You Are Worth More Than That!
Chosen and Worthy is all about living in freedom. And therefore, LIVING BOLDLY! Today, my friend, Julie Lefebure shares with you one important truth about your worth. She knows that rejection after rejection easily triggers the questioning of that worth. Yet she also knows there’s hope and she knows it from experience! A great big welcome to my beautiful and wise friend, Julie Lefebure!
When You Begin To Question Your Worth
I was near my breaking point.
I was tired of reading, “… we have reviewed your qualifications and experience and have decided to proceed with another candidate…”
After submitting 23 applications to various employment opportunities, all but one had sent me a similar message. .
One begins to question her worth after that many rejections.
And the downward spiral of thoughts commenced:
“No one wants you.”
“You have nothing to offer anyone.”
“If you don’t have a ‘real’ job, you’re a nobody.”
“You’re such a failure. A failure at life.”
When faced with enough rejection, how do we NOT question our worth? #identity #chosenandworthy #hope @JulieLefebure Share on X
Your situation may be entirely different, but maybe you understand.
You question your worth because
… you’re single. And you no longer desire to be.
… you continue to get passed over for a promotion.
… you’ve been on the receiving end of divorce papers.
… you messed up and you can’t believe you did such a thing.
… you’re struggling to stay healthy, and you just want to be whole again.
… you replay in your mind the voice(s) which spoke, “You’re nothing and you will always be a nothing.”
When you start traveling down such paths, it’s easy to end up discouraged, defeated, depressed, and distraught. It’s a challenging place to be.
My heart goes out to you if this is where you’re finding yourself today.
This is where I was just eighteen months ago. After being laid off from a job I loved, I trusted God had just the perfect job in His perfect plan for me. And, I trusted He would bring it to me right away.
I was mistaken, and with each passing month I felt my worth shrinking smaller and smaller.
Some truth about your worth found in the words of Jesus #identity #chosenandworthy #hope @JulieLefebure Share on X
If you’re in this very spot of discouragement today, may I please share some truth with you? Truth not found in my words, but truth found in the words of Jesus:
Look, if you sold a few sparrows, how much money would you get? A copper coin apiece, perhaps? And yet your Father in heaven knows when those small sparrows fall to the ground. You, beloved, are worth so much more than a whole flock of sparrows. God knows everything about you, even the number of hairs on your head. So do not fear. -Matthew 10:29-31 (Voice)
Did you catch that?? You are worth so much more than a whole flock of sparrows.
Now, when I think of sparrows, I think of normal, everyday birds. I don’t find anything special about them. Right? But God does. God cares for His creation, even the sparrow. And, He knows when it falls. If the sparrow is of that much worth to God, you are even more worthy. More worthy than an entire flock!
If He cares that much for the sparrow, He cares even more for you.
Your worth isn’t found in what you do, what job you have (or don’t have), what mistake you’ve made, how much stuff you own, how much money is in the bank, if you’re married or not, or how someone treats you.
It’s not found in how your kids behave, how you were raised, how old or young you are, where you live, what situation you’re walking through, or what another has said about you.
Your worth is found in God.
You’re worthy because He considers you worthy. You’re worthy because He made you worthy.
You are worthy because God made you worthy.Period! #identity #chosenandworthy #hope @JulieLefebure Share on X
God got my attention with this scripture, and I was able to see truth. If He wanted me to have any of those jobs I applied for, He would have opened the door to walk through.
Seven months later a job was placed in front of me. A job I didn’t think was for me. But, God knew differently. I applied, I received an interview, and I was offered the position! God used that opportunity in ways I could have never expected… to grow me, to heal me, to launch me into another opportunity I’m completely excited about, and to give me a place to serve Him and His people.
He once again showed me my worth. My worth in Him. I believe He’s in the process of doing the same for each of us.
Soak in this truth of your worth today, my friend. And, let it shine through you to others.
Live boldly because you are worthy.
Much love,
Julie is a simple Iowa gal, who finds joy in a good cup of coffee, un-rushed mornings, and witnessing breathtaking sunrises and sunsets. Julie is a Bible Study Fellowship leader, is on staff at a local church, is a Foster Grandparent Program Coordinator, and is passionate about encouraging others through writing and speaking.
Married to Bill for almost 25 years, they’ve raised two children who have grown into caring young adults. Julie and Bill are often found on their tandem bicycle, and have a goal to bike in each of the 50 states.
Julie writes at Loving God Loving Others and Live Laugh Linger which you can find here. You can also connect with her at: Twitter || Facebook for Loving God Loving Others || Facebook for Live Laugh Linger || Instagram || Pinterest
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I love pondering those words from Jesus as I walk outside, hearing the song of those birds that Jesus cares for and enjoying the colors of the flowers He clothed. Thanks for this beautiful meditation on His great love for us — and I loved reading about how it worked itself out in real life for you!
Hi Michele! I wish I could have joined you on that walk! That sounded lovely. How thankful I am how God cares for us like He does. Even when it’s not how we expect. Blessings, friend!
Such a beautiful testimony of God’s plans for us! I know I’ve had seasons where I wondered if He had shelved me and then His perfect plans are revealed – in His perfect timing. Lovely encouragement to believe in Jesus and our value in Him alone. Thanks Julie and Lori!
Hi Tiffany! We can rejoice in how God values us, can’t we? And yet, I can still forget. His perfect plans, in His perfect timing. Resting in that today. Bless you!
What a great testimony. Matthew 10 has always been one of my favorite verses too. Those sparrows are a great reminder that God cares about us.
I look at the sparrow you gave me each day! And although I am terrified of birds, it gives me such a big smile and peaceful heart! ♥ It’s a Scripture that has sown deeper and deeper into my heart with each passing year. I remember a time when it didn’t resonate – my eyes were blinded. And then one day … God. He’s so good and gives us what we need at just the right time!
Such beautiful reflections, Julie! I love the daily reminders God gives us of His incredible love–and of our worth more than a thousand sparrows! I also praise Him with you for the provision He has made in your life–we serve a faithful God!