The Character of God: This Is Why You Need to Deeply Know Him

The character of God is so important because it changes how we view God.

His power is astonishing, majestic, and mighty. But the character of God is faultless.





Do you struggle with really knowing God loves you? With grasping the depth of of that love and its power to change you? One crucial piece to experiencing the fullness of His love is learning about the character of God. Join Lori in this series and grab the free "God's Unconditional Love Journal." #godslove #christianliving #bibleverses #prayer #hope #biblicaljournal #freejournal #biblestudy

Knowing God Makes ALL the Difference

I’ve know the lyrics to the song Jesus Loves Me as far back as my memory takes me. But even though the truth of His love for me was planted before I could even walk, the depth of that love remained a mystery far into my adult years.

I knew God loved me, but I didn’t really know Him. Can anyone relate to that? You know the words adults have told you or you’ve heard in songs and read in books … but it just doesn’t register?

I knew God loved me, but I didn't really know Him. Can anyone relate to that? You know the words adults have told you or you've heard in songs and read in books … but it just doesn't register? Share on X

But knowing Him makes all the difference in both our grasp of His love and in the way His love can change us. Yet, many of us stop short of o familiarizing ourselves with what lay within the pages of the Bible. And that leaves room for misunderstandings to weave within our belief system.

Imagine This

Let’s think about this. If a stranger loves you, does it change you? Probably not. We aren’t usually affected much by the feelings of strangers.

But on the other hand, does the love of someone you know, respect, and love change you? Most of us would say yes.

When we have a relationship with someone, the love matters. When it is a healthy love from a healthy person, their love makes us an even better version of ourselves.

So it is the same with God. To know His love, we need to have a relationship with Him. And in order to have a healthy relationship we need to know everything we can about Him. We need to know the character of God.

To know His love, we need to have a relationship with Him. And in order to have a healthy relationship we need to know everything we can about Him. We need to know the character of God. Share on X
Do you struggle with really knowing God loves you? With grasping the depth of of that love and its power to change you? One crucial piece to experiencing the fullness of His love is learning about the character of God. Join Lori in this series and grab the free "God's Unconditional Love Journal." #godslove #christianliving #bibleverses #prayer #hope #biblicaljournal #freejournal #biblestudy

Marveling at the Wonder of God

The more facts we commit to knowing about God, the more we marvel at who He is and what He can do.

How can we not marvel at the wonder of the One who made the world and all that is in it — including you and I? How do we not wonder at the One who walked the earth and never sinned? That performed miracles?

How can we not wonder at the One who loved enough to walk with eyes wide open into horrific suffering and death so that we could live free with hope knowing in our eternal place in Heaven?

His Love

Friends, how do we not fall head over heels for the One who never has and never will lie to us or anyone else? Who will comfort when we call? Forgive when we mess up? Strengthen when we become weak?

He is the One who gives wisdom when we ourselves do not know. He is the gentle One when all the world throws fiery darts.

When we know the character of God, how do we not marvel at Him?

So, dig. Take out that Bible on the shelf. Open the free app on your phone. Start somewhere — even one verse at a time if that’s all you’ve got right now.

But pray. Pray for God to give you an inquenchable thirst for His Word. Ask Him to bring His Words to life and to reveal to you His character, His love, and His call to you.

Friends, I promise. When we recognize the depth and breadth of God’s character, we have a chance at grasping the power of God’s unconditional love. And it’s a love you don’t want to miss out on.

