For the One Who Needs to Move Forward

It’s good to be back with you all today! Although I’ve been busy (frantic, actually!) writing thousands of words to complete my first book, I’ve missed this spot right here. I missed passing along the Word of God and the hope of God to anyone who joins us here โ™ฅ So, today I’m back and have some fun things to share with you!

Did you notice a little over a month ago or so the blog was redesigned? It was in the works for a long time, but when it finally happened, I was about to take my summer break to finish that book. It meant I wasn’t able to celebrate the new blog as I’d like. However, that doesn’t mean we can’t celebrate now!

I shared a little more about the book on Instagram ๐Ÿ™‚

This week I am honored to be guest writing over at Crystal Twaddell’s beautiful website. She is in the midst of a series called Made to Brave.ย I received the opportunity to share my story about braving regret and how we move forward. Regret is something we all have, but it can be dangerous. It can keep us stuck in the chains of the past rather than flourishing in the purpose of our future. I pray my story encourages you โ™ฅ

For the One Who Needs to Move Forward

If regret is weighing you down and keeping you stuck, it's time to move forward | For the One Who Needs to #MoveForward and Leave #Regret Behind #Godslove #grace #freedom #brave

I had just turned 17 when I made a choice I will forever regret. With my broken heart buried beneath the heavy weight of shame, my choice ruled my life for many years. Years where I experienced more defeat than victory. Domino effect years leading me into deeper brokenness and unfulfilled purpose.

But itโ€™s also a choice God used to teach me about His grace. About His love. And about His redemption.

Itโ€™s one that taught me I am made to brave regret.

No, despite all these things, overwhelming victory is ours through Christ, who loved us. And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from Godโ€™s love. Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrowโ€”not even the powers of hell can separate us from Godโ€™s love. -Romans 8:37-38

God can use our poor choices to teach us about His grace, His love, and His redemption. It's then we can finally move forward #moveforward #madetobrave #regret Share on X

… follow me over to Crystal’s and read more HERE

If regret is weighing you down and keeping you stuck, it's time to move forward | For the One Who Needs to #MoveForward and Leave #Regret Behind #Godslove #grace #freedom #brave

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  1. Congratulations on your new book and thanks for sharing your story, Lori. Blessings to you.

  2. Your site looks beautiful but then always has ๐Ÿ™‚ Congratulations on your book and now I look forward to its release! Many blessings to you, your family, and your story!

    1. Thank you so much, Joanne! You are such a gift of encouragement. I appreciate you so very much โ™ฅ

  3. I love the redesign of the blog! It looks so fresh and encouraging. It’s amazing that God is using your family’s story to encourage others. I pray that it will reach the people who need it!

  4. Welcome back, Lori! So glad to see your return but I totally understand your need to step away for a season. I pray that hearts are being prepared right now for all that your book will bring. I know God will use it in powerful ways. Your blog updates look great!

    1. Thank you so much, Lisa, for your kind words of encouragement and your prayers. I need prayer warriors around me. Stepping out make the target on our back that much bigger! But thankfully our God is bigger than the target and covers us with His protection!

  5. Lori, your new site is stunning, and so many good things happening here! Such a blessing to have you as a part of the Made for Brave Sisterhood as you share your story of braving regret and pressing into God’s abundant grace to carry you to this place. Hugs, Crystal

    1. Crystal, Thank you so much for including me in your series. You bless so many with your gift of writing, teaching, and encouraging. I’m honored to share with your readers โ™ฅ And thank you so much for the encouragement!!

  6. I wondered if there was a book in the works!
    It’s great to have you back here, and congratulations on all the new and exciting events!

    1. Thank you so much, Michele! It is so great to be back and I am excited about the book! (and a lot nervous, too!)

  7. Lori,
    I have missed you here in this space and I am glad you are back. Your new look on the blog is gorgeous! I can’t wait to hear more about your book.


  8. Love your new site and blog design. Even a video on her home page. Snazzy! And congrats on your new book you are writing. What a wonderful topic that will bless so many others.

    1. Thanks so much, Theresa! I’m so glad you like the changes and I so appreciate the prayers and encouragement on the new bookโ™ฅ

  9. Congratulations on your book and thanks for hosting! I’m going to jump over and finish reading your story. Blessings! You site looks wonderful, too!

  10. I’m so excited that you are beginning your authoring career with that tender and powerful story, Lori! I can’t wait to see your name on the jacket and hope and pray that it blesses so many! Thanks also for bravely sharing your story here and at Crystal’s place!

    1. Thank you so much, Beth, for always being such an encourager. I am praying with you that the book does exactly that! I love Crystal’s series so much and am so thankful she invited me to share as a part of it โ™ฅ

  11. Love the update on your blog! And congrats on the writing of your book, that’s always a huge hurdle to jump over!
    Just entered the giveaway… the items look beautiful!

    1. Thank you, Denise! I love doing giveaways of some of my favorite things โ™ฅ So glad you entered to win!

  12. What a beautiful share. Crystalโ€™s story is one that so many of us can identify with. Thank you for taking the time out to share it with all of us.

  13. So glad you’re back!!! AND I’m so excited for you! Blessings and hugs!

  14. It was beautiful before, and it is even more beautiful now, Lori – love the new look! And glad to have you back. Your message today is a crucial one for so many of us. Thanks for reminding us that Christ’s grace is sufficient. Blessings as you complete your book.

    1. Thank you so much, Carlie! I don’t know what I would do without the grace of Christ. I pray others experience its fullnessโ™ฅ

  15. I love the new blog design and am cheering you on as your write your book! It’s so exciting ๐Ÿ™‚ I know how it is to work long and hard on a big project. You can do it!

  16. Cassandra D says:

    Thank you for the inspirational messages.

  17. Jenny Ham says:

    Thanks for sharing <3

  18. Kelly Woods says:

    Thank you for the chance. Love this.