Building Inner Strength: How to Transform Your Pain into a Powerful Way Forward
Right from the start, I knew she was different. There was an inner strength about her that drew me in. Genuine love. A smile from deep beyond the surface. One that seemed to come from an overflow of authentic joy.
If you were to meet her, you wouldn’t guess the challenges and heartache she’d faced.
… Or maybe you would.
Because people don’t end up a good kind of different by living challenge-free.
What Does Inner Strength Mean and How Does It Impact Your Life?
Usually, it’s those who have faced the deepest challenges in life who live with the deepest levels of inner strength and authentic joy. It’s the pain of yesterday empowering them for tomorrow.
They have allowed God to work amidst the pain to make them stronger, braver, wiser, kinder, and more compassionate.
Friends, none of us stand in line to receive life’s challenges. Yet what kind of people would we be today without them?
Inner strength is the ability to go through difficult experiences in life and then allow those experiences to make them a good kind of stronger. A kind of strength that sees things through wiser eyes, deeper compassion, and a sense of knowing that a better day will come if you continue moving forward with the next right step.
Inner strength doesn’t become bitter because of the pain. It doesn’t hate or hold grudges. And it doesn’t cloud our vision so that we cannot make a healthy step forward.
None of us stand in line to receive the challenges of life. Yet what kind of people would we be today without them? #innerstrength #overcomer #hope Share on XThe Higher our Emotional Intelligence, the Better We Manage Our Own Emotions and Interact With Others as They Experience Their Emotions.
I love the description given at Mental Health America:
“Emotional Intelligence (EI) is the ability to manage both your own emotions and understand the emotions of people around you. There are five key elements to EI: self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation, empathy, and social skills. People with high EI can identify how they are feeling, what those feelings mean, and how those emotions impact their behavior and in turn, other people. It’s a little harder to “manage” the emotions of other people – you can’t control how someone else feels or behaves. But if you can identify the emotions behind their behavior, you’ll have a better understanding of where they are coming from and how to best interact with them.”
Mental Health america
Inner strength is conducive to a higher quality of life in our daily life
As we build our inner strength, we find that the obstacles in life do not take as much of a toll on us. We can weather the storms of daily life and keep our joy, hope, and peace intact. Anxiety doesn’t overwhelm us as often and we don’t let fear get in our way. For example, fear may convince us to stay on the sidelines of our favorite adventure or even simple moments with loved ones. But with inner strength, we do it afraid and continue to experience life to its fullest adding to our quality of life.
Inner strength leads to less negative emotions and more positive emotions.
Inner strength and gratitude go hand-in-hand. Together they help us look at the world in a positive light. We become searchers of good in an often upside down negatively influenced world. Remembering how we made it through the last obstacle in life and came out on the other side as a better person empowers us to know that with God’s help, we will do it again. Negative emotions will lose their hold over our hearts and minds.
“But the Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. There is no law against these things!” -Galatians 5:22-23
A Glimpse into Scripture, Jesus, and Inner Strength
“When a woman gives birth, she has a hard time, there’s no getting around it. But when the baby is born, there is joy in the birth. This new life in the world wipes out memory of the pain. The sadness you have right now is similar to that pain, but the coming joy is also similar. When I see you again, you’ll be full of joy, and it will be a joy no one can rob from you. You’ll no longer be so full of questions.John 16:21-23 MSG
In the Bible, we find story after story of those who went through extreme trials, yet they moved forward in faith. God used them to teach us about finding inner strength. He used their stories to give us the hope He knew we would need throughout time.
A common theme, though, is releasing bitterness. Joseph was left for dead and then sold into slavery by his brothers. Job lost everyone and everything he ever had. David was under threat of death for years by Saul. Mary was looked upon as impure and whispered about in her community. And then she watched her son be tortured and die on a cross. Paul was imprisoned and tortured.
None walked in bitterness. They grieved. They experienced sorrow and then they surrendered that pain and sorrow over to God. And finally, they took the next right step forward.
When I look at my past, I see where the pain that once nearly destroyed me has become the glue of my inner strength today. That pain lead me to experience the all-encompassing love and redemption of God. You see, it was when I came to the end of me that I truly called out to Him.
At my lowest, as the world seemed to say I was a mess and unworthy of accomplishing the dreams of my heart, I met Jesus in a way I never had before. He stepped in and pulled me out of my mess, teaching me who I am – in Him
And He began constructing the deepened layers of my inner strength.
What happens when we seek Jesus to experience healing? What happens when bitterness does not take root?
In his book, Sometimes You Win Sometimes You Learn, John Maxwell says,
“Everyone experiences loss, but not everyone learns from it.”
John Maxwell
He explains that learning is something that happens when we make the intentional and disciplined effort to evaluate our losses. In the same book, Coach John Wooden wrote in the foreword:
“There is a marked difference between the people who learn from their losses and the people who do not. Do you want your spirit stuck in the infirmary, too battle-weary for another try? Or do you want to seize the opportunity to study, evaluate, and reconsider what happened – and use that knowledge to arm yourself for another charge at life?”
Coach John Wooden
When we look betrayal in the eye and say, “I will grow from this,” we disarm the powers of darkness and defeat the intent of the betrayer. We rise as victors who keep hope alive. And we believe that on the other side of this hurt lies a healed heart and a newfound joy. When we experience healing, in the broad sense, personal growth happens in a multifaceted way. keep hope alive. And we believe that on the other side of this hurt lies a healed heart and a newfound joy.
When we look betrayal in the eye and say -I will grow from this -we disarm the powers of darkness and defeat the intent of the betrayer. #innerstrength #redeemer #hope #overcomer Share on XSo How Do we Experience Healing and Get to That Place of Inner Strength and Bravery?
For me, it was diligence. Intentionality. Engaging deeply in His word. Reading. Counseling. Support. And lots of tears. But, friends I made it to the other side and so did the friend I mentioned before. We found the victory of inner strength.
I know you can make it there, too.
You can make it to where the view is clear. Where you can see the other side of hurt and gain wisdom, inner strength, and compassion. Your story and learnings are unique. However, I believe there are some powerful lessons we all need to learn. Ones that we all have in common.
Below are 14 powerful statements of inner strength. Affirmations of truth to speak boldly over your life.
So, read these statements, or affirmations. But not quietly to yourself. Read them out loud – with boldness. Really! I’m not joking! Go to another room if you have to, but do it!
Did you read them aloud … boldly?
Didn’t those statements sound STRONG? Empowering? Filled with HOPE? Unveiling HOPE?
Now print this list and read it often. Own these truths.
Friends, this list is just the beginning. I know you are warriors and have walked through deep waters of hurt gathering lessons and insights far beyond what I have here. I would love for you to share more in the comments below. Your story – your particular insight – may be the one God uses to speak into the life of another.
Additional Resources to Build Inner Strength
- I have several resources on my website to help you lean into Jesus as your healer. Some resources are in the many series available about overcoming hurt, surrendering our lives to God, embracing the unfailing love of God, unveiling hope, and discovering your identity in Christ.
- I recommend Christian counseling and/or coaching. Christian Counseling has been a powerful tool in my life that has helped me heal from difficult times and experience a deep sense of inner strength, peace, and hope. Sometimes it’s the simple conversations that are common sense, but because we are so caught up in the emotions of the situation, we can’t see it until we talk through it with a professional. With your counselor or coach, you can establish future goals and celebrate the baby steps of your healing journey.
A Prayer to Build Inner Strength and Transform Pain into Power
Dear Jesus, Your promises are numerous and never unfulfilled. You love me beyond measure and promise to work all things together for the good of those who love You.(Romans 8:28) Therefore, I know that You will take my pain, my hurt, and the betrayals that have threatened to stop me in my tracks and work them together for a good. Lord, I ask You to be my strength and my wisdom as I walk through in obedience to the other side of this difficult situation. Give me hope — a glimmer of light to come at the end of this tunnel. Lord, You promise to light up my darkness, so I look to You to light a lamp to guide me in the darkness. (Ps 18:28) Then, Father, walk me through until I come to the other side of this hurt. Until I see things clearly, learn lessons, and develop the inner strength You will use to make me who You want me to be. I praise You for the work You are doing in me so that I may experience more and more peace, joy, and hope in and through You. In Your Precious Name, I pray. Amen.
Join Me for the Series!
When People Hurt You: Rising Above the Emotional Pain of Rejection and Betrayal is a series that looks into the Word of God as a guide to not just surviving but rising victoriously over hurt. Each week I address a new aspect of rejection and betrayal that keeps us stuck in the pain rather than moving forward to where we want to be. If you missed a post, then you can get caught up using one of the below links.
Want to Read all the Posts In the “When People Hurt You” Series?
- 7 Powerful Truths You Need to Help You Overcome Betrayal and Rejection
- How Do You Get Over Betrayal, Rejection, and Toxic Guilt?
- Escaping the Victim Triangle: What to Choose When Someone Hurts You
- 5 Powerful Faith Quotes for When Life Is Not Fair
- Choosing Forgiveness Over Revenge: A Prayer for Forgiveness
- Building Inner Strength: How to Transform Your Pain into a Powerful Way Forward
- Getting Unstuck: Letting Go of the Past and Choosing to Live Again
- Finding Jesus in the Broken Church: Building a Healthy Relationship With Your Church Community
Also, I’ve created a Scripture Based Journal and Growth Guide that corresponds to each weekly devotional post allowing you to go deeper and make each lesson more meaningful.
This journal along with a set of printable Scripture Cards to give you hope is now in the Library of Hope! If you have already subscribed to our community, jump on over and grab your copy! If you haven’t subscribed, what are you waiting for? 🙂 Just use the form below for your access to the Library of Hope and this journal!
This Week’s Featured #MomentsofHope Writers
This week I want to share with you a group of blogging buddies and real-life friends who write about Jesus, hope, healing, and all the goodness that is found in Him! I know their content will encourage you!
Deb Wolf of Counting My Blessings
Dawn Klinge of Above the Waves
Nicki Schroeder of Showered in Grace
Marva Smith of Sun Sparkle Shine
Melanie Redd of
Carmen Brown of Married by His Grace
You can find my linking up to these encouraging blogs.
Thank you for this post, Lori. We’ve been told that trusting God, knowing He’s still in control, in spite of everything that has happened gives that perfect peace that passes all understanding. Blessings to you.
The ” pain that once nearly destroyed me has become the glue of my inner strength today.”
And this is my story as well, and what a joyful thing to realize that God wants to do a great work in our lives through ALL the things we endur by His power.
Lori, I’ve been on that same journey of suffering and spiritual growth. Everything you write here rings with truth. Sharing on Twitter and Pinterest. By the way, I love the new look of your site (the old look was pretty amazing too!).
Your site looks amazing! I love it. Thank you for mentioning the Summer Sizzle Blog Hop. Love you friend!
This was a great reminder for me. I so fear hardship in the form of losing someone close to me, so I loved this reminder that we grow the difficult times.
LOVE the new look Lori!! And great message too! Don’t we all struggle with this, from time to time? Good reminders for us all!
Powerful words, indeed. Thank you, Lori.
Oh, Lori, you know how I get this! You know my story! And you spoke so much truth here. God is the only one who could have healed my brokenness and made the glued together pieces stronger than the whole could have ever been. Beautiful series!! Thanks for mentioning our Summer Sizzle!! Blessings and Hugs!!
Even though I wish it weren’t so, I know this is true: “Because people don’t end up the good kind of different by living challenge-free.” Those hardships can help grow us into the kind of people that God wants us to be. Thanks for the encouragement here, Lori.
God loves everyone, but I struggle with the: what if the Word just doesn’t work on everyone. Only the Father knows who are His. All I can do is share the Word. This series looks great. Only Jesus can heal our brokenness. Thanks for hosting!
Thank you sweet Lori for this post ! God has been so compassionate and speaking life and strength is so important .
I am specifically drawn and blessed by your prayers . Thank you so much for the mention of the Summer Sizzle as well.
Stay blessed my dear friend
Yes, we have a choice to listen to which voice; that of God’s truth about who we are in Him or the self doubt, defeating lies of the enemy…
I choose God’s truth, I am His daughter, He is my inner strength…
I’m so glad that i found your side, it speaks to me. im looking & praying for a closer walk w my Lord again. i been praying for ever already for healing in my body , im in pain 24/7,even w/ medication. But you give me hope I’m in rehab now for a broken hip surgery for therapy. In 2 days i/m to be 71. Please you all pray for me so i can go home pretty soon. I will keep praying for you too. Keep us all uplifted w/your great blog. Thank you in the name of Jesus. gisela
Hi Gisela, I am thankful God lead you here as well. I pray He will use the words and resources here to draw you in and that you will feel even more His love, warmth, comfort, and hope as you recover. I am praying for you as well – for a speedy recovery without complications and for your spirits to stay strong and filled with the joy of the Lord!
Blessings to you,
I came across this series after writing about walking through the most heart-wrenching experience in church. As I am looking for places to share the post the Lord led me here. I am so thankful for the heart attitude here not focusing on the hurt but rather encouraging those hurt to draw near to Christ for healing. While my circumstances are probably not exactly as your experience I am comforted and reminded that this is one of our missions as described in 2 Corinthians 1:4
Hi Jolena,
Welcome! I’m so glad you are here. I am also so very sorry for the hurt you have experienced in church. I hope you come back to my weekly link up and share your posts. We would all love to have you! Blessings to you,