Bible Verses to Marvel at the Character of God

The scriptures this week are ones that reveal the wonder of God. The wonder that can leave us weak-kneed, drop-jawed, and speechless. ***Remember, each of these verses hold a page in the Journal, too! They look like this:

The Journal will help you deepen your faith and experience the fullness of God's unconditional love. A free supplement to the content provided in the original series. #journal #freeprintablejournal #godslove #faith #hope #series #unconditionallove #biblestudy #bibleverses #prayer


O Sovereign LORD, you have begun to show to your servant your greatness and your strong hand. For what god is there in heaven or on earth who can do the deeds and mighty works you do? -Deuteronomy 3:24 NIV


For the LORD your God is God of gods and Lord of lords, the great God, mighty and awesome, who shows no partiality and accepts no bribes. –Deuteronomy 10:17 NIV


Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. -Hebrews 13:8 ESV


Have you not known? Have you not heard? The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He does not faint or grow weary; his understanding is unsearchable. -Isaiah 40:28 ESV


But ask the beasts, and they will teach you; the birds of the heavens, and they will tell you; or the bushes of the earth, and they will teach you; and the fish of the sea will declare to you. Who among all these does not know that the hand of the Lord has done this? In his hand is the life of every living thing and the breath of all mankind. -Job 12:7-10 ESV


These are just the beginning of all that he does, merely a whisper of his power. Who, then, can comprehend the thunder of his power? -Job 26:14 NLT


How great is our Lord! His power is absolute! His understanding is beyond comprehension! -Psalm 147:5 NLT

Finally, friends, I pray God will use these words for His good. That He may walk you to a deeper into relationship with Him and give the joy and peace that comes from unconditionally delighting in His love.

A Prayer to Know the Character of God

Do you struggle with really knowing God loves you? With grasping the depth of of that love and its power to change you? One crucial piece to experiencing the fullness of His love is learning about the character of God. Join Lori in this series and grab the free "God's Unconditional Love Journal." #godslove #christianliving #bibleverses #prayer #hope #biblicaljournal #freejournal #biblestudy

Dear Father, You are an awesome God. Your character is above all others. Forgive me for somehow correlating Your power and character to that of the people in my life. It couldn’t be further from the truth. Your love is honest, true, pure, unfailing, unconditional, and without fault. It is the love my soul longs for. Lord, help me soak in Your truths. Open my eyes and my mind to the beauty of You through Your Words. Give me an insatiable thirst for your Word. Oh, that I would read the Bible and never grow weary of it! I want to grow closer to You and experience the fullness of your love so that I may, in turn, overflow that love into the world. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen

A Time to Reflect: Week 2 Focus Questions

  • How would you describe the character of God?
  • What have you been lead to believe about Him that has either negatively or positively affected your life and your faith?
  • If you believe He is the Creator of all things, incapable of lying, knows every hair on your head, calls you His child, and loves you beyond anything you can fathom — does it change anything for you? Does it give you confidence? Belief in your purpose and value?
  • Which of this week’s verses resonate most with you? Write it on a card, on your mirror with a dry erase marker, or hang it on your refrigerator. Repeat it every day this week. Read it out loud. Pray it. Ask God to reveal Himself to you through it.

The Series: For When You Want to Know God’s Unconditional Love

Find the first post introducing you to God’s unconditional love HERE.

The need for God's unconditional love crosses all divides — racial, social, cultural, geographical, and financial. It's the God-sized-hole in our hearts that longs for more. Learn more about this love and join me in a 7-part series featuring Biblical lessons, free printable Bible verses, prayers, Scripture based journal, and more.

I want to feel loved for simply being me. Settled once and for all, I want to stop searching, wavering, and questioning. No more entertaining the whispers of the enemy. I want to know I am loved beyond the shadow of a doubt so that I may step out in confidence, taking risks, chasing dreams, and setting boundaries.”

If these sentiments resonate with you, join me. Sign up, print the journal, commit to reading the given verses each day, reflect with the questions, and begin to truly know God and His unconditional love in an intimate way.

  • Each week, I will give you Bible verses, a prayer, questions to ponder, and extra resources.
  • I’ve also created a printable journal to help you walk through the series. Each page will have scripture at the top and an area for you to journal your thoughts and answers to the challenge questions found in each post. The journal is available free to all subscribers.
The Journal will help you deepen your faith and experience the fullness of God's unconditional love. A free supplement to the content provided in the original series.

Download the journal to maximize the content and your personal growth. It’s free, so there’s nothing to lose!

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