How the Joy of the Lord is Our Strength

The joy of the Lord is our strength, giving us a supernatural power that carries us through even our toughest seasons. When we truly grasp that the joy of the Lord is our strength, we discover it’s not just a nice Bible phrase—it’s a life-changing reality that works regardless of what we’re facing!

Welcome back to our Fruits of the Spirit series with our wonderful guest writer Melanie Redd exploring joy. After diving into love in our previous post, we’re now looking at joy—that incredible gift that changes everything about how we see our circumstances, walk through this life, and walk with Jesus. I’m so excited for you to hear Melanie’s heart on this topic as she shares both Biblical wisdom and practical steps to experience more of God’s joy in your everyday life!

When we truly grasp that the joy of the Lord is our strength, we discover it's not just a nice Bible phrase—it's a life-changing reality that works regardless of what we're facing!

Welcome back to our Fruits of the Spirit series with our wonderful guest writer Melanie Redd exploring joy. After diving into love in our previous post, we're now looking at joy—that incredible gift that changes everything about how we see our circumstances, walk through this life, and walk with Jesus.

How the Joy of the Lord is Our Strength

A couple of summers ago, we started an herb garden in our backyard. We grew things like Basil, Dill, Rosemary, Sage, and Mint. 

For the entire summer, everything was lush, beautiful, and delicious. Truly, we enjoyed fresh herbs with so many of our meals well into the fall.

However, two years later, the ONLY herb still growing in our garden (without anything on our part) is the Mint. The Mint is still so hearty! It made it through two harsh winters and two long summers and continues to come up.

According to Google AI, 

Mint is considered “hearty” because it has a strong, resilient root system called a rhizome which spreads rapidly underground. This allows it to grow prolifically in diverse conditions, tolerate a range of temperatures, and easily re-establish itself year after year. Thus, mint can thrive in many environments with minimal care.

The Joy of the Lord is Like Mint

How is joy like Mint?

First… Joy is our strong and resilient root system when we are rooted down deeply into the Lord Jesus. In Ephesians 3:17, Paul prays, May your roots go down deep into the soil of God’s marvelous love.”

Real joy roots us deeply into the soil of God’s awesome and amazing love.

Second… Joy allows our root systems to spread rapidly underground. When you and I dig deep into God’s love, a “root system” begins to grow in our hearts and lives. We become more bold, more courageous, and much stronger.

Third… Joy allows us to keep growing in diverse conditions, tolerate a range of temperatures, and keep running the race of faith. In short, joy allows us to thrive no matter where we live or what we are living through.

How Does the Joy of the Lord Become Our Strength?

It all starts with a personal relationship with Jesus. 

Do you know Him? 

“The truest, purest joy flows from a discovery of Jesus Christ. He is the hidden treasure that gives such joy to the finder.”

Robert Murray Mc’Cheyne

To know Jesus, it’s as simple as ABC. “A” is to admit that you are a sinner and have disobeyed God. You need a Savior. (Romans 3:23) “B” is to believe that Jesus died on the cross and rose again. (1 Cor. 15:3-4) “C” is to confess that Jesus is your Lord and Savior. (1 John 1:9)

Once you know Him, the next step is to begin to grow closer to Him. Spend time with Him in prayer and Bible study. Also, I love to journal, listen to inspirational music, read inspirational books, listen to sermons and podcasts.

In addition, to really dig into the joy of the Lord, it is helpful to find a community of believers—a church where you can plug in. These folks will encourage you in your faith.

What Does Joy Look and Feel Like?

In my life, joy is many things. The joy of the Lord shows up in various forms and at the most unexpected times. Let me share a few to illustrate.

When my mother spent months in the hospital, rehab, and at a myriad of doctor’s offices, I was her main caregiver. Joy is the calm strength that got me through those difficult days.

While going through illness and pain with a close friend, joy is the hope that I was able to share as I walked alongside my friend. Joy infused me with assurance that God deeply cared, and I was able to regularly convey this to my friend.

When I can’t sleep at night, joy is the calming peace that reverberates through my being as I began to talk to the Lord in prayer.

In seasons of exhaustion, joy is the tenacity deep within our souls that allows us to keep going, to not lose heart. Joy is the fuel that keeps us running.

When we truly grasp that the joy of the Lord is our strength, we discover it's not just a nice Bible phrase—it's a life-changing reality that works regardless of what we're facing! Welcome back to our Fruits of the Spirit series with our wonderful guest writer Melanie Redd exploring joy. After diving into love in our previous post, we're now looking at joy—that incredible gift that changes everything about how we see our circumstances, walk through this life, and walk with Jesus.

The Joy of the Lord is Our Strength – How to Practically Enjoy More Joy

Would you like to enjoy more of God’s joy in your life? 

I think most of us would. I’d love to suggest a few ways to add more joy to our lives.

Idea One – Look for Joy!

First, when you hit a rough patch, ask God to reveal the joy in the situation. Look for the joy. 

Pray, and invite God to show you joy and hope in the middle of the difficulties. 

Prayer – “Father, I don’t understand all that is happening, but I pray that You will reveal the joy right in the middle of these circumstances.”

Idea Two – Celebrate the Joy!

In Nehemiah, 8:10, we are told, Do not grieve, for the joy of the Lord is your strength.” 

We can celebrate because we find our hope, confidence, and courage in the presence of the Lord! Turn up the praise music and sing! 

Remember – The joy of the Lord is OUR strength! The joy of the Lord is YOUR strength!

Idea Three – Ask God for Joy!

In the Psalms, King David prayed and asked God to give him joy. David was not feeling joyful and was dealing with much guilt and regret. It was in this season that he prayed and asked God to bring back the joy of his salvation.

Psalm 55:12 details his prayer, Restore to me the joy of Your salvation, And uphold me by Your generous Spirit.

If you feel like you have lost your joy, why not pray like David? 

“Lord, I feel like I’ve lost my joy. Would you restore to me the joy of Your salvation? Bring back my joy again! Hold me up by Your generous Spirit. I need You, God.”

Idea Four – Rest in Joy!

There is always JOY in Jesus. He is our Joy, and in Him we have all that we need for life and for godliness. (2 Peter 1:3)

At times, we may not feel the joy, but the joy never fades because it is found in the Lord Jesus Christ. 

Because Jesus never changes, we can trust that the supply of joy never changes either. 

Strength in the joy of the Lord is always available to us and for us.

Closing Thoughts – How the Joy of the Lord is Our Strength

Last week, I enjoyed a glass of iced tea with fresh Mint. I got it straight out of my herb garden. 

Although the weather is still cold and rainy outside, my Mint continues to come up and provide enjoyment.

Similarly, you can have God’s joy every single day within the depths of your heart. 

Truly, you and I never have to walk through this life alone. God’s presence, God’s goodness, God’s grace, and God’s joy will be our companions as we go.

My prayer for you today comes from Romans 15:13 in The Amplified Bible:
“May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing [through the experience of your faith] that by the power of the Holy Spirit you will abound in hope and overflow with confidence in His promises.”

About the Author

Melanie Redd

Melanie is a best-selling author of nine books, a blogger, a speaker, and a podcaster. Her newest book – Just Rest: A Devotional Journal – is available on Amazon. For the past 34 years, she’s been married to Randy and serving alongside him in full-time ministry.  Additionally, she’s mom to two awesome young adults (Riley and Emily) and one Australian Shepherd and one Mini Aussie! God’s grace never ceases to amaze her! You can find out more about Melanie & her ministry at

You can connect with Melanie here:

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