What I Wish My Younger Self Knew About God-Sized Approval

God’s approval is something different than the rest. It’s unique – even supernatural. More powerful than any other.

It’s God-sized.

It washes over our souls bringing with it a sense of peace for who we are and where we are going in this life. I wish I would have known that kind of approval long ago. Long before poor choices and long before I began to feel not good enough.

Seeking the approval of others? It's a never-ending game, isn't it? But, there's a better way. We can learn to enjoy the approval of God. Find out how in this wonderfully personal word today.

So you see, when Susie Eller, author of The Mended Heart: God’s Healing for Your Broken Places, gave us a prompt called  “A Letter to My Younger Self”, I felt compelled to let God work with me. I truly stand in humble awe of a God who wrapped me in His arms and delivered me from a crippling need for approval. It was a need that controlled my life and left my heart aching





Each week during this series, I have dug into some key areas that can only be fulfilled by the uniqueness of God. Today, my prayer is that my letter will touch your heart, encourage you, remind you that you are loved, and lead you right into the arms of our Savior and His God-sized approval. (you can catch up on God-Sized weeks one and two here.)

Because it is He alone that is capable of fulfilling our need for approval and drowning out the lies of the enemy.

To my younger self,

I see you, sweet girl. I see the unrest in your heart and the insecurity that lines your existence.

You don’t know who you are, do you?

You just have no idea of your worth.

Your eyes are continually wandering. Deeply examining the expressions of everyone around you. It is as if you are searching for something.


Sweet girl, I know that you are searching for approval in their eyes. In their actions. In their words.  You desperately want love, but to have that, you somehow believe that all you do and say must be perfect and approved of by those around you.

Frequently, I smile when I see you cuddle in so close to Daddy in his big lazy boy chair. You love those moments, don’t you? Because, when curled up next to him watching the evening news, you don’t have to look for his approval. You just know it is there. Especially in his arms, you feel reassured.

Of course, you know you are loved. They are moments that take you away from the hyper-vigilance of your days. The hyper-vigilant search for approval.

loved by your father

You know about Jesus, loving Him and never doubting for even a second His existence. You even feel His presence sometimes. But you don’t recognize it yet above the noise made by the turmoil in your heart. Going to church is one of your favorite things to do and because your mom so lovingly reads Bible stories to you each night, you know His commandments.

However, you are missing Him because you are searching them.

I understand.

Don’t worry.

I know you have a reason.

What a useless game – the chasing of approval. I am so sorry that there are so many who sense your weakness and take advantage of it. And you take it as an affirmation of your lack of worth.

The chasing of approval is a useless game #Godsized #series #hope #identity Share on X

When they hurt you, I wish I could turn your eyes off of yourself.

Sweet child, it is not you that is without worth. It is their sin spilling over onto your tender heart.

Oh, if I could only show you now to ease the ache of later. If I could only stop the moves you are about to make. Instead, you continue the relentless search in every corner and crevice of your life.






You never leave it behind.

It’s exhausting, isn’t it? Searching their eyes for their approval?

Work willingly at whatever you do, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people. –Colossians 3:23 (NLT)

If only I could say,

“Set it down.

Take your eyes off of THEM.

And put your eyes on the one and only HIM.

Then see your reflection.”

So God created human beings in his own image. In the image of God he created can you buy nolvadex legal them; male and female he created them. -Genesis 1:27 (NLT)

Take your eyes off of THEM and put your eyes on the one and only HIM #knowyourworth #identity #hope #series #Godsized Share on X

Sweetheart, the King of Kings, the Master of the Universe, loves you to the ends of the earth. He thinks you are absolutely wonderful and He even knows every hair on your head!

Oh yes, you shaped me first inside, then out;

you formed me in my mother’s womb.

I thank you, High God—you’re breathtaking!

Body and soul, I am marvelously made!

I worship in adoration—what a creation!

-Psalm 139:14 (The Message)

Above all remember, He died for you. Just because He loves you so much! Not for what you have done. But because of His unfailing for you!

He knows you have made mistakes. Some pretty big ones. But guess what? That is why He didn’t run away from the greatest act of love the world has ever known. God didn’t run away when He knew they were going to hang Him on that cross because He saw you. Your sweet treasured face …. and He would do anything for you. Our Father only asks for your heart.

