Yes! You Are a Miracle and Most Wonderfully Made!

Feeling comfortable in my own skin has been a lengthy process for me.

I was always tall for my age – strong and athletic instead of “skinny” and delicate. I loved the sparkly things in life while at the same time was happy getting muddy or jumping into athletics with the guys.

Even though the prospect of digging for worms or hunting for frogs to sell at our family bait shop excited me, a different vision of wonderfully made filled my head. Instead of being adventurous, strong, and independent, I longed to represent the damsel in distress. Somehow, it seemed far more beautiful. (Remember, this was a different time and place in our world!)

I longed to be a size 2 like many of my friends. Not wanting to tower over the other girls, I just wanted to be the same as them.

I didn’t get that I was a miracle and wonderfully made.

Do you want to feel more comfortable in your own skin? Discovering and then fully embracing that yes, you are a miracle and you are wonderfully made is what God wants for you. #wonderfullymade #hope #godslove #identity #lauriefeltjeans

Today, the world is a different place. By all appearances, girls are applauded for their individuality. We see athletic and plus-size models rocking the stages and screens. Yet, I wonder, are the affirmations reaching below the surface to the souls of our girls today?

My time in ministry has given me the chance to sit across from lots of young women. And then today I find myself getting another glimpse – one that comes through the lenses of my teenage boys.

And here’s the sad thing.

For all the progress our world has made in terms of women’s rights, girls’ soul-level knowledge of how wonderfully made they are is still far too often void. Women still fail to see their worth.

Women still fail to see their worth ... #wonderfullymade #momentsofhope #identity Share on X

So, where are we getting it wrong as a society? With all the awareness, all the fight, and all the efforts to bring equality to the forefront, why are our young women desperate to feel as though they are enough?

Laurie Felt Jeans are about you and your story. You are a miracle and are wonderfully made. Enjoy who God made you to be! #wonderfullymade #hope #godslove #identity #lauriefeltjeans

As a woman who has battled this very concept, I know where society went wrong. And I know we can’t solve this kind of thing with awareness and fight alone. It’s deeper than that.

Knowing our worth isn't going to be solved in whole with awareness and fight alone. The answer is deeper than that. #wonderfullymade #momentsofhope #lauriefelt Share on X

Long before time, God wrote our names in the Book of Life. He created us uniquely in His image. And He took the time to tell us in His Word that we are wonderfully made.

“I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.” Psalm 139:14 NIV

To understand our value, we must understand our Creator. It is then, when we understand and know our Creator, that we gain a new lens through which we can see ourselves. The images on social media lose their power over us and we begin to feel far more comfortable in our own skin.

In order to understand our value, we must understand our Creator. #identity #wonderfullymade #lauriefeltjeans Share on X

Distraction is one of the enemy’s favorite tricks. He distracts us from the truth because He knows it weakens our armor and puts distance between us and God.

The world with all its brokenness and pain pulls us away from the truth of how lovely we really are. We forget that God doesn’t do anything accidentally which means we weren’t created by accident. Our height, size, and features – all placed for purpose and all called beautiful.

Laurie Felt Jeans are about you and your story. You are a miracle and are wonderfully made. Enjoy who God made you to be! #wonderfullymade #hope #godslove #identity #lauriefeltjeans

Wonderfully Created

I know the sin of this world has tried valiantly to knock you down. Social media, Hollywood, and everything glitzy tell us what beautiful is. It is relentless in its pressure.

Broken people hurt you and evil finds a way to claw at your resolve.  But, sweet sister, you aren’t going to let evil win. You are going to kick the enemy to the curb.

I’ve written at length about several things we can do to fully learn about God’s love and our worth as a child of His. My heart has been to equip you with strategies like:

Replacing negative self-talk with Truth

Recognizing triggers that cause you to doubt and how to set boundaries around the root of those triggers.

Reading Scripture and tucking it deep within your mind and heart.

Praying bold prayers in the Name of Jesus.

I’ve created things like an email course I call Longing for More than the World’s Reflection, an online Identity Factor quiz, and a whole series featuring stories from other brave women who have learned how wonderfully made they are.

I pray today is a new day for you. I pray it marks the day you begin a new journey. One toward grasping the wonder of you!

