He Fills Our Gaps

Hey friends! We have had a super busy month here in the Schumaker house! There’s been lots of fun and some not-so-fun, but combined, I have not been able to sit down to a regular schedule and write as I love to! I admit, I allowed myself to get all frustrated about not having the next post ready for my betrayal series, but then I was reminded of something. Writing and blogging is about God and how He wants to use me. Yes, He put this message of healing from betrayal on my heart to encourage and love on others, but He can also encourage and love on you through my chaos! And I believe every Mama out there knows chaos, and knows it WELL!

So, today, my message is peace in letting go. Being confident in God’s timing. Being confident in the fact that He will fill our gaps. We can’t control much in life. We can work diligently and do the best with what He has given us, but beyond that, we have to set it down and know that it will be okay even if we didn’t finish the to-do list.

I didn’t finish my to-do list this week, but God gave me some precious moments to treasure. I’ll be back next week to pick up where I left off on the betrayal series! I’ve been doing a lot of research, questioning, and soul-searching on this one about revenge. It’s a loaded topic! Here are the links to the last few weeks and then I’ll leave with a few pics of our lots-of-fun moments! (I’ll spare you the not-so-fun, but would love your prayers!)

Week 1 โ€“ An overview. What are the 7 truths?

Week 2 โ€“ Guilt

Week 3 โ€“ Identity

Week 4 – Unconditional Acceptance (with a fun 17-Scripture printable)

And if you are new here and havenโ€™t gotten my companion journal to go hand-in-hand with this series, it is my thank-you gift when you subscribe to receive the weekly Searching for Moments post update.

Betrayal Companion Journal

Princess <a style=
http://laparkan.com/buy-sildenafil/ Jasmine costume and Frozen Elsa designed pumpkin” width=”600″ height=”400″ /> Our little Princess Jasmine with her Frozen designed pumpkin!
Swag Halloween Suit, Army, and Jasmine
Z’s “swag” suit and the Army L-man with their princess. KInd of like body guards, huh?!
She’s just a little bit loved ๐Ÿ™‚ This photo was their idea and not even mine!
John 3:16
John 3:16. My favorite of our 4 pumpkin carvings this year!
family photos
Family pictures! Our amazingly talented photographer suggested individual pics in each of their rooms! I’m so excited to see how they turn out! Look for a special post this month in honor of November being National Adoption Month!
basketball bedroom
I can’t wait to see how these turn out!

Dear Father, You are the God who reigns over all. You set the waters in motion and keep them under control. And because we know that You can do this, we know that filling our gaps is done with merely a breath. We don’t quite know why we want to carry that worry on our shoulders, rather than trust You with all that we cannot seem to accomplish on our to-do lists! But again here right now, we give those burdens to You and we trust You to fill our gaps beyond our wildest dreams! Thank you for the treasures You have given us and for opening our eyes to the moments for which we can be so humbly thankful. In Your precious name we pray. Amen.

Here are some encouraging places where I sometimes link up my posts! Stop by to visit me and these lovely ladies! Best of the Blogosphere Link-Up, Playdates with God, Monday Musings, #MeetUpMonday, #InspireMeMonday#WordswithWinter, Titus 2sday, Titus 2 Tuesday, Different Dream, #RaRaLinkup, #IntentionalTuesday#TellHisStoryFind Joy Everyday, Whole Hearted Wednesday, A Little R and RWonderful Wednesdays, #ShareWithMeHolley Gerth’s Coffee for Your HeartSuzie Eller’s Live Free Thursday, Thankful Thursdays, Hearts for Home, Grace and TruthFaith Filled Friday, Fellowship Fridays, #DanceWithJesus,#FaithNFridaysThe Weekly BrewSaturday Sharefest, Still Saturday, #GiveMeGrace, Small Victories SundaysSharing His Beauty Link-up, Reflect His Love and Glory, Friendship Friday, Imparting Grace, Totally Terrific Tuesday, Women with Intention, Wise Woman Link-up, Faith and Fellowship,  Wedded Wednesday, #Waywow, and Worshipful Wednesdays

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  1. Your Halloween looks fund!
    I love to read about letting go. We all need it.

    1. Hi Lux,
      It was so great to see you visiting again! It really was good to let go. I even took it further and stepped away from the blog this week! Woah!