverses #equality #godsword #godslove

Many Bible Verses on Equality Live Within the Pages of Our Bibles

Although equality and racial injustice have always been an issue, the last year has brought it front and center to even the most oblivious of people. There is no question. We need to eliminate injustice. We need to do better — to love better.

And I struggle to find a more powerful place to start that effort than in the pages of our Bibles together with our children as a family. We can dig into the Bible verses on equality to see what God has to say about how we should love one another. We can begin the conversations in the safety of homes guided by the wisdom the God who creates us in His image.

I struggle to find a more powerful way/place to start our efforts toward eliminating injustice than, as a family together, in the pages of our Bibles. With the Ultimate Guide, we can change ourselves and the next generation. Share on X

Why This Book Filled With Bible Verses On Equality Was Written

That is why Equality: Created Equal in God’s Eyes was written. And it was why I was more than honored to contribute to this project. Equality is a devotional for the whole family with one set of reflection questions for adults and one set for children and youth. It walks you through Bible verses on equality and opens the door to powerful conversations about equality and racial injustice.

Do you want to know what God has to say about the things we are wrestling with as a society today?  My devotion here is one of the many found in the new book, Equality: Created Equal in His Eyes. It is a devotional book for the whole family with one set of reflection questions for adults and one for children. Check out my devotion to find out what God says about double standards. And then maybe you will decide this devotional is exactly what your family needs!

The devotional provides families an opportunity for us, as parents, to examine our thought life, habits, and heart. Then, it gives us an opportunity to raise up children who know what God says about these issues — children who love well and live intentionally.

Let’s get started with my devotion including one of 16 Bible verses on equality you will find in this new book.

When Double Standards Challenge Our Faith

False weights and unequal measures— the Lord detests double standards of every kind. –Proverbs 20:10 NLT

Many years ago, I experienced betrayal at the hands of my friend. It broke my heart and left me wondering if I would ever trust anyone again. I wondered if the bitterness eating away at me would ever give way to forgiveness.

Our scripture today talks about “differing weights and varying measures.” In the days when these words were written, people used stones (weights) and ephahs (measures) to determine cost when buying or selling goods. Often, to increase profit, people found ways to manipulate the system and deceive each other. They used one size stone to determine the weight for buying, but another for selling.

So, what does this Scripture have to do with God’s command for us to live justly?

He tells us this practice of double standards is detestable to Him. Other Bible translations use the word “abomination”. I don’t know about you, but that is a word that convicts me to pay attention!

Do you want to know what God has to say about the things we are wrestling with today as a society? Things like equality and racial injustice? God gives us many Bible verses on equality. My devotion here is one of the many found in the new book, Equality: Created Equal in His Eyes. A devotional book for the whole family with one set of reflection questions for adults and one for children. Maybe this devotional is exactly what your family needs!

God Does Not Have Double Standards

Throughout the Bible, we see God does not have double standards. His command for us to first love Him and then love others is universal. His love isn’t dependent upon our race, age, gender, social or financial class.

This concept of differing weights and measures applies to every aspect of life. Sometimes we carry within us hidden inequities in judgment, expectation, and behavior.

Our subtle habits of gaining a little extra for ourselves become so ingrained that we overlook them. The way in which we view the world and others filters through a lens of life circumstances and the world around us, rather than through the Word of God. What do we expect of others? How deep do our judgments run? Or, is it easy to expect far more from another than we ourselves are ready to give?

But God does not waver in His opinion of double standards. There is no room for them in His Kingdom.

God does not waver in His opinion of double standards. There is no room for them in His Kingdom. #createdequal Share on X

It took me a long time to work through my heartbreak at the hands of my friend. I had to look within and ask myself some tough questions …

… follow me over to Devotable today where you can read the remainder of this devotion, find out how I found the peace I longed for, and learn more about our exciting new book.

Rather skip the rest of the devotion and purchase your book right now? Just click HERE or the image below to go directly to Amazon! (I still think you’d love the Devotable site, though!)

Do you want to know what God has to say about the things we are wrestling with as a society today? My devotion here is one of the many found in the new book, Equality: Created Equal in His Eyes. It is a devotional book for the whole family with one set of reflection questions for adults and one for children. Check out my devotion to find out what God says about double standards. And then maybe you will decide this devotional is exactly what your family needs!

Your joy isn’t dependent on your circumstances. As a matter of fact, it’s something far deeper — more meaningful and everlasting than happiness. The encouragement I share in this place and on all my social media channels equips you to live with that kind of joy every day.

I’d love to be a part of your journey toward a deeper faith. One that nourishes your heart and helps you experience the fullness of God’s love.

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***Disclosure: Some of the links in this post are affiliate links. This means at no additional cost to you, I will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase.

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