Why Is Praying the Lord’s Prayer a Powerful Way to Pray?
The Lord’s Prayer
Why Is Praying the Lord’s Prayer a Powerful Way to Pray?
There was a time that I doubted if God ever even heard the prayers I sent His way. I had no idea what to say, and as I whispered my words, I felt as if my prayer life was all wrong. It was years before I learned that it wasn’t that I was praying wrong, but that my perspective on prayer was skewed. I fell into the trap of believing that God wanted fancy, articulate prayers instead of heartfelt ones and that He wouldn’t hear them unless I was wording them right.
He doesn’t desire long eloquent prayers from us, but instead asks that we genuinely come to Him with hearts ready and willing to be honest with Him.
The Lord simply wants to hear from us and He is waiting expectantly.
We all have to start somewhere…
It is so like me to try and overcomplicate things like prayer. I am so guilty of this because my insecurities have resulted in me fumbling my words and sometimes has even caused my mind to go blank.
My overthinking can sometimes become a stumbling block to what should otherwise be sincere.
However, after reading His word and meditating on how Jesus says we ought to pray I realized that I didn’t need to worry, instead I needed to be intentional.
How Should We Be Praying?
In Matthew 6 Jesus gave an example of how to pray and gave us a guideline for what we should be asking and thanking Him for. When I read these verses from the sermon on the Mount it clicked for me (thank you Jesus) and it was comforting to know that I wasn’t alone. The disciples and crowds who sat and listened to Jesus didn’t yet know how to pray but the Lord knew they were willing to learn. Matthew 6 and 7 are instructions given by the Lord not only on how to pray, but what we can expect from Him when we do. Get ready to be encouraged. Praying is easier than you think.
Get ready to be encouraged. Praying is easier than you think. #thelordsprayer #dailyprayer #momentsofhope Share on X
Jesus’ Instructions on Daily Prayer – The Lord’s Prayer
“Pray like this: Our Father in heaven, may your name be kept holy. May your Kingdom come again soon. May your will be done on earth, as it is in heaven. Give us today the food we need, and forgive us our sins, as we have forgiven those who sin against us. And don’t let us yield to temptation, but rescue us from the evil one.” –Matthew 6:9-13 NLT
Father, may your name be kept holy
We are to give Him the honor and glory He is due.
We begin with praising His name as all powerful and mighty. He is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords!
May your Kingdom come soon
Asking Him to return soon is something that will help us be ready for when He returns for His Church.
Speaking this reveals a longing in our heart to be with our Creator and to be in our true home.
Give us each day the food we need
We ask Him for the bare necessities and the things we need to get through our everyday life.
We acknowledge that He is our provider and we thank Him for meeting our day-to-day needs.
And forgive us our sins
This is an admittance that we fall short and are in need of His grace.
Without a repentant heart, we might continue in our sin. It’s important to ask the Lord to make us more like Himself.
As we forgive those who sin against us
We ask for forgiveness for our sins but that means we should be merciful towards others.
Pray for our enemies.
And don’t let us yield to temptation
Keep us strong and guard our hearts.
Ask to be kept from falling into temptation.
Rescue us from the evil one
Safeguard us from attacks and protect us from evil
Free us from bondage and break the chains that hinder us from growing spiritually.
More on Prayer
Our God has graciously given us a blueprint for our prayer life and where to begin. These are things that we should be in the habit of praying for daily but this isn’t where our prayer life ends. What else does the Lord say about prayer?
“When you pray, don’t be like the hypocrites who love to pray publicly on street corners and in the synagogues where everyone can see them. I tell you the truth, that is all the reward they will ever get. But when you pray, go away by yourself, shut the door behind you, and pray to your Father in private. Then your Father, who sees everything, will reward you.” -Matthew 6:5-6 NLT
God doesn’t want us putting on a show but instead wants our prayers coming from sincere hearts.
God doesn't want us putting on a show but instead wants our prayers coming from sincere hearts. #dailyprayer #momentsofhope #thelordsprayer Share on XAre we only praying in front of others at Church or are we praying behind closed doors? I believe there is a healthy balance. It’s such a beautiful feeling to know that our Father wants to have intimate time with us.
“When you pray, don’t babble on and on as the Gentiles do. They think their prayers are answered merely by repeating their words again and again. Don’t be like them, for your Father knows exactly what you need even before you ask him!” –Matthew 6:7-8 NLT
What a comfort to know that I don’t have to repeat the same words over and over again and that He actually knows what I need before I even ask. In fact, in Ecclesiastes 5:2 it says that we are to weigh our words and use few of them. Whoa…how many times have I let my mind wander during prayer? How many times have I made a vow I haven’t kept? We should speak each word with meaning and special consideration as we speak to God in Heaven. Let our words be spoken in reverent fear of Him.
