How to Get Unstuck in Life: Embracing God’s Call to Rebuild Your Tomorrow

Learning how to get unstuck in life often feels like trying to push through quicksand. But friend, let me share some life-giving hope with you. It’s not impossible. When you partner with Jesus healing is always possible and moving forward is part of His promise to you.

Learning how to get unstuck in life often feels like trying to push through quicksand. But friend, let me share some life-giving hope with you. It's not impossible. Using Scripture from Zecharia, we explore God's will for getting on with the rebuilding our lives! When you partner with Jesus healing is always possible and moving forward is part of His promise to you. Join us for the series about healing and moving forward from the hurts, betrayals, and rejections in life.

Getting Unstuck or Living in Auto-Replay?

I love music; it’s food for my soul. Now, that doesn’t mean we all agree on the same music, but there’s one thing we all agree on: the annoying routine of radio stations replaying the same songs repeatedly! That song that was your favorite? Well, after 15 replays, it probably isn’t anymore!

The other day as I was flipping through channels in an attempt to find a song I hadn’t heard at least three times on our trip; a thought crossed my mind. (I know, I should have my playlist ready for these moments, but my brain just doesn’t always work that way!)

Those annoying replays on the radio aren’t much different from the replay of thoughts I too often let consume my mind.

You may know the ones I’m referring to … those not-so-good thoughts that go round and round. The ones that replay all the old storylines of heartache, failure, hurt, and betrayal from our past.

All of them serve one great big ugly purpose. It’s to steal our joy, hope, and peace. And it’s to keep us stuck where our purpose lies beyond our reach and our next steps frozen in time.


  • looking back
  • allowing the past more power than the present or the future
  • resigning to unfulfilled goals and dreams
A negative thought life leads us right into a pit of STUCK! So, start getting unstuck #betrayed #hope #overcomer #liveagain Share on X

A True Story of People Who Were Stuck

In the book of Zechariah, we find the Israelites disillusioned with the rebuilding of the Temple. They had returned from exile in Babylon 20 years earlier and although they knew what they were supposed to do, they were stuck. They couldn’t seem to overcome the obstacles and as their focus rested on all that had happened, they struggled to believe rebuilding was even possible. To rebuild the temple, getting unstuck was necessary. So God raised up the prophets Haggai and Zechariah to do just that!

Among the other nations, Judah and Israel became symbols of a cursed nation. But no longer! Now I will rescue you and make you both a symbol and a source of blessing. So don’t be afraid. Be strong, and get on with rebuilding the Temple! -Zechariah 8:13 NLT

He means it for us, too, because the business of getting unstuck is important.

He wants us to get on with rebuilding our lives instead of staying stuck in the pain of the past.

Learning how to get unstuck in life often feels like trying to push through quicksand. But friend, let me share some life-giving hope with you. It's not impossible. Using Scripture from Zecharia, we explore God's will for getting on with the rebuilding our lives! When you partner with Jesus healing is always possible and moving forward is part of His promise to you. Join us for the series about healing and moving forward from the hurts, betrayals, and rejections in life.

You, too, Can Get to the Business of Rebuilding

Friends, no matter what you have faced, are currently facing, or will face – a good day will come again. Please don’t miss it! Don’t get stuck running those replays and miss the good God has in store. His Word does not come back void (Isaiah 55:11) nor does He break His promises (Numbers 23:19). So, we can believe Him when He says He will rescue us and make us both a symbol and a source of blessing.

Your journey is unique, yet with God, you can walk baby step by baby step out of the past and into the future. You can stop the replay of the injustices that keep you stuck and begin to focus on the replays of all that is good and all that is possible. You don’t have to live your entire life in the past. And yes, you can move forward and be free of chronic stuckness!

I believe in you because I believe in the power of Christ in you!

The power of Christ in you is able to accomplish all things! #gettingunstuck #overcomer #betrayed #momentsofhope Share on X

So, each time you listen to the radio, I challenge you to let it serve as a reminder to ask yourself, “What storylines are replaying in my mind? The good and the possible? Or those that keep me stuck?”

9 Ways to Get Unstuck in Life

I know that feeling of being stuck – when your feet feel heavy and your heart even heavier. But take heart, because our Father has given us beautiful wisdom in His Word about moving forward, even when the path seems unclear. Let me share some grace-filled ways and actionable ideas to begin stepping into the freedom He has for you:

1. Rest in Your True Purpose

Remember what the Psalmist declared: “You formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother’s womb” (Psalm 139:13). Before making any moves, quiet your heart and remember who you are – a treasured child of God. Your true purpose flows from this identity. Like Mary sitting at Jesus’ feet, take time to be still and listen to His voice in your day-to-day life. Ask Him to show you what aligns most with what matters most to you. What you value most and aligns with God’s Word, will point you to your purpose.

2. Surrender Your Plans

“Commit your way to the Lord; trust in him, and he will act” (Psalm 37:5). Just as Jesus fed thousands with five loaves and two fish, He can multiply our smallest offerings when we place them in His hands. Scale back. Examine your current situation and release the non-essentials. This isn’t about doing less – it’s about making space for His more.

3. Embrace Your Season

Like the Israelites learning to gather daily manna, God gives us grace for today. Take an honest look at your current reality – your energy, your responsibilities, your resources. Remember that God’s timeline often looks different than ours. Are you trying to harvest what He hasn’t yet planted? Let His wisdom guide your pace and expectations. Then, let His wisdom determine your achievable goals.

4. Renew Your Mind

“Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind” (Romans 12:2). Sometimes we get stuck because we view our situation through the world’s lens instead of God’s truth. Like Peter stepping out of the boat, focus on Jesus rather than the waves of doubt. Each step forward, however small, is progress in His eyes. Spend time in daily meditation on His Word. Pick specific Bible verses, find a quiet place, and read them several times.

5. Find Holy Rest

Jesus often withdrew to quiet places to pray, showing us the sacred rhythm of rest. When you feel overwhelmed, follow His example. Find rest physically, mentally, and spiritually. Take a prayer walk, sit quietly with Scripture, or simply breathe in His presence. Remember that even in the stillness, God is working – just as He works in the silence between planting and harvest.

6. Build a Trusted Community to Support Growth

“For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them” (Matthew 18:20). God designed us for community, just as the early church supported one another. Share your heart with trusted friends who can pray with you and speak Truth over your situation. Sometimes the very breakthrough we need comes through the loving encouragement of fellow believers.

7. Capture Your Thoughts in His Truth

I know those defeating thoughts that play on repeat – I’ve walked that path too. But our Father has given us the most powerful tool for breaking free: “We take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ” (2 Corinthians 10:5). When lies whisper that you’re stuck or beyond hope, pause and wrap those thoughts in His truth. Replace “I’ll never change” with His promise that He’s doing a new thing (Isaiah 43:19), and “I’m too broken” with the beautiful truth that His power is made perfect in our weakness (2 Corinthians 12:9). Like David gathering stones before facing Goliath, collect these precious promises in your heart. Watch how each small act of choosing His truth becomes another step toward the freedom He has for you.

8. Stop Procrastinating and Go

Procrastination can feel like a comfortable companion, but it often becomes a chain that keeps us stuck. Jesus consistently called people to move forward after encountering Him – remember the man at the Pool of Bethesda? After 38 years of waiting, Jesus didn’t just heal him; He commanded, “Get up! Pick up your mat and walk” (John 5:8). That same gentle but firm call echoes to us today. Whether it’s fear, overwhelm, or an unhealthy habit holding you back, stop talking about what needs to change and take that next step. Even a small one moves you forward on God’s path for you. Be a decision-maker! His grace meets us both in our planning and in our going. Then celebrate the small victories, as they will build momentum and confidence. Use each step as forward momentum that will build a bridge to hope, healing, and new tomorrows.

9. Focus on What You Can Control

When life feels overwhelming, remember how Jesus approached feeding the five thousand. He didn’t tell the disciples to solve world hunger or even to feed all of Israel; He simply asked, “What do you have?” When they brought those five small loaves and two fish – the little that was within their control – Jesus multiplied it beyond imagination (Matthew 14:17-19). The same invitation extends to us today. Instead of trying to fix everything at once, or the things we cannot control, focus on what’s in your hands right now. Maybe it’s organizing one small corner of your home, reaching out to one friend, or spending fifteen minutes in prayer. Trust that as you faithfully steward these small areas, God will multiply your efforts in His perfect timing and way.

Beloved, remember that being stuck is not your story’s end – it’s often God’s beginning. Like Joseph in prison or David in the wilderness, these seasons of waiting can become sacred spaces where God shapes our hearts and prepares us for what’s ahead.

Take a deep breath. Release the pressure to figure it all out at once. Your Father sees you, loves you, and is already working in ways you can’t yet see. Trust His timing, lean into His presence, and watch how He makes a way where there seems to be no way.

What small step is He inviting you to take today? Sometimes the very act of reaching out to share your story becomes the key that unlocks your next chapter of freedom. Yes, friend, you can be a decision-maker!

Trust the Process of Rebuilding

When Zechariah prophesied to the people rebuilding the temple, they were stuck in a place of discouragement and defeat. What they saw before them seemed impossible – ruins where a glorious temple once stood, rubble where worship once rang out. But God’s message through Zechariah was clear: “‘Not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit,’ says the Lord of hosts” (Zechariah 4:6).

You see, rebuilding after life’s devastations isn’t a spectator sport. While the people wanted to sit and mourn what was lost, God called them to pick up their tools and begin again. Yes, God is sovereign, and yes, He could have snapped His fingers and instantly restored the temple. But He invited them – just as He invites us – into the sacred work of rebuilding, allowing us to participate in our own restoration story.

Notice how God didn’t just give Zechariah a vision and then leave the people to figure it out alone. He provided everything they needed: leadership through Zerubbabel, encouragement through the prophets, and most importantly, His Spirit to empower their work. This is what partnership with God looks like – bringing our willingness to His wisdom, our hands to His enabling.

Will you make mistakes along the way? Probably. Will some days feel like you’re sorting through more rubble than raising new walls? Almost certainly. But just as God guided the temple’s reconstruction stone by stone, He promises to direct your paths (Proverbs 3:5-6) – not just despite your stumbles, but sometimes because of them.

Keep going. Your rebuilding story isn’t just about restoring what was lost – it’s about discovering the new thing God wants to create in you today. After all, the second temple might not have matched the glory of Solomon’s temple, but it was the one Jesus would walk into. Sometimes God’s rebuilding work in our lives looks different than we expect, but it’s always perfectly suited for His future purposes.

A Prayer to Get Unstuck

Dear Jesus, You are the mighty rebuilder of all things. You make all things new, including our lives. Lord, I ask You to purify us as we walk through the fire. Purify us and make us like gold. Remove our fear and replays of the past wrongs done to us and the wrongs we have done ourselves, replacing them with Your courage and Your hope. Move us to get on with the rebuilding of our lives so that our storyline will point to Your might, power, and love. May we each begin to replay Your truth that is filled with our hopes and dreams. May we each walk in a way that glorifies You and brings hope to those lost in the “stuck” of the past. In Jesus’ Name, I pray. Amen. 

Learning how to get unstuck in life often feels like trying to push through quicksand. But friend, let me share some life-giving hope with you. It's not impossible. Using Scripture from Zecharia, we explore God's will for getting on with the rebuilding our lives! When you partner with Jesus healing is always possible and moving forward is part of His promise to you. Join us for the series about healing and moving forward from the hurts, betrayals, and rejections in life.

I will bring that group through the fire and make them pure. I will refine them like silver and purify them like gold. They will call on my name and I will answer them. I will say, “These are my people,” And they will say, “The Lord is our God.” Zechariah 13:9

Join Me for the Series!

When People Hurt You: Rising Above the Emotional Pain of Rejection and Betrayal is a series that looks into the Word of God as a guide to not just surviving but rising victoriously over hurt. Each week I address a new aspect of rejection and betrayal that serves to keep us stuck in the pain rather than moving forward to where we want to be.

Want to Read all the Posts In the “When People Hurt You” Series?

  1. 7 Powerful Truths You Need to Help You Overcome Betrayal and Rejection
  2. How Do You Get Over Betrayal, Rejection, and Toxic Guilt?
  3. Escaping the Victim Triangle: What to Choose When Someone Hurts You
  4. 5 Powerful Faith Quotes for When Life Is Not Fair
  5. Choosing Forgiveness Over Revenge: A Prayer for Forgiveness
  6. Building Inner Strength: How to Transform Your Pain into a Powerful Way Forward
  7. Getting Unstuck: Letting Go of the Past and Choosing to Live Again
  8. Finding Jesus in the Broken Church: Building a Healthy Relationship With Your Church Community

Also, I’ve created a Scripture Based Journal and Growth Guide that corresponds to each weekly devotional post allowing you to go deeper and make each lesson more meaningful. It allows you to get unstuck and deal with the rejection and betrayal holding you back.

This journal along with a set of printable Scripture Cards to give you hope is now in the Library of Hope! If you have already subscribed to our community, jump on over and grab your copy! If you haven’t subscribed, what are you waiting for? 🙂 Just use the form below for your access to the Library of Hope and this journal!

Join me for the series and get both your Journal and Growth Guide PLUS set of printable Scripture Cards! When People Hurt You: Rising Above the Emotional Pain of Rejection and Betrayal #ScriptureJournal #EmotionalPain #Godslove Share on X

You can find me regularly linking up with these encouraging sites.

The Unfair Task of Making God Priority Over Your Mate

by Beth Steffaniak of Messy Marriage

Before I go, please try to visit Beth and leave some #MomentsofHope comment and sharing love!

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  1. I read Fixing a Broken Record by Amena Brown early this year, and your thoughts here remind me of her message. We get stuck, just like a needle on those old vinyl records, and our repetitive looping doesn’t make sense, but we can’t get the needle to move on our own. Thanks be to God for His new Message of Hope and Peace based in Truth.

    1. I remember the old vinyl records and how annoying it was when I couldn’t get the music to finish playing what I wanted to hear and instead repeated the same things again and again. Love that there is a book on this! Thanks, friend, for joining me here ♥

  2. Thank you for sharing that tidbit about Zechariah and the Israelites being stuck and God being intentional with getting them unstuck.

    I’m in a similar position trying to push past stuck to do a thing God wants me to do.

    “Don’t be afraid. Be strong and get on with the thing I (God) said” is what I’m carrying with me.

    Thank you Lori

    1. Praying for you, Koki! That hand-in-hand with God you step into exactly where He wants you!

  3. Sometimes I forget that I don’t have to listen to these loops of negative thoughts. Recently, I wrote about a trick (from the 80’s no less!) that showed me that I don’t have to keep listening! So grateful for reminders like yours to change the soundtrack!

  4. Yes! Such great truth! I love how you took the ordinary of listening to music and saw wisdom in that. Thanks for sharing this!

    1. Thanks, Emily ♥ We spend more hours in the car sometimes than a truck drivers! lol! But God gives us stories to share no matter where we find our lives. Thank you for joining me here. You are a blessing!

  5. Great analogy today Lori,
    I have a replay on a loop in my thoughts in the last few months, since starting up blogging in January;
    “Only one earth life,
    Soon it will pass,
    Only what’s done for Jesus will last!”

    It was above our blackboard at Bible College all those years ago.
    Remember you’re welcome to drop by for a cup of inspiration anytime,

  6. That’s a great way to remember to examine our thought lives. I’m going to be thinking about that. Thanks for sharing and hosting!

  7. Rebecca Jones says:

    I hate those horrible loops of broken records that scratch away in my head, sometimes, it’s nice to sit at the Dairy Queen and listen to oldies, the closed the A&W, it had a jukebox.

    1. Hi Rebecca, What a fun memory you just conjured up for me! The Dairy Queen and the A&W!

  8. I’m just now getting notified that you shared about my post, Lori! How sweet of you! I’ve been distracted lately because we’re working on getting our house ready to put on the market and I’ve been taking something of a blogging break because of it. But I really appreciate the shout out, my friend! I hope you had a wonderful fourth!

  9. I love the radio analogy! It’s so easy to get stuck in replay focusing on hurts and injustices, instead of fixing our eyes on the great future that we are assured of in Christ. The enemy will try to keep us looking backward to prevent us from moving forward. God is more than able to take care of any injustice that we’ve suffered. Let’s leave the past with Him and walk confidently into the future with Him!

  10. Sometimes what makes us dwell in the past and not move forward is having obsessive compulsive behavior. This is a serious problem where our mind is so fixated on a specific thing, and it’s a cycle that is hard to break. A divine intervention would help in such situations.

    1. Very true. My sons’ both struggle with ADHD. One of them, tends to have obsessive compulsive tendencies with it. He is so diligent about his faith and developing healthy coping strategies, though. It is still something we work on consistently. I praise God He keeps helping us rewrite the narrative!