In reality, God is not shaking His head in disapproval saying that you just aren’t enough.

Instead, He says the words spewed out of the mouths of those in your life, have no truth. They come from the enemy because he is the master of all lies.

… He was a murderer from the beginning and has nothing to do with the truth because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks out of his own character, for he is a liar and the father of lies. -John 8:44 (ESV)

Their words, their actions, the look in their eyes are not what matters.

Look up – Keep your eyes on God!

His Words!

His actions!

Please believe me. It is the only approval that matters. It’s an approval that will free you from the chains that hold you back.

God's approval is the only one that will free you from the chains that hold you back. #Godsized #tomyyoungerself #hope Share on X

Seeking the approval of others? It's a never-ending game, isn't it? But, there's a better way. We can learn to enjoy the approval of God. Find out how in this wonderfully personal word today.

As a matter of fact, it’s in the pages of His Book. His Word. His Promises. A love story for all time. It’s the approval you are longing for.

You won’t need to search their eyes anymore.

And when they say those things that cut you to your core, you will know that your God is bigger than all of them. It won’t matter anymore. You will be free to follow Him and do great things, leaving behind the chains of inadequacy.

With all my heart,

Your Older Self

A Prayer

Dear Jesus, I pray for each and every one of my friends reading these words today to feel the power of Your unfailing love. May they look away from the eyes of others and look instead to You. May they know Your Word and line their lives up in the safety of You. I ask that You fill their hearts and out of the overflow, they love themselves and others. Knowing their worth and their identity comes from You and only You.

When ugly words spew upon them, may they fall off into millions of irreplaceable pieces? Thank you, Jesus, for knowing us so well and loving us so big. Thank you for what You did on the cross to defeat the powers of the enemy for all time, so that we can not only have eternity with You but that we can live life to the fullest while here on earth! In Your precious and holy name, I pray. Amen.

Seeking the approval of others? It's a never-ending game, isn't it? But, there's a better way. We can learn to enjoy the approval of God. Find out how in this wonderfully personal word today.
The printable PDF version of this chart is available in the Library of Hope!

Catch the entire God-Sized Series!

Week 1 – Filling the God-Sized Hole in My Heart

In Week 2 – A God-Sized Hope to Conquer the Storm

For Week 3 – What I Wish My Younger Self Knew About God-Sized Approval

Finally, in Week 4 – Surrendering It All for a God-Sized Restoration

Before you go… Could you use some real HOPE today??

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  1. This is lovely in every way.
    Teaching today in my church’s day camp: John 6:35: I am the bread of life; he that cometh to me shall never hunger.
    He is real food and real satisfaction for the ache in our hearts.
    Thanks for getting me ready to teach truth today.

    1. Michele, I’m so honored that God chose my words to prepare your heart today! Yes, He truly is the real food and real satisfaction for that ache in our hearts! Thank you so much for stopping by and for your kind words!
      Blessings and smiles,

  2. Hmm I think I need to reread this a few times 🙂

    1. I pray God convicts you of this truth and that you hold it dear to your heart. You are wondefully made!
      Blessings and smiles,

  3. Beautiful words and inspiring. I just wanted to write a letter too! There is so much power in our words when we speak or write. Such an encouraging post. Leading me to look to my Abba Father, my refuge. Thanks so much for sharing this post in Words of Comfort Link Up. I’m blessed by reading it. I know others will be too.

    Tayrina from

    1. Tayrina,
      Thank you so much! Writing the letter was more difficult than I imagined. It evoked emotions I didn’t know were still in me! Yikes! I’m so thankful that God used it to encourage you! It is an answer to my prayers! And thank you so much for hosting #WordsofComfort! I look forward to connecting more in the future!!
      Blessings and smiles,

  4. What a beautiful letter to your younger self. If we could only realize at a young age that we are special to the King of Kings. Jesus died for all of us. He loves us with a perfect love. Thanks for sharing at Literacy Musing Mondays.

    1. Hi Mary,
      Thank you! You are so right … if only we could realize that at a young age!! Thank you so much for hosting #LiteracyMusingMondays!
      Blessings and smiles

  5. This is a struggle most of us face. A beautiful post and an great topic. So glad I’m linking with you today at #RaRaLinkUp.

    1. Hi Ginger,
      Thank you so much for stoppng by and for your kind words! BTW, I loooooove your email address 🙂
      Blessings and smiles,

  6. Thanks for sharing your post, and linking up with us this week Lori! We’d love to see you back for the Best of the Blogosphere link up next week!

    1. Thank you! I love hanging out over at #BestoftheBlogosphere!
      Blessings and smiles,

  7. This is a Beautiful post. It touches on things that I have experienced in life myself, and only found peace through my faith in God.

    1. Thank you for your kind words. I am so glad you found an affirmation that faith in God brings peace over all the yucky stuff in life. Sweet friend, you are worthy and you are wonderfully made!! Don’t forget it, k?
      Blessings and smiles,

  8. Thank you for sharing this beautiful letter Lori. You have encouraged my heart today.

    1. Aimee,
      Sweet friend, I am honored that God used my words to touch your beautiful heart! You are a treasure – priceless – and chosen by the King of Kings! Don’t forget it, K? 🙂
      Blessings and smiles,

  9. Thank you for sharing these words with us! What a great reminder of how we grow in Him through our years and how time has a way of changing our perspective through eyes of wisdom!

    1. Rachel, Thank you for stopping by and I am so thankful God used my words as a reminder for you!!
      Blessings and smiles,

    1. Crystal, Thank you! I’m so glad you stopped by. #livefreeThursday is such a great place!
      Blessings and smiles,

  10. So lovely! Thank you for your beautiful words. “You are missing Him because you are searching them.” So true for so many of us. Thank you for the reminder. Keep writing, sister. Your words matter. #livefree Thursday friend

    1. Kelly, Thank you so much for your encouragement and kind words! I’m touched that God used my words as a reminder for your heart! #livefreeThursday is such a great place to make friends and be encouraged! 🙂
      Blessings and smiles,

  11. This is so beautifully written and exactly what I needed to hear today. Thank you,

    1. Stephanie, I am so thankful God gave you those words today to encourage your heart! You are worthy – wonderful – a treasure! Believe it, sister!! 🙂
      Blessings and smiles,

  12. Honoring our youngest self, recalling her dreams, her imagination, her hopes, and God’s hand leading her, offers deeper understanding for today’s living. Visiting from Still Saturday…

  13. Thank you so much for sharing at #JoyHopeLive

  14. Beautiful words to teach us all of our absolute worth in the eyes of our Heavenly Father. Knowing it is with Him, in and through Him that we are who we are should always be enough. Blessed you shared this at The Weekend Brew.

  15. A beautiful letter, Lori. When I think back on my teen years, I wish I would have been more open to realizing the approval of some really didn’t matter. Thank you for linking up with Thankful Thursdays.

  16. Don’t we all wish we’re all wiser when we were younger? Never too late to learn this beautiful truth though. 🙂

    Very well written.

  17. Beautiful. I wish I could say so many of the same things to my younger self.

    1. Hi Daffny,
      Thank you so much. I know we cannot say these things to our younger selves, but I pray God gives us young girls in our lives to whom we can say those things! I’m so thankful you stopped by to visit!
      Blessings and smiles,

  18. This is so wonderfully written, I would have said some of those exact things to my younger self, though, my parents were always supportive. I shared this with my 15-yr-old daughter, it is beautiful, and better than what I could put into words. It made me tear up, in a good way.

  19. Wow. This hit home. Especially the part about searching people’s eyes, expressions for approval. I find myself constantly wondering what people are thinking…seems like if I look at someone long & hard enough, I’ll be able to find out. But I won’t, and you reminded me that the face I should be focused on is Jesus’ face! Thank you!!! XO

  20. Lori- this is beautiful! Lots of hurt surrounded my childhood, but I’ve began to exchange my pain for His promises! I can’t believe I’m amazing just because I am!
    Thank you for these reminders!

  21. dawnklinge says:

    Oh, wow…this was such a tender and sweet letter. The only approval that really matters comes from God. That’s a life changing thought. Thank you for sharing this encouragement today.

  22. What a beautiful and inspirational letter to your younger self Lori! Our approval isn’t in man but God and God alone! Yes! THank you so much for your words of inspiration and encouragment Lori!!! I love you girl!