Effective Prayer
“Keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks, receives. Everyone who seeks, finds. And to everyone who knocks, the door will be opened.” –Matthew 7:7-8 NLT
The Lord wants us to keep praying, and there should be a continual conversation with Him because once in a while just isn’t enough. There isn’t any need that we have that is too small, any request too large, any burden too difficult that He doesn’t want laid at His feet. We can bring each and everything to Him and wait with expectant hearts that we will answer as a Father who answers His children. Sometimes that answer will be no, however, He will not let your prayer go unanswered. Just keep asking, He hears and He cares. Never stop praying.
“Never stop praying.” -1 Thessalonians 5:17 NLT
Meet Natalie
Natalie Venegas is a wife and mother who is devoted to her King. She not only has a heart for Christ but a passion for writing about the challenges that Christian women face in this day and age. Natalie’s story is not only one of spiritual growth but a determination to finish the race well. When she isn’t writing you can find her spending time with her family, sipping on coffee, and daydreaming about the sea.
You can visit her at her blog Milk and Honey Faith or connect with her on social media.
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The Way We Pray Series!
Thank you for joining us for The Way We Pray Series. If prayer is new to you, these four articles will give you a solid prayer foundation. They will equip you to pray with confidence and boldness! So, before you go, click on the link above or the image to the left to see all the posts.
Love Digging Deeper Into the Lord’s Prayer? Check Out This New Resource!
Click HERE for more information on this new (FREE) Lord’s Prayer resource!
There is truly life changing power in prayer. Thank you so much for this reminder. Blessings to you.
I love thinking of this as a framework. God wasn’t giving us a script to follow for Him as much as a model to help us remember the key things to pray that will help us!
The summer I traveled cross-country with my family (with a tent!), I was a little worried about how I would maintain any kind of devotional life and also how I would sleep. God took care of both things by arranging for me to teach the Lord’s Prayer in a VBS the week before we left. All that truth about Jesus’s prayer was fresh in my heart, and I used that as a jumping off point each night in meditation and prayer–and sleep was not an issue!
Well hi there Natalie and Diana! How lovely to see you both featured here this morning. ❤️ Thank you for this post Natalie. What a great reminder of the power behind prayer! We pray without ceasing— bringing our every request before the throne— EXPECTING that God will answer, (even if His answer is a no.) And we can trust that His ways are always perfect!
This is wonderful! I love being directed back to the basics and being reminded that Jesus gave us a beautiful roadmap for praying to Him. Thanks so much for this!
Love the way you broke down the Lord’s Prayer section by section because it is so easy to recite and gloss over all the distinct pieces. “Keep it Simple” is a great strategy for adding any discipline to our lives, especially prayer.
So happy and encouraged that you featured my post here today 🙂 I pray many will be encouraged as well. Natalie explained the meaning of the Lord’s prayer so beautifully by breaking it down for us.
Blessings to you Lori and also upon Natalie 🙂
It has been ages since I’ve prayed the Lord’s prayer. Thank you for the reminder of how vital it still is. laurensparks.net
It is easy to take the Lord’s Prayer for granted, or think it is so simple. But when it is broken down and explained, there is such truth and reminders within it. Thanks for showing us the treasures.
How amazing is God’s grace that Jesus even taught us to pray in such a simple but meaningful way to the Father!
You are most welcome to drop by for a cuppa,
I cycle back to the Lord’s Prayer over and over in my own prayer life. It never fails to give me a fresh start when I feel a little stagnant in this area. Thanks to you both for sharing! Fall blessings.
Natalie, Thank you for breaking down the Lords Prayer into bit size easy to understand parts. I pinned it to my prayer board. Maree
So SO good! My Word Nerd Wednesday contributors and I have been taking The Lord’s Prayer word by word for the last several week, really digging into what we’re saying when we pray according to the model Jesus taught. Love the insights here! Blessings!
What perfect timing for you to read this post by Natalie! I just love how she broke it down, too! Thank you for visiting ♥
It’s so important to have constant communication with God. We truly are to “pray without ceasing” as we go through each day knowing that God is with us. We can talk to Him anywhere, anytime. I pray that He will help us to pray as He taught us in the Lord’s prayer. Thanks for sharing these thought! Blessings to you! I’m your neighbor at #Let’sHaveCoffee.
Hi Gayl, It’s so good to have you visit! I have missed you!
I have found what you said to be true; these things the church has us memorize (like the Lord’s Prayer) can become rote, but it’s on us when that happens. When I recite the Creeds, the Catechism, the 23rd Psalm, on and on, and let the words become my breath, soak in their meaning, their timeless truth and the masses who say them with me, it’s life-giving every time. I have loved discovering this. The breakdown of the passage was so good. I enjoyed this!
Thank you for joining us, Traci! I love how you say that … “let the words become my breath.” Amen!
This is very interesting article. I recently had the same ephiphany with the Lord’s Prayer and the power of this prayer. The revelation God gave me about this beautiful prayer hit me in such a personal way involving one of the most intimate parts of my testimony, my story.
I would love to hear that story, Amy! Is it on your blog somewhere?
This is a beautiful piece. I’ve known for a while how effective The Lord’s Prayer is, but for a long time I forgot this. Thanks for bringing this to my memory again.
I am so thankful it blessed you, Emy!