Laurie Felt Jeans are about you and your story. You are a miracle and are wonderfully made. Enjoy who God made you to be! #wonderfullymade #hope #godslove #identity #lauriefeltjeans

I’ve come a long way in the journey to feeling comfortable in my own skin.

Although it’s a battle for which I must suit up in armor each day, I’ve come to a point where I have enough God-fidence to get in front of the camera to share these cute jeans from Laurie Felt with you! (Not to mention my word this year is laughter – so that means having a little fun 🙂 !)

Laurie Felt is a company that encourages the stories of women. The mission behind the company is to give us something that honors who we are – that honors our perfectly unique shapes.

We know that life has many ups and downs, and that each moment is a gift. We are a community created for, and by women, to connect with and learn from each other, as we all have something to share – and something to discover. We shine light on glamorous, everyday women with beautiful stories that can help us grow and discover new perspectives. And most importantly, we uplift each other — because when we feel connected, supported and inspired — we are truly unstoppable.

Because of what this company is working to build, I easily decided to partner with them on a campaign.

They even offer an online community of encouragement for women through the Heartfelt by Laurie Felt Facebook Group!

Graciously, they sent me a pair of jeans of my choosing in exchange for an honest review. And guess what! I loved them! They easily fit into the spirit of wonderfully made! Super comfortable, I can wear them sitting around writing (like right now) or in the stands watching my son play basketball.

The embroidery drew my attention and determined my choice. How fun it was to see they were stitched well and therefore washed without incident!

If you are looking for a new brand name in jeans – one that reflects your unique self and is made exceptionally well – I recommend checking out a pair of Laurie Felt Jeans!

Our Story of Hope

Surrendered Hearts: An Adoption Story of Love, Loss, and Learning to Trust is a story for anyone needing hope. It's for the one who needs to let go of something so that God will move them forward.

The Surrendered Hearts book is available on Amazon, Barnes and Noble,, and Redemption Press.

Don’t Miss Out!



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  1. I often use the word God-fidence. It’s something I’m trying to really share with my 11yr old daughter. She’s the baby of the family and even though I’ve been at this tween stage with my other children, it’s just a tough age. It’s a tough society and I most definitely want her to seek after God’s heart and soak in His love. I know how much I also need to run to the safety of God’s confidence. This was encouraging!

  2. I’ve struggled with feeling at home in my own skin also, Lori, but God is teaching me and I’m leaning into His unconditional love .
    Thank you for sharing your story–and your new jeans!

  3. “In order to understand our value, we must understand our Creator.” SO TRUE! I love that you pointed out how society is all about accepting women as we are, but there is something missing. We’re still focusing on the outward appearance. What a great reminder that our worth is not found in what society tells us or in what we think of ourselves. It’s found in our Creator!

  4. We women struggle to be comfortable in our bodies, to feel beautiful in the world. If only we could grasp our worth and identity in Christ it would give us power to fight our twisted identities and how we see our self. It is such a constant battle to remember our worth is not how we look, but whose we are. Thanks for reminding us to keep up the good fight and see our self through his eyes and not our own.

    Love your jeans. I would have picked the flowered ones too.

  5. Lori, if I had daughters, I would read this post to them. I agree 100%. Everyone, girls especially should be given the message that God made them exactly as He meant to. We should all be comfortable in our own skin since we were made by God. Great post!

  6. The jeans are precious and you look fab in them . Thanks for tackling a much needed message – one I relate to.

  7. You and I know this is quite timely. If women would remember that they are made in the Creator’s image and ponder what that means it may do wonders for their self-worth. But it takes time to believe and accept this. I wouldn’t mind partnering with Laurie Felt Jeans as they look fabulous on you.

  8. Lori, I’m currently doing a Bible study with teenage girls about comparison (using the stories of Rachel and Leah)…and this blog post is right on!!! I’m going to use it this Sunday!!!!

  9. You look fantastic in your new jeans. I love the pictures. Yes, I too struggle with comparing myself to others instead of being comfortable in my own skin. Blessings, Maree

  10. Lori, it was like God sent me to your post. This is something that I have dealt with for many years. Recently my 14 year old daughter has started having body image issues, and it breaks my heart. I am hoping we both can work through your course. Thank you so much for sharing this!