How to Find Courage to Trust God in Prayer

Finding the courage to trust God isn’t a simple ask-and-receive. I think it’s because of the battle our soul fights with our fleshly nature. You may pose arguments to this statement, but I believe that no matter how flexible of a person we are, something within us longs for control. When we ask God for that courage, He does give it. Yet, it takes daily work from us. A commitment to living surrendered.

I am honored to welcome my dear friend and brilliant writer, Dawn Klinge, to the blog today. She is sharing with you answers to fighting the battle of trusting God. And she’s sharing with you her beautiful new book, Sorrento Girl, in which the main character, Ann, lives out a lesson in learning to trust God.

“The homily that day was on asking God for guidance and wisdom when making decisions. What if she prayed about her questions? Could she still trust God if his answers were different from what she wanted?” -Sorrento Girl

It takes courage to trust God. It's not something that simply happens. But how? Dawn Klinge answers this question and shares her new Christian Historical Fiction Book, Sorrento Girl, with us. As Ann makes brave choices, she learns about trusting God and surrendering to Him. #historicalfiction #christianauthor #trustgod #livesurrendered #christianliving #christianfictionauthor #christianauthor

Finding the Courage to Trust God

Have you ever been stuck between a rock and a hard place? I think we’ve all been there. Or maybe you’ve been confronted with a choice you didn’t want to make—two different paths—both appealing—but neither compatible with the other. 

Perhaps you’re a follower of Christ, and you’ve heard that still small voice of the Holy Spirit, nudging you toward a decision. Sometimes that voice feels more like a thought that won’t go away, or it’s relevant scripture that keeps popping up whenever you open the Bible. And sometimes, it’s the repeated words of several trustworthy people, reaffirming what we already know. God is patient with us. When he wants to tell us something, he doesn’t give up. 

There have been times when I’ve felt the nudge of the Holy Spirit, but it was so quiet that it wasn’t difficult to sweep it away as something I was imagining.

Except deep in my heart, I knew. I knew, enough, that I avoided taking the question to God in prayer. Because I wasn’t sure I really wanted the answer. Have you been there too?

I sometimes don't pray the prayers I should because deep down I'm not really sure I want the answer. Have you done that, too? @dawnklinge Share on X

Sometimes it takes courage to pray—because we already know what the next steps will be. 

Surrender. Trust. Obedience.

There’s grace. I’m not alone. I don’t have what it takes on my own. That’s why I need Jesus and the good news of the gospel. 

We all do. Where do we find that courage?

“For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love, and self-discipline.” -2 Timothy 1:7 (ESV)

When we receive the gift of salvation, we also receive God’s Spirit. The Holy Spirit empowers us to find the courage we need to pray and listen to God’s direction. But also, He gives us the power, love, and self-discipline to follow through on what He’s asking of us. 

When we receive the gift of salvation, we also receive God’s Spirit. The Holy Spirit empowers us to find the courage we need to pray and listen to God’s direction. But also, He gives us the power, love, and self-discipline to follow… Share on X

God can be trusted with our lives and our decisions because He loves us, He is all-powerful, and He is in control. When feelings of fear threaten to overwhelm us, we can remind ourselves of the attributes of God. The following verse is a good one to use:

“But this I call to mind, and therefore I have hope: The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.“The Lord is my portion,” says my soul, “therefore I will hope in him.” -Lamentations 3:21-24 (ESV)

It takes courage to trust God. It's not something that simply happens. But how? Dawn Klinge answers this question and shares her new Christian Historical Fiction Book, Sorrento Girl, with us. As Ann makes brave choices, she learns about trusting God and surrendering to Him. #historicalfiction #christianauthor #trustgod #livesurrendered #christianliving #christianfictionauthor #christianauthor
Ann’s Story of Learning to Trust

I recently wrote a book about a young woman named Ann Brooks, a college student in Seattle. Her story is related to much of what I’ve shared here today—and though it’s set in the late 1930s, the root of her problems are timeless. She needs to learn what true courage really means, and she needs to learn where the source of that courage is found. And finally, she will need to trust God with her plans. 

Ann has a calling on her life to teach. But when she meets Paul Lewis, an aspiring journalist, she’s faced with some tough decisions. In this historical romance, Ann is a relatable character. She’s someone who isn’t always sure of what God is asking of her—but God doesn’t leave her alone. He’s patient with her—and though it’s subtle—His Spirit’s nudging is evident throughout the story.  Set against a backdrop of coed life at the beautiful Hotel Sorrento, this fun story is packed with references that any history lover will enjoy. You can purchase the book in paperback, digital, and audio form from various retailers such as Barnes and Noble and Amazon

Get your copy of Sorrento Girl by @dawnklinge today! #historicalfiction Share on X
Dawn Klinge - Author of Sorrento Girl

Author Bio A graduate of the University of Idaho with a degree in elementary education, Dawn Klinge began writing online in 2005. She’s a  Pacific Northwest native who loves a rainy day, a hot cup of coffee, and a good book to get lost in. This wife and mom to two young adults is often inspired by true personal and historical accounts. Dawn is a member of the American Christian Fiction Writers Association. You can find